Press Room

SCIO Briefing on 3rd Digital China Summit | September 22, 2020

Phoenix TV:

From digital Fujian to digital China during the past two decades, what experience and highlights can Fujian province share with us? Thank you.

Zhao Long:

Thanks for your question. Since the digitalization construction is under rapid development, I'd like to talk about some preliminary experience based on our practice, mainly in the following three aspects:

First, the vision and foresight of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee. As I mentioned previously, 20 years ago, the Internet and the computer has not been fully popularization, many people even didn't know what was the digital economy. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the strategy of building digital Fujian when he worked there, and also worked as the group leader to guide its construction. The group set construction targets for digitalization, network, visualization and intelligentization, and proposed a series of requirements to strengthen top-level design, resources integration, scientific and technological innovation, data sharing, and data security guarantee. Since then, 20 years have passed, and the statements made and requirements raised by the General Secretary are still important for us to follow in today's work. During the two decades, digitalization has penetrated into various areas, including the economy, politics, society, culture and ecology. From digital Fujian to digital China, from technological innovation to wide application, the leapfrog development of digitalization in China has fully demonstrated the vision and foresight of the General Secretary and the CPC Central Committee, as well as the profound connotation and scientific guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's thought of building China into a cyber power, which have provided us the foundation and guidance for the construction of informatization.

Second, digital transformation is the trend of economic and social development in the future. During the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) that closed on Sept. 9, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech. I was deeply impressed by one sentence that, "a new round of technological and industrial revolution in recent years has spurred a boom in digital technologies." Although we can't predict its final outcome, digital technology and digital application will certainly change our way of life and production, and even the shape of economic and social development, and profoundly impact competitive visions in the future. In terms of government management, the application of digital technology will further optimize business environment, enhance government services, and modernize the government's governance system and capacity. In terms of social governance, the application of digital technology will further optimize the distribution and effective allocation of public resources, transform the social governance model from the current one-way management to two-way interaction, from offline to online and offline integration, so as to greatly enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of our people. In terms of economic high-quality development, the application of digital technology will, on one hand, give birth to a number of digital enterprises, and promote the digital industrialization and development of digital industry and new infrastructures including artificial intelligence, 5G, industrial Internet, big data, cloud computing and blockchain. On the other hand, it will accelerate industrial digitalization, further change industrial forms, boost reorganization of production factors, and especially speed up deep integration of production and service, blur the distinction between production and service, and promote high-end, personalized and customized services. At the same time, intelligent manufacturing will emerge as a new force. Through digital application, enterprise production efficiency has been constantly improved, bringing about new industrial forms and modes such as smart factories and "turn-off-lights factories". It will further bolster leading industries, cultivate emerging industries, as well as promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

The third thing we have learned is that in this era when the digital construction is developing rapidly, the person successfully seizing this opportunity will gain the initiative in pursuing development. Digital technologies are advancing rapidly, digital applications keep emerging and industrial iteration is accelerating. Pursuing digital development and digital construction is like sailing against the current: you either forge ahead or drift back downstream. One either accelerates one's development or is quickly surpassed, left behind, marginalized and even eliminated. For example, optical film left the stage of history after the emergence of the digital camera which, in turn, was soon replaced by smart phones, indicating the rapid progress brought about by digital technologies. As a result, only those able to keep pace with the development of technological innovation and application coverage can gain the initiative in the fierce competitive environment. Learning from Fujian's experience, the key to promoting digital construction is to uphold the principle of government guidance, businesses as the major actors and market mechanism. Government should provide guidance for digital construction by constantly improving the rules and standards of information application management; stepping up policy incentives for technology research and development, transformation and application; accelerating distribution of new types of infrastructure; and building a favorable environment for the development of new infrastructure. Meanwhile, the government should further promote the orderly and open sharing of digital resources to provide general, high-quality and efficient services for MSMEs through various platforms. To rely on enterprises as the major actors is to stimulate their enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship. In the course of digital construction, enterprises should seek solutions in response to market demand, and then promote implementation. Meanwhile, we encourage digital enterprises to boost the scale and strength, promote the digitalization of traditional enterprises, lower the cost of resources and accelerate transformation to smart manufacturing.

Finally, to uphold market mechanism is to foster an open, fair and just market environment. We will step up our efforts in four areas. First, lowering institutional transaction costs; second, clarifying big data property rights; third, evaluating data resources to promote orderly transaction; fourth, guaranteeing data security. In my opinion, digital-driven development and digitalization are the order of the day. We should ride on the trend of the times, providing new drivers and making more contributions to the economic and social development of Fujian.

Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Please go on. The last question.

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