ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on World Internet Conference

International Cooperation
A press conference was held Friday afternoon to introduce the overall situation and preparatory work for the Fifth World Internet Conference.  September 29, 2018


I have a couple of questions for Mr. Liu. Just now, you introduced the theme of this World Internet Conference "Creating a Digital World of Mutual Trust and Shared Governance – Joining Hands to Build a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace." Why was this theme specifically chosen? In addition, you said that the conference had been held for four times, this year is the fifth one. What has changed during those five years and what has not? What are the other highlights? Thanks.

Liu Liehong:

At present, global trade protectionism is gaining ground and the backlash against the globalization trend brings many challenges. We set the theme aiming to further encourage the world to establish a concept of internet development featuring mutual trust, management by all countries, free exchanges, mutual learning, cooperation and sharing to boost peace and development of global cyberspace.

This emphasis shows up in the following ways. First, the exploration and application of latest technologies will be highlighted. The expert and entrepreneur forum will be added to focus on the release of the world leading internet scientific and technological achievements. More leading technological talents and entrepreneurs can exchange views here. Second, equal importance will be attached to security and development. The conference will not only pay attention to problems facing the entire international community such as dealing with cyber terrorism and the protection of privacy, as well as focusing on internet developmental trends such as artificial intelligence and 5G. The challenges will be faced and potential solutions discussed to improve the prevention and control of risks and the promotion of digital development. Third, the internationalization will be increased. The world's Internet enterprises, international organizations and experts will get together in Wuzhen to discuss issues such as how to bridge the digital gulf between nations and international cyberspace management to further build a community of a shared future in cyberspace.

China National Radio:

Mr. Sheng, as Tongxiang has undergone a dramatic transformation since it became the permanent site of the World Internet Conference, would you please tell us in what way the county-level city will ensure a greater sense of gain for its people when seizing the opportunity to boost local economic development?

Sheng Yongjun:

Thank you so much for your question. I wish to express my great gratitude on this particular occasion to every media friend for your continuous concern and support to Wuzhen and to Tongxiang. The World Internet Conference has brought about an all-round and profound transformation to Tongxiang.

The first change is in regard to the landscape. By expanding from 67 to 110 square kilometers, Wuzhen has made notable progress in sprucing up its appearance and improving its functions, both of which have enabled the city to evolve in its nascent stage as an international place. The second is in regard to growth momentum. Tongxiang has basically achieved high-quality development with its economy and society moving in an obvious promising upswing. The third is in regard to its people. The World Internet Conference has brought about a tremendous impact on Tongxiang's residents, transforming their ways of thinking, changing their mode of production and renovating their daily lifestyle. Now, Tongxiang people are more willing to learn, accept and sharing in new things. Therefore, to better benefit from the Conference and develop the local economy to ensure local people a stronger sense of gain, keeping in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on the Conference, Tongxiang as well as Wuzhen, we'll strive for three-pronged endeavor to make Wuzhen, Tongxiang and the lives of local people better:

First, we'll build a better Wuzhen. Tongxiang is strongly committed to staging each annual session of the Conference in an increasingly remarkable way. At the same time, we will strive to secure an advanced position of the digital industry, giving full play to the Wuzhen experimental zone of Internet innovation. 

We'll vigorously develop such industries as artificial intelligence and big data, and expand the exhibition economy, making Wuzhen a center of empowerment for the future economy. In doing so, we have designed a 10-square-kilometer zone for digital economy development, in hope that it can receive more quality resources. We will make Wuzhen a quality destination. We will, with an international view and in line with international standards, further reinforce its functions and improve its amenities with a view to enabling its tourism sector to better generate all-round development for the town. We will consolidate Wuzhen's position as a leading tourism destination that is also increasingly livable and suitable for working in.

Second, we'll develop a better Tongxiang. We think there are three effects we need to achieve to further elevate the high-quality development of Tongxiang. The first one is industrial cluster effect. We have planned an area of 125 square kilometers centered on scientific innovation in Wuzhen as a main avenue to respond to the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the construction of the Zhejiang Great Bay area and the opportunities arising from the World Internet Conference. We aim for the area to make up 80 percent of Tongxiang's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) within three years. Second, radiation effect. We have set aside four major blocks with clearly defined functions: the intelligent manufacturing industry in the economic development zone, the digital industry in Wuzhen, the fashion industry in Puyuan and the back-up services in the main urban area, hoping the four blocks can respond to each other and achieve coordinated development. Third, demonstration effect. We have decided on forging a partnership with China Ping An Insurance Group Co. Ltd. to build a smart city of 3.5 square kilometers with ubiquitous Internet technologies and smart experiences, providing a showcase of future lifestyle and mode of production. 

Third, we'll ensure local people can lead better lives. The dividend brought by the Conference to Tongxiang and Wuzhen is in essence a greater sense of gain for local people. We will work to ensure that our people can get their things done more easily in terms of administrative procedures. We will continue the reform aimed at enabling people to get their things done in one go, and improve smart governance so that local people can finish all their procedures online and enterprises can benefit from improved administrative service. Additionally, we'll make local lifestyles smarter, with the promotion of smart senior care, smart health care, smart education, smart traffic and smart social governance. We'll provide more and higher-quality public services to see that our people benefit from the Internet. Besides, we'll open more channels to increase our people's incomes. Against the backdrop of rural vitalization, we'll take advantage of the Internet to increase the efficiency of our agricultural production and increase farmers' income. 

All in all, the World Internet Conference has become the largest IP of Wuzhen as well as Tongxiang. With the opportunities presented by the Conference, we'll have a great future to be embraced. Thank you all.

The Beijing News:

My question is for Mr. Liu. The guest lineup of the World Internet Conference draws great attention every year. Could you please tell us which famous enterprises and business leaders of the internet industry will be expected this year? Also, you mentioned that there will be 19 sub-forums this year. Why arranging these sub-forums? What results are they expected to achieve? Thank you. 

Liu Liehong: 

Thank you for the question. The World Internet Conference is an important global event. Top internet enterprises, including multinationals, and leading industry figures actively participate each year. Since the preparatory work of this year's conference began, all work has been carried out smoothly, with many industry heavyweights, famous global enterprises and notable domestic enterprises confirming their attendance. I'm sure this year's conference will be as excellent as before.

This year's conference is divided into five sectors with 19 sub-forums. We made this arrangement for the following three reasons. 

First, after studying and reviewing this year's hot topics worldwide, and focusing on the theme of this year's conference, we set up the five sectors -- innovative development, universal security, openness and inclusiveness, beautiful life, as well as common prosperity. Our aim is to give a full explanation to the concept of "community of shared future in cyberspace."

Second, we place equal emphasis on development and security. While paying attention to cutting-edge technologies like AI and 5G to comprehend the trend of technological development, we try to rise to the challenges posed by cyber security, which affects all countries, by enhancing the world's ability to manage risks. 

Third, we continue to promote the themes of the previous sessions, so we continue to hold the forums of minister dialogue, high-level think tank forum and business leaders dialogue. We are trying our best to consolidate and extend the influence of the conference's most eye-catching forums worldwide. 

Thank you. 


My question is for Mr. Liu. It was reported that Facebook had registered an incubator platform in Hangzhou this year; however approval was later withdrawn. Does it indicate that internet companies like Google and Facebook will be restricted by the Chinese government from expanding their non-social and non-search businesses in China? Thank you.

Liu Liehong:

Thank you for your question. As far as we know, Facebook made contacts with relevant agencies in Hangzhou, but has not got the business license for its subsidiary in the city. I would like to reiterate that China is willing to share the opportunities of its internet development with the rest of the world. Foreign internet companies are welcome to develop their businesses in China as long as they abide by our laws and regulations, observe rules made by relevant agencies as well as respect China's history and culture.

Thank you.

China Radio International:

We know that the World Internet Conference has had a profound impact on Zhejiang province's economic and social development, and also played a positive role in promoting the government's digital transformation. The "One-Stop Service" reform has become a new business card of Zhejiang. What is the state of progress of the reform and what kind of benefits have people got from it?

Ge Huijun:

Thank you for your question. Here I will give you an example. Last February, a couple in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, were arranging a transaction involving the purchase of a secondhand housing in Keqiao District of Shaoxing. They submitted the relevant document at the service window at 10:00 a.m., and then got the new property ownership certificate before 11:00 a.m. This is one of the changes brought about by the "One-Hour Handling and Conclusion" service launched this year in Keqiao district, which is also a reflection of Zhejiang's "One-Stop Service" reform.

As you said, the World Internet Conference has promoted Zhejiang's economic and social development and also contributed to the government's digital transformation. In the past, the problem that companies and the general public mentioned most was "slow, complicated and difficult procedures". One of the important reasons is that there are data barriers between government departments, and information cannot be freely exchanged and shared. 

The "One-Stop Service" reform is to comply with the concerns and expectations of enterprises and the general public. With the help of the internet, big data and other information technologies, we will vigorously promote the digital transformation of government procedures, removing information islands and data barriers. Relying on the internet, we can ensure that data will move more freely, meaning people will make fewer visits, and even won't have to visit at all. 

At present, the number of registered users of Zhejiang Government Administration Service Network ( has exceeded 18.3 million. More than 50 percent of civil matters for the public can be handled by the "One ID Having All Matters Done" system. The average start-up time of an enterprise in the province has been reduced to 5.5 working days, and the registration of residents' property ownership can be handled and completed within an average two working days. According to a third-party survey, the implementation rate and satisfaction rate for the "One-Stop Service" reform reached 88.8 percent and 94.7 percent respectively. We can say reform has given enterprises and the general public a full sense of benefit. Thank you! 

Guangming Daily:

My question is to Minister Liu. With the rapid development of the internet, web applications have penetrated every aspect of our lives. At the same time, security incidents such as cyber fraud and cyber theft are occurring now and then. What can the government do to create a more secure cyberspace? Thank you.

Liu Liehong:

Thank you for your question. As you have said, cyberspace security is closely related to national security and the public interest. Achieving and safeguarding the legitimate interests and rights for the people is the aim of our work on cyber security. In recent years, we have undertaken four tasks in terms of maintaining cyberspace security and safeguarding public security.

First, we have gradually established laws and a regulatory system for cyberspace security, and promoted cyberspace governance according to the laws and regulations. Since 2016, we have successively published the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China and Measures for the Security Examination of Network Products and Services (for Trial Implementation), as well as other regulations and measures to effectively protect and safeguard the interests of the people in cyberspace. To implement the requirements of the Cybersecurity Law, we are formulating related measures such as the Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-Border Data Transfer of Personal Information and Important Data. These provide a strong legal guarantee for regulating online behavior, maintaining network order, and purifying the network environment.

Second, we set up a China Cybersecurity Week to enhance the cyber security awareness and basic security protection skills for netizens. In the third week of September each year, we are staging this event nationwide. The main venue of the 2018 China Cybersecurity Week was held in Chengdu. We held a summit forum on cyber security, The 2018 Cyberspace Expo, as well as themed activities for promoting the concept of cyber security among the public.

Third, we have accelerated the development of the cyber security industry. Maintaining the security of cyberspace requires a strong cyber security industry to support it. In recent years, cyber security industry has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 20 percent. The cyber security industry has become as a strategic emerging industry of China, spawning many famous cyber security enterprises.

Fourth, we have cracked down on internet crimes in accordance with the law. We have continuously maintained a high-level posture on cybercrime. We have repeatedly cracked down on hacking, telecommunication fraud, and infringement of citizens' personal privacy. The cyber security order has been effectively maintained for creating a clean environment for internet users. 

Science and Technology Daily:

The world-leading internet scientific and technological achievements released at each year's WIC have drawn much public attention. What are the highlights this year? To which key areas do the achievements belong? Are there any cool emerging technologies in the lineup? Thank you.

Liu Liehong:

Thank you for your interest in the planned release. The event has been held for two years and has become a major highlight of the annual WIC. World-leading internet scientific and technological achievements, including theories, technologies, products and business patterns, are collected from all across the world every year and then selected for release through a just, fair, objective and authoritative evaluation by an expert committee. The final result will be unveiled at the WIC.

This year, we have collected many quality Internet technology achievements. We believe the list will contain important achievements for release at the WIC this year. I appreciate your continuous interest in this event. Thank you. 

Economic Daily:

My question is for Ms. Ge. You said just now that Zhejiang province has achieved great progress in developing the digital economy through holding the World Internet Conference. Could you brief us on the highlights in this regard?

Ge Huijun:

Thank you for your question. Since the first World Internet Conference, we have maintained double-digit growth in the value added component of the key industries involved in the digital economy. This sector is becoming a new engine powering our innovation-driven development. I think there are three highlights of the development of digital economy in Zhejiang.

First, the development of the digital economy started early in Zhejiang. As early as 2003, General Secretary Xi Jinping, then the Party chief of Zhejiang province, initiated the program for developing a digital-based economy. Over the past 15 years, all the provincial leaders have been consistently implementing this program. Last year, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Zhejiang provincial government made such development a top priority, aiming to take the program to a new level. This has increased the overall strength of the provincial digital economy.

Second, Zhejiang has created a good information infrastructure. We have been promoting the development of infrastructure for cloud computing, big data, the internet, the Internet of Things and a service interface for many years. By the end of last year, our fiber-optic broadband network covered all the buildings in urban areas and all the administrative villages in rural areas, and the people gained access to 4G mobile communications. Zhejiang leads China in rural e-commerce, with the number of "Taobao villages" accounting for more than a third of the national total. Zhejiang has also become a "province of mobile payment", with the technology being applied to almost every aspect of daily life including public services, transport and health.

Third, Zhejiang has a large number of market entities engaged in the digital economy. There are more than 480 companies involved, with a production value of over 100 million yuan and 18 companies with production value of 10 billion yuan, forming five industrial clusters with the production value of more than 100 billion yuan each. In addition, driven by the development of companies with global influence such as Alibaba, Hikvision and Dahua Technology, Zhejiang is striding towards the world stage in terms of the digital economy.

Here I would like to invite more individuals and companies to develop such businesses in Zhejiang, and to better share the opportunities presented by development of the digital economy.

Xi Yanchun: 

This is the end of today's conference. Thanks for Mr. Liu, Ms. Ge and Mr. Sheng. Thank you all.

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