Book lauded for its clear vision of a better future

Here, a dozen politicians, researchers, and industry insiders offer their views on the second volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China."  April 12, 2018

The global publication of the second volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" was celebrated at the London Book Fair on Wednesday in front of an audience of 300 political, business, academic, and publishing industry leaders from 14 countries.

The book, which has been translated into nine languages, offers readers an insight into the thoughts of the Chinese leader, and the way he sees the country's development and engagement with the rest of the world.

The book features 99 of Xi's speeches, conversations, instructions and letters and includes Xi's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which was highlighted during the 19th CPC National Congress in October.

Here, a dozen politicians, researchers, and industry insiders offer their views on the new book:

1. Martin Jacques, author of When China Rules The World

The West has lost the plot.... in a remarkable fashion, China has stepped forward with a new idea of the future. In an era of globalization, Xi's proposition of a community of shared future for mankind is fundamental to the prospects of humanity.

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