Press Room

SCIO Briefing on achievements in transport during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) | October 28, 2020

Hu Kaihong:

Thank you, Mr. Liu. Now the floor is open to questions.


Mr. Li, this year is the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. We have noticed that many hard targets have been set in the transportation sector. How have those targets been met in the past five years? From the checking lists, can you report the various outcomes? Thank you.

Li Xiaopeng:

Thank you for asking. Regarding the checking lists, we have two. One list is the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, which refers to the transport section in the national plan and is composed of three hard targets. The second list is the 13th Five-Year Plan for the development of the modern comprehensive transportation system. This list has 24 indicators, of which four are mandatory and 20 are anticipated. On the whole, we have been able to accomplish the goals and tasks of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Overall, the mandatory targets of the national plan have been exceeded, the obliged transportation section targets have been fulfilled, and the anticipated goals have also been mostly fulfilled. Next, I will check the lists in detail. I'll discuss it in three parts:

In the first part, all hard targets set in the country's 13th Five-Year Plan will be exceeded. Among these three targets, the first is the mileage of newly built or upgraded expressways. The target set was 30,000 kilometers, but we have surpassed the target, building 31,000 kilometers. The second target was to increase the operating mileage of urban rail transit by about 3,000 kilometers. Over 3,000 kilometers have since been completed, also exceeding the target. The third target was to build or renovate 1 million kilometers of rural roads. By the end of September, however, 1.388 million kilometers of roads had been completed, and we're expected to exceed 1.4 million kilometers by the end of this year.

In the second part, four mandatory targets in the comprehensive transport development plan have been successfully completed. The first was to ensure administrative villages have access to tarmac and cement roads. That target was to provide 99% of administrative villages with such roads, and the figure now stands at 99.61%. Among these, 100% of administrative villages with the necessary conditions now have tarmac and cement roads. The second target was to ensure shuttle bus access to administrative villages. While the target was to provide 99% of villages with a bus service, now 99.38% of all villages have bus access. Among them, 100% of villages with the necessary conditions have bus access. The third indicator was that bus stations would be available every 500 meters in cities with a population of over one million. That target is at 100% and has been met. The fourth indicator was the reduction rate of the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents at a serious level or above. That target was 20% but we've managed to reduce the number of deaths by over 20%. Therefore, all these four mandatory targets have been fulfilled.

Third, all anticipated indicators have been mostly completed. They involve highway and waterways. The highway mileage target was 5 million kilometers, while 5.1 million kilometers have been completed. The mileage for expressways was set at 150,000 kilometers, with 155,000 kilometers being completed. The high-grade inland waterway mileage was set at 17,100 kilometers but 16,100 kilometers have been completed, for a completion rate of over 94%. Meanwhile, the target for building 2,527 coastal port berths of a 10,000-ton level or above has been exceeded, with 2,530 being completed. The operating mileage for urban rail transit was set at 6,000 kilometers, which reached 7,000 kilometers. The standardization rate for road freight models of 80% was also exceeded. The annual growth rate for container railway-waterway intermodal transportation was set at 10%, with an actual completion rate of 20% or above. Finally, the target for the digitization rate of basic traffic elements was 100%, which was met; the target for electronic toll collection (ETC) utilization rate for road buses was 50%, but actual completion was 70%, and the target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from transportation by 7% was exceeded for total reductions of 7.5%.

That's the indicators presented. Now I would like to invite Mr. Feng, Mr. Ma, and Mr. Liu to introduce the achievement of targets in civil aviation, postal service, and railways, respectively.

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