Press Room

SCIO Briefing on 3rd Digital China Summit | September 22, 2020


In recent years, the integrated development of the real economy and the internet, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) has been accelerating. Could you please introduce the progress in promoting the in-depth integration of informatization and industrialization? What new steps will be taken in the future? Thank you.

Xie Shaofeng:

Thank you for your question. The integrated development of informatization and industrialization refers to the application of new-generation information technology — such as the internet, big data, AI and blockchain — in the industrial sector. It serves as a "connection point," connecting the targets for developing the country into a manufacturing and internet technology-power. It also showcases the path of the new-style industrialization with Chinese characteristics. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the integrated development of informatization and industrialization. General Secretary Xi Jinping has, on numerous occasions, stressed that industrialization and the use of information should be integrated deeper. In recent years, China's integration of informatization and industrialization has entered a period of fast development where application, innovation and transformation have become priorities, and the manufacturing industry has become smarter and more interconnected with digital and information technology, which are promoting the fundamental changes in production models and forms of enterprises. The main achievements are as follows:

First, the integration of informatization and industrialization has witnessed remarkable achievements. In 2019, China's digital economy accounted for more than one third of GDP. As of this June, the penetration rate of applying digital R&D tools for enterprises reached 71.5%, and the digitalization of key processes hit 51.1%. Integrated development has accelerated the growth of the information technology industry. Given the impact of the pandemic, the revenue of software businesses reached 4.2 trillion yuan between January and July, marking an increase of 8.6% year on year. Software has been playing a bigger role in enabling industries to become more competitive and the economy to become more dynamic and intelligent.

Second, industrial internet platforms and applications have witnessed further development. In the wake of the pandemic, some enterprises have distributed their resources on industrial internet platforms, made flexible adjustments to their manufacturing facilities, and turned to producing other products in the fight against the coronavirus, so as to maintain supply chains. This has provided support for the control and prevention of the virus, as well as the resumption of work. At present, there are over 70 influential industrial internet platforms across the country, connecting more than 40 million industrial devices and providing services for over 400,000 industrial enterprises. In addition, more than 250,000 industrial apps can be found on these platforms.

Third, new models and forms of business continue to emerge. New business models, such as digital management, intelligent production, online collaboration, personalized customization services, and extension of intelligent services have become more popular. As of this June, the penetration rate of industrial e-commerce nationwide had reached 63%, and the penetration rate of entrepreneurship and innovation platforms for key enterprises in the manufacturing industry had surpassed 84.2%.

In the future, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, seizing the opportunities of the new industrial revolution, so as to promote integration between industrialization and informatization on broader, deeper and higher levels. Our priorities will be as follows:

First, we will accelerate the transformation of manufacturing processes and enhance the level of digital, networked and intelligent manufacturing models. We will continue to establish and promote the standard system for the integration of industrialization and informatization. The new generation of information technology will also be further applied and promoted rapidly in the manufacturing industry when enterprises implement the standards.

Second, we will establish multi-tiered and systematic industrial internet platforms, and further promote the industrial internet innovative development program, so as to foster cross-sector and cross-industry comprehensive industrial internet platforms, as well as distinctive and specialized platforms. We will increase efforts to turn the assembly line production model into a networked manufacturing model, and supply chains to supply networks.

Third, we will continue to foster and integrate new models, forms and industries. We will give full play to the exemplary role of pilot programs and promote the development of personalized customization services, industrial e-commerce, shared manufacturing and the gig economy.

Thank you.

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