Press Room

SCIO briefing on policies about encouraging employment of university graduates and migrant workers

China SCIO | March 1, 2020

China Review News Agency:

May I ask vice minister Weng, what services and help the Ministry of Education will provide to college graduates with employment difficulties? Will the Ministry of Education give special consideration to college graduates in Hubei? Thank you. 

Weng Tiehui:

Thank you for your question. To address the issue of special groups' employment, especially the special groups among college students, is a vital part of our work in facilitating employment of college graduates, where lies our original aspiration and bottom line. We'll take the following measures:

First, we'll increase assistance to key groups. We'll first collect information of graduates of special groups, for example those from poverty-stricken families or with disabilities, and provide targeted assistance and offer tailored service for each of them by classifying them into categories. Preference will be given to them in job recommendation. The Ministry of Education has always attached great importance to the employment of these graduates, whose employment rate is higher than the national average. This year's situation is special as we are confronted with multiple difficulties, we will sort out the information of these students and offer "one-to-one" help to them. We'll be bound to make sure that they'll have the right place and position when they graduate. 

Second, we'll increase support tailored for college graduates in Hubei Province. Compared with college graduates in other regions, Hubei students, especially those from Wuhan, should be given more attention. Affected by the epidemic, they may return to school later. These students are not only in colleges and universities of Hubei Province, but also scattered in all parts of the country. Accordingly, we require all colleges and universities to offer more humanitarian assistance and accurate services for the employment of these students, especially graduates. Prior to graduation, they need to complete their thesis and collect data for experiments and research required for graduation. All these are practical difficulties faced by them. Responding to these, we will create favorable conditions for them. The Ministry of Education has issued relevant documents, requiring the extension of oral defense of the dissertation and degree audit, in particular for students from Hubei and Wuhan. Degree committees generally reviewed and approved academic degrees in July in summer in the past, but this year it is required that the degree awarding institutions can increase the number of meetings of the degree committee and carry out the degree awarding by stages and in batches. 

At the same time, all university students in Hubei, especially those in Wuhan, will return to schools much later this year. The Ministry of Education will strengthen the preferential policy in employment, graduation, and other aspects, targeting these groups of students. We have been in constant contact with the Hubei Provincial Department of Education and will accord them more preferential treatment across a myriad of fields, involving the rural teaching support program, grassroot projects of the central government, the postgraduate enrollment plan, and more upgrading places for students with junior college diploma to undergraduate degree. 

We will also hold special online recruitment activities for Hubei colleges and universities as well as Hubei students studying in colleges of other regions. Now we are preparing and actively coordinating with employers to extend the recruitment time, postpone the physical examination time, and postpone the signing for admission. In this regard, we will continue to launch relevant measures to carry out targeted work, so that Hubei students and graduates in Hubei universities can stay assured. 

Finally, the service guarantee for all graduates will be strengthened. When leaving school, college graduates who haven't secured job posts by July can keep their household registration files in the school for two years according to the regulations. This policy is not a new one. It is reiterated this year that it should be supervised and implemented. If students do not find jobs before leaving school, schools will be responsible for keeping their files and providing them service so that they can continue to look for suitable jobs without worrying about these things. For those graduates who find jobs within two years, we require colleges and universities to help handle employment procedures in accordance with the regulations tailored for fresh graduates. Thank you. 

Hu Kaihong:

The press conference is hereby concluded. Thanks to vice minister You and vice minister Weng. Thanks to you all. 

In case of any dispute over a discrepancy, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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