Press Room

​SCIO briefing on the efforts of China's armed forces in fighting COVID-19 | March 4, 2020

Hu Kaihong: 

Due to time concerns, please ask the last two questions.

Global Times: 

Some foreign military experts have analyzed that the outbreak of the COVID-19 may have an impact on the combat readiness of the Chinese army. May I have your comment. Thank you. 

Wu Qian: 

The military has been undertaking diversified missions such as disaster relief and emergency rescue. We should devote ourselves to supporting the fight against the epidemic at the local level, and act as pioneers and commandos for the prevention and control of the epidemic to safeguard the lives of the people. This will not only test the emergency response capability of the armed forces comprehensively but also strengthen the army combat readiness. During the epidemic period, the PLA adhered to the principle of fighting against epidemics without misgivings and without losing their combat readiness. They have made solid efforts to carry out all kinds of work focusing on war preparedness and to maintain regular training and good combat readiness. Thank you. 

Hu Kaihong:

And now the final question.


With the arrival of the team of the military medical teams in Wuhan, the military doctors on the frontline said during an interview that "the PLA pledges to protect people's safety." My question is, will the military medical aid team withdraw only after complete victory in the epidemic control battle? Or is there a coordinated timetable for the military and local medical aid teams to withdraw in turn? How will the work be conducted precisely? Thank you.

Chen Jingyuan:

Medical teams from many places across China volunteered to join the fight in Wuhan, and the PLA also sent teams of over 4,000 personnel. During the process of epidemic control and prevention, the people and the armed forces are united strongly as a fortress. As for the victory in the fight, we hold that we are now in phase-one of the victory and are still in the critical period. As for the work arrangements afterwards, we will make plans depending on the situation of the treatment and the epidemic.

Wu Qian:

I would like to add a quote from Chairman Mao: "If the army and the people are united as one, who in the world can match them?" Thank you.

Hu Kaihong:

That's the end of today's conference. Thank you, all the speakers and friends from the media.

Translated and edited by Zhang Liying, Duan Yaying, Yang Xi, Zhang Rui, Fan Junmei, Li Xiao, Guo Xiaohong, Mi Xingang, Li Huiru, Wu Jin, Lin Liyao, Zhang Junmian, Wang Qian, Wang Zhiyong, Wang Wei, Yuan Fang, Cui Can, Zhang Lulu, Yan Xiaoqing, Wang Yiming, Zhu Bochen, Huang Shan, Jay Birbeck, Laura Zheng, David Ball. In case of any dispute over a discrepancy, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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