Press Room

SCIO Briefing on achievements in transport during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) | October 28, 2020

Feng Zhenglin:

Thank you, Mr. Li. The 13th Five-Year Plan of civil aviation covers 14 indicators involving industry scale, development quality, guarantee capability, and green development. From the perspective of lists checking, these are likely to be completed. I will focus on three indicators that directly relate to people's lives.

First, the aviation safety indicators. Safety is the lifeline of civil aviation and we always place people's safety as a top priority in civil aviation work. We always adhere to a "zero tolerance" policy for any hidden dangers, focusing on safety work by improving "junior staff, groundwork, and basic skills," as well as intensifying efforts to improve our conduct. We vigorously promote a civil aviation regulatory model, shifting from a staff-things orientation to an organization-system approach, keeping an eye on system changes, and firmly sticking to civil aviation security. In the past five years, even as the industry's scale has been growing rapidly, the overall aviation safety situation has remained stable. The five-year rolling average of major accident rates per million flight hours is zero, which is higher than the safety target outlined in the 13th Five-Year Plan and also better than the world's average.

Second, the flight on-time rate indicators. Over the past five years, we have adhered to the principle of controlling total flight volume, strengthening our systems, and constantly strengthening control measures all the while. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the on-time flight rate increased by 14.65% compared to the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan period. Additionally, the national average on-time flight rate reached 80.13% in 2018 and 81.65% in 2019. In the first three quarters of 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, the number of flights was relatively small, and the on-time flight rate reached 87%, fulfilling the 80% development target set in the plan two years ahead of schedule.

Third, the target for air passenger turnover ratio. The 13th Five-Year Plan is a crucial stage for comprehensively strengthening the building of a powerful civil aviation country. We adhere to a guideline of making progress while maintaining stability for our work. We also adhere to supply-side structural reform and promote the high-quality development of civil aviation. The comparative advantage of civil aviation in the comprehensive transportation system has been further enhanced. In 2019, the civil aviation passenger turnover within the nation's comprehensive transportation system increased from 24.2% at the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan period to 33.1% today. This target has therefore been met two years in advance.

However, as for the overall planning goal, we should continue to work on one thing: improving the development of general aviation. According to the original development goal, 500 general airports and 5,000 general aircraft should have been built as well as 2 million flight hours clocked. At present, registered general airports number 313. If we add the number of airports currently undergoing verification and certification, the target could be met. However, only 2,777 aircraft have been built so far, which does not include UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). If UAVs were to be included, it would exceed the target. Again, fewer than 2 million flight hours have been achieved but if those of UAVs were counted under general aviation, this figure would have been exceeded. At present, the figure stands at around 700,000 hours.

That's all. Thank you.

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