Press Room

​SCIO briefing on the efforts of China's armed forces in fighting COVID-19 | March 4, 2020

China Daily:

We have noticed that since the outbreak of the epidemic, many foreign governments and NGOs have offered assistance to China. Have any foreign defense departments or militaries done so? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

China has taken the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures to fight COVID-19, actively engaged in international cooperation on the epidemic prevention and control in the spirit of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and made great efforts and sacrifices to prevent the epidemic from spreading worldwide. These steps have earned China widespread recognition, support and assistance from the international community. So far, the governments and peoples of dozens of countries have lent a helping hand to China. Leaders and heads of more than 170 countries and over 40 international and regional organizations have expressed their sympathy and support for China through phone calls, letters and statements. The Chinese people's strength, spirit and efficiency in its prevention and control of the epidemic, as well as China's image as a responsible major country have won widespread praise from the international community.

At the military level, by the end of Feb. 29, defense departments and military leaders from countries including Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Singapore, Indonesia, Iran, Tanzania, Serbia, the United States and New Zealand have sent letters of sympathy to the Chinese military. Military leaders or senior military officials from countries including Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Jordan expressed their sympathy and firm support for China in fighting against the epidemic through Chinese embassies. Defense departments and militaries from countries like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Singapore, Mongolia and Trinidad and Tobago have donated materials and money to China. Pakistan, Belarus, Turkey and other countries sent military aircrafts to deliver large amounts of medical supplies including face masks, goggles and medical protective suits to China. In addition, military attaches of foreign embassies in China and foreign military students studying in China recorded videos and sent letters of sympathy to pray and cheer for the Chinese people. Thanks to all this support and help, we can feel the warmth of spring amid this cold winter.

Chairman Xi Jinping has long advocated the great initiative of building a community with a shared future for mankind. According to Chairman Xi, countries around the world are now interconnected and interdependent to an unprecedented level, whilst humans live in a global village and shared space where history is blended with modernity. The world has become a community with a shared future where the interests of all people are closely intertwined. The coronavirus knows no borders. No one can stand aloof and no country can remain on the sidelines as public health security is a common challenge of human society. The virus is being transmitted today in this country and could be transmitted in another country tomorrow. We should stand closely together and cooperate to cope with the challenges. China and the international community have worked together to tackle the epidemic, demonstrating the efforts and achievements of all countries in building a community with a shared future for mankind. The Chinese character "人" [meaning "people"] is a mutually supporting structure. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Many countries and militaries have offered China sincere help and support as China combats the epidemic. Here I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them. China will actively carry out international military cooperation and work with the militaries of other countries to combat public security threats including the COVID-19 outbreak. We firmly believe that we will win the battle against the epidemic and usher in a brighter spring with the concerted efforts of the international community. This spring belongs to both China and the world. Thank you. 

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