ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on World Internet Conference

International Cooperation
A press conference was held Friday afternoon to introduce the overall situation and preparatory work for the Fifth World Internet Conference.  September 29, 2018

Read in Chinese


Liu Liehong, deputy director of the Cyberspace Administration of China; 

Ge Huijun, president of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee; 

Sheng Yongjun, secretary of the CPC Tongxiang Municipal Committee


Xi Yanchun, spokeswoman of the State Council Information Office of China


Sept. 28, 2018

The State Council Information Office of China holds a press conference on the Fifth World Internet Conference in Beijing, Sept. 28, 2018. [Photo by Liu Jian/China SCIO]

Xi Yanchun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to this press conference. The Fifth World Internet Conference will be held from Nov. 7 to 9 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Pprovince. To help you gain a better understanding of the related situation, we have invited Mr. Liu Liehong, deputy director of the Cyberspace Administration of China, Ms. Ge Huijun, president of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, as well as Mr. Sheng Yongjun, secretary of the CPC Tongxiang Municipal Committee, to this press conference. They will introduce the overall situation and preparatory work for the Fifth World Internet Conference, and will answer some of your questions.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Liu Liehong.

Liu Liehong:

Good afternoon. Welcome to this press conference. On behalf of the organizing committee of the Fifth World Internet Conference, now I would like to give you a brief introduction of the related situation.

The Fifth World Internet Conference, co-sponsored by the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, will be held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang, Nov. 7 to 9 on the theme of "Creating a Digital World for Mutual Trust and Collective Governance – Toward a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace." The conference will invite more than 1,500 important guests from around the world, including government and private sector leaders, representatives from international organizations, technological communities and nongovernmental organizations, to discuss and exchange insights focusing on innovative development, cyber security, cultural exchanges, people's livelihood and welfare, and international cooperation. The aim is to build a platform for China to better connect to the world, and for all countries to pursue shared governance, to promote global common prosperity, and to lift the development level so as to build a sustainable digital world.

At present, the preparatory work for the conference has been completed. Compared with previous years, the fifth conference has the following special features:

First, the theme is more focused and the design more innovative. The conference will thoroughly implement the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially the Four Principles for promoting reform of global internet governance, and the Five Propositions to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace laid out by President Xi. Adhering to the "1+2" functional positioning, involving forums, a world leading internet scientific and technological achievements release and an expo, the conference will have a total of 19 sessions focusing on such hot topics as artificial intelligence, 5G, big data, cyber security, digital Silk Road, etc.

Second, the fifth conference will highlight both inheritance and innovation. This year we will focus on the extraordinary journey the conference has gone through in the past five years. Focusing on the theme of "Creating a Digital World for Mutual Trust and Collective Governance – Toward a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace," an exhibition on the achievements over the past five years will be inaugurated. There is a special topic of "Wuzhen Roundtable: Review and Prospects," focusing on in-depth discussion on building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. At the same time, the old brands such as Minister Dialogue, Business Leaders Dialogue and International High-Level Think Tank Forum on the Internet will continue to function with new connotations. 

Third, international elements will become even more prominent. This conference will be co-organized by five international organizations such as the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the International Telecommunication Union. Drawing on advanced experience of other international conferences, we will build a platform for China to better connect to the world. We will invite more elites and representatives from around the world, and bring together more new elements in the internet sector to ensure more people can share the benefits of its development. During the fifth conference, a New Internet Gadgets and Applications Promotion Salon will be held to encourage internet companies from around the world to launch outstanding new products and new applications. There will be also a salon for international guests to exchange ideas. 

Fourth, the results are expected to be more fruitful. The conference will publish a "Report on World Internet Development 2018,""Report on China Internet Development 2018" and "Wuzhen Outlook 2018," as well as further promoting the "Wuzhen Process." The world-leading internet scientific and technological achievements release will cover about 15 global leading scientific and technological achievements in the field this year; the Light of the Internet Expo will focus on the latest developmental trends. At the same time, a pragmatic cooperation platform will be set up to encourage all parties to publish the latest research reports, advocacy documents and cooperation results in the internet field.

Fifth, new levels of intelligence will be generated. Technical applications such as driverless sightseeing cars, VR/AR applications and highway unmanned driving will be gradually shown at the scenic spot. The conference is actively promoting the application of smart technologies such as face recognition and artificial intelligence in guest registration, conference services, and information release.

Ladies and gentlemen, the World Internet Conference has been successfully held for four times. It has received great attention and wide recognition globally. While Wuzhen is a classic ancient Chinese town, the future-oriented World Internet Conference is embracing the world. The fifth World Internet Conference is about to open in a little over a month, and we look forward to your arrival.

Thank you.

Xi Yanchun:

Thank you, Mr. Liu Liehong. Now, we give the floor to Ms. Ge Huijun.

Ge Huijun:

Good afternoon, everyone. 

In 30 days, the Fifth World Internet Conference will open in Wuzhen. Zhejiang province has been comprehensively implementing the guiding principles from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on the conference. Under the leadership of the Cyberspace Administration of China, no effort has been spared in preparing for the conference to make it better than before, and we try hard to play a good role on the home stage. With the experience learnt over the past four years, we have gradually increased our abilities and we are confident for the success of the annual conference this year.

First, conditions for holding the conference have been greatly improved. In the past five years, we have focused on the development of soft and hard infrastructure to meet international standards. While the first and second conferences were held at Wuzhen Township's crowded scenic areas, it is gratifying to note that the third and fourth ones took place in the spacious Wuzhen Internet International Conference and Exhibition Center, thus scaling new heights in infrastructure improvements every few years. This year, we are doing even better – more than 400 guest rooms have been newly added to ensure that all the 1,500 invited guests can book their accommodation and check in smoothly when the time comes.

The new banquet center, located only one street from the convention and exhibition center, will begin operating during the conference. With a construction area of 48,000 square meters, its overall appearance is integrated with elements of the internet and distinctive features of the southern region on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, hence becoming another landmark building after the convention and exhibition center in Wuzhen. During the conference, we will display a number of high-tech products, involving 5G communications technology for commercial use in pilot areas, face recognition technology, and intelligent conference systems, as well as other relevant technologies. I am sure that all these approaches will help our guests better experience the facilities of an intelligent and smart international conference.

Second, more varied and colorful events are on offer during the conferences. In previous conferecnes, we set a small goal of launching special events to display the distinctive styles of Zhejiang province so that our guests could share and experience the pleasant life of the region south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during their stay in Wuzhen.

This year, in addition to major events such as the opening ceremony, forums and the "Light of Internet Expo" mentioned by Mr. Liu just now, we will also launch some new events, such as the Zhejiang special forum on "innovation and breakthrough of the industrial Internet", the "direct connection with Wuzhen," an internet innovation and entrepreneurship competition, and a "business talent show." Besides, our signature event "Dialogue Between Internet Tycoons" will continue to be held. This year, we will premiere the large multimedia symphony "Liangzhu" as a special performance. Through the excellent combination of art with high technology, and the fusion of the world and the Chinese nation, the symphony will show the audience the 5,000-year-long history of "Liangzhu" – a civilization popular in the Yangtze River Delta of southern China.

Third, the event is bringing more tangible benefits. The four previous conferences have raised Zhejiang's popularity and influence, made Wuzhen better known around the world, and brought about a series of preferential policies for Zhejiang province. For example, the government has approved the first national information economy demonstration area to be set up in the province; Zhejiang's capital Hangzhou was named as one of the national internet backbone access points; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Zhejiang provincial government have a cooperative agreement to promote industrial internet development; Wuzhen has set up a comprehensive experimental zone for internet innovation and development. These policy supports have created new opportunities for Zhejiang's digital development and its reform program to streamline administrative procedures. Last year, the provincial government established the Zhejiang Laboratory, a key scientific and technological innovation platform. In the first half of this year, core industries of the provincial digital economy recorded an added value of 234.8 billion yuan (US$ 34.14 billion), up by 16.4 percent year-on-year. I introduced the Computing Conference during the press conference for the second World Internet Conference three years ago. Back then, the event attracted 40,000 participants. This year, the number reached 120,000, coming from 81 countries and regions. This has mirrored Zhejiang's booming digital economy.

Friends of the media, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government attach great importance to hosting for the World Internet Conference. We will continue to provide good service for the participants.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support and welcome you to come to Wuzhen and have a wonderful time.

Thank you!

Xi Yanchun:

Thank you for Ms. Ge's introduction. Now the floor is open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking your question.

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