Press Room

SCIO briefing on development of industry and telecommunication in the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) | October 29, 2020

Guangming Daily:

What achievements have been made concerning China's major technical equipment in recent years? What can be called "new business cards" made in China?

Lu Shan:

Thank you for your questions, I will elaborate on the progress of China's major technical equipment during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Major technical equipment are connected to the lifeline of the national economy and national security, and they are generally basic and strategic products. The development of major technical equipment sector reflects the development capabilities and level of a country's manufacturing industry. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, we have made many great achievements.

First, breakthroughs have been made in a number of high-end equipment related to the national economy and people's livelihood. You may already be very familiar with the Tianwen-1 and BeiDou-3 satellite system mentioned in Mr. Wang's speech just now. Mr. Wang also mentioned the two polar scientific research ships, Xuelong and Xuelong 2, which both traveled to the Antarctic for scientific expeditions and research, and are the most advanced scientific research ships. There is also the offshore drilling platform "Blue Whale One," which is now the most advanced offshore drilling platform in the world, and successfully exploited combustible ice this year. In addition to those achievements in the arenas of sky, sea, and earth, there have also been breakthroughs in our processing capabilities. Notable examples include the five-axis mirror machine, which is an important tool for symmetrical processing, and equipment that allows for large-scale liquid-filled stretching of 15,000 tons of aerospace components, as opposed to the previous method of welding. Therefore, a large number of equipment has reached internationally advanced levels.

Second, as Mr. Wang shared with you just now, our high-speed trains now "go global," our nuclear power facilities "go global," and our satellites "go global." In addition to these, I would like to share with you an example closer to us. During the pandemic outbreak, many medical and protective materials "went global," and many medical devices have also successfully gone global. An example is the world's first two-meter-long total body PET-CT, developed by Shanghai-based United Imaging Healthcare, which has been used in scientific research institutions in the United States. In addition, some China-made CT machines, nuclear magnetic resonance machines and linear accelerators have been sold to more than 10,000 medical companies in more than 110 countries around the world. This shows that many of our "new business cards" have been recognized by people all over the world.

Behind these two aspects is the emergence of several internationally competitive leading companies. I can give you examples: rail transit equipment produced by CRRC Corporation Limited, shield tunneling machines produced by China Railway Construction Corporation and China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Corporation, cranes produced by Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group, Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.'s port machinery, TBEA's UHV transmission and transformation equipment, and high-efficiency and clean power generation equipment produced by the three power corporations of Harbin Electric Corporation, Dongfang Electric Corporation, and Shanghai Electric Group. The competitiveness of this equipment in the global market has been greatly improved. In addition to the rise of these suppliers of complete-machines and systems, we have witnessed that there are also a large number of enterprises involved in specialization, refinement, innovation, as well as "little giant" enterprises (medium and small-sized enterprises with great potential, leading R&D and boast good market shares) that are supporting from behind the scenes.

These are the achievements in major equipment made during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. We believe that with the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, there will be more and more "new business cards" that will benefit the people and be recognized by the world. Thank you.

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