Press Room

SCIO briefing on Xinjiang's stability and development | December 11, 2019

China Arab TV:

What's your views to the "Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019" passed by the House of Representatives recently? Thanks.

Shohrat Zakir:

Thank you for your question. The so called "Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019" passed by the United States ignores and distorts the true picture in Xinjiang. It has neglected social stability and harmony, economic prosperity and decent living standards and the working environment for all ethnic groups residing there. It distorts, smears and slanders the human rights condition and the Chinese government's policies in Xinjiang, interfering in China's internal affairs in bold, rude and brutal ways severely contravening international law and the basic norms governing international relations. We believe this is an absolute hegemonic act that has aroused an immense reprimand and strong opposition of all ethnic groups in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. 

Over the past few years, Xinjiang was subject to the hazards of terrorism, religious extremism and secessionism. It is estimated that violence and terrorist attacks that claimed a great many innocent lives and caused colossal loss of fortune occurred thousands of times between 1990 and 2016. I would like to take this opportunity to show you a short video about it.

From this video, in particular, I believe you can gain a direct impression of the serious consequences of the cruel and violent terrorist crimes in Xinjiang. We, the government of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, have been resolute in cracking down on all kinds of such crimes in regard to violence and terrorism while addressing their fundamental causes. We have countered terrorism and eradicated extremism in a lawful manner, to ensure, to the greatest possible extent, the fundamental rights, including the right to life, to subsistence and to development, for local people in all ethnic groups. So far, not a single case of violence or a terrorist attack has occurred in the past three years. Social stability has been maintained and local people have been able to live and work in a safe and enjoyable environment. The United States, which was impassive when the lives of people from all ethnic groups in Xinjiang were threatened by terrorism, is now agitated at the sound development and peaceful living environment in the region. It smears and attacks the autonomous region, especially in regard to this act you mentioned, to challenge the solidarity of different ethnic groups in China and sabotage Xinjiang's prosperity and stability in an obvious attempt to contain China's development.

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that, in regard to Xinjiang affairs, it is the people of all ethnic groups who live there, who have the final say. Any attempts to undermine the stability in Xinjiang are doomed to fail. The purposeful rumors, insults and falsified accusations will never put a brake on the actual progress being made on human rights in Xinjiang. Neither will they impede the unity of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang where development and prosperity are achieving unstoppable growth despite such interference. Thank you.

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