Press Room

SCIO briefing on policies about encouraging employment of university graduates and migrant workers

China SCIO | March 1, 2020

CCTV News:

My question is for vice minister You Jun. CCTV News' netizens have shown their great concern about the employment of migrant workers. A meeting of the State Council discussed issues about expanding employment of migrant workers, increasing subsidies for their employment, stabilizing their posts, and widening channels to facilitate their employment in their hometowns or places near their hometowns. So how is the overall situation of migrant workers' employment? What difficulties are they facing in seeking employment? And what measures and plans has the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced? Thank you! 

You Jun:

Thanks for your questions! Migrant workers have constituted the major body of our country's industrial workers. In 2019, their total population reached 290 million, out of which 170 million worked outside their hometowns including 75 million not working in their home provinces. On the whole, most of them are front-line workers, showing great flexibility in their employment, which make them bear the brunt of epidemic. For that, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to their employment, and given instructions multiple times about the issue. We'll implement General Secretary Xi's instructions and promote employment of migrant workers on the premise of ensuring epidemic control and prevention based on the following six aspects:

First, support work resumption of some workers. At present, some enterprises in east China still face labor shortages. Meanwhile, many migrant workers are held up in their hometowns in the central and western regions. Therefore, we have set up one-stop point-to-point service channels to help those migrant workers from low-risk regions to be back to work in a spaced-out scale in succession via such means as chartered buses, chartered trains, or train carriages. 

Second, help recruitment. We'll continually carry out online recruitment activities, promote online interviews and recruitment by video, and organize targeted labor service cooperation, helping enterprises to recruit migrant workers. 

Third, encourage employment in agriculture. We'll guide returned migrant workers to participate in local spring farming, preparations for plowing and sowing, and construction of agricultural infrastructure; and encourage them to find jobs in new agricultural businesses. 

Fourth, encourage employment in major projects. We'll further tap the employment potential of local major projects, and encourage related firms to absorb local migrant workers and people in poverty. 

Fifth, support entrepreneurship. We'll offer online entrepreneurship training, service, and capital support for those migrant workers who know techniques and the market, encouraging them to start their own businesses. 

Sixth, create posts in public sectors. For those poor migrant workers who can't go to other places to find jobs for the time being, we'll try to create temporary public posts like cleaning, disinfecting, and epidemic prevention, to guarantee their basic living. 

Migrant workers' employment is closely related to economic development, social stability, and improvement of people's livelihood. We'll introduce a variety of measures and try our best to stabilize and expand their employment. Thank you!

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