Press Room

SCIO briefing on Xinjiang's stability and development | December 11, 2019

Associated Press of Pakistan:

In recent years, the global security situation has become increasingly complex, and pressure for fight against terrorism has increased. Could you please brief us about the current security and stability situation in Xinjiang? 

Shohrat Zakir:

Thank you for your question. So far, Xinjiang has seen no violent terrorist attacks for three consecutive years, with infiltration of extremism being effectively contained, social public security notably improved, and people of all ethnic groups living and working in peace. People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang understand that the peace and stability evident today did not come easy, and we all hope that this kind of harmonious situation will continue. Thank you.

The Global Times:

Will the Xinjiang regional government allow international human rights organizations, diplomatic envoys of Western countries in China, and foreign journalists to go to the region for interviews and news coverage? Thank you.

Shohrat Zakir:

Mr. Xu Hairong please answer this question.

Xu Hairong:

Xinjiang is a good place. People of all ethnic groups there are hospitable. We open our arms to welcome guests from all over the world. Confucius, the ancient Chinese sage, once said "it is such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar." As I said earlier, since the end of 2018, we have invited more than 1,000 people of more than 70 groups from 91 countries to visit Xinjiang. They have generally stated that what they saw and heard in Xinjiang was completely different from the picture being painted by some American and Western politicians and media outlets. We know that the Chinese diplomatic service has issued invitations to senior U.N. human rights officials many times, and currently maintains close communications with the world body. However, the American government and some other governments of the West continue to demand that China to allow U.N. officials to visit Xinjiang; on the other hand, they have pressured and interfered with the U.N. officials who have visited Xinjiang, including very senior people. I think this approach suggests a hidden political agenda.

Xinjiang is an open region. We welcome anyone from all parties and all countries to visit the region on the premise of respecting China's sovereignty, abiding by Chinese laws, and treating each other as equals. Thank you.

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