Jiang Jianguo

China SCIOUpdated: 四月 10, 2017

Jiang Jianguo (蒋建国) is the vice minister of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the minister of the State Council Information Office. He is a member of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC.

Born in December 1956, Jiang is a native of Hanshou County, Hunan Province. He joined the Communist Party of China in January 1975, and began work in September 1977. He graduated from Hunan University and has a master's degree in engineering.

Jiang worked in Hunan Province from 1977 to 2008. From 2008 to 2013, he served as the deputy director of the General Administration of Press and Publication and the deputy secretary of the General Administration of Press and Publication Leading Party Group.

From 2013 to late 2014, he was the deputy director of the State General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.

He has been the minister of the State Council Information Office and the vice minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC since December 2014.