SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Commerce
Beijing | 10 a.m. Aug. 2, 2024

The State Council Information Office invited officials from the Ministry of Commerce to brief the media on promoting high-quality development on Friday.


Li Yongjie, deputy China international trade representative (vice-ministerial rank)

Xu Xingfeng, director general of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce

Li Xingqian, director general of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce

Zhu Bing, director general of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of the Ministry of Commerce


Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO

Read in Chinese


Ms. Li Yongjie, deputy China international trade representative (vice-ministerial rank) of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)

Mr. Xu Xingfeng, director general of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of MOFCOM

Mr. Li Xingqian, director general of the Department of Foreign Trade of MOFCOM

Mr. Zhu Bing, director general of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of MOFCOM


Ms. Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


Aug. 2, 2024

Xing Huina:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), as part of the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we have invited Ms. Li Yongjie, deputy China international trade representative (vice-ministerial rank) of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), to brief you on relevant developments and to take your questions. Also present today are Mr. Xu Xingfeng, director general of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of MOFCOM; Mr. Li Xingqian, director general of the Department of Foreign Trade of MOFCOM; and Mr. Zhu Bing, director general of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of MOFCOM. 

Now, I'll give the floor to Ms. Li for her introduction. 

Li Yongjie:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I'd like to express my gratitude to you for your interest in and support for the commerce-related work. It's a pleasure to meet you here and speak with you on the high-quality development of commerce. 

The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) points out that "to build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development." MOFCOM has firmly implemented the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, fully and faithfully applied the new development philosophy on all fronts, and promoted the high-quality development of commerce. Our efforts have contributed to creating a new development pattern and advancing Chinese modernization through the development of commerce. This is mainly reflected in four aspects:

First, new progress has been secured in consumer spending. We have focused on enhancing the fundamental role of consumption in promoting economic development. During this process, we have introduced consumer goods trade-in programs and policies to boost automobile and home furnishing consumption, as well as to promote high-quality development of the catering industry. We have also launched the "Consumption Boosting Year" and "Consumption Promotion Year" series of activities. Additionally, improvement of urban and rural distribution facilities has been advanced. In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 47.1 trillion yuan (about $6.6 trillion), setting a new record.

Second, foreign trade has gained new momentum. We have worked to stabilize the volume of foreign trade and improve its structure, rolled out the "1+N" policy package, and implemented a series of polices and measures aimed at promoting trade and assisting enterprises. Major events such as the China International Import Expo (CIIE), Canton Fair, China International Fair for Trade in Services, and Global Digital Trade Expo were successfully held. We have promoted the innovative development of trade in services and implemented a negative list for cross-border trade in services. In 2023, China maintained its position as the world's largest trader, securing rapid advancements in new growth drivers such as the "new trio" (electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic products) and cross-border e-commerce.

Third, new strides have been made in utilizing foreign investment. We have intensified efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment by introducing policies to refine the foreign investment environment and step-up efforts to attract more investment. We have actively cultivated the "Invest in China" brand and upgraded the foreign enterprise roundtables system. Moreover, we have proactively aligned with high-standard international economic and trade rules and piloted such alignment in free trade zones and ports, to develop new pacesetters for opening up.

Fourth, new breakthroughs have been achieved in international economic and trade cooperation. We have focused on promoting high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and successfully hosted the Thematic Forum on Trade Connectivity of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. At the thematic forum, a series of economic and trade cooperation outcomes were achieved and the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development was launched. China has involved itself fully in the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and facilitated practical outcomes at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference. We have promoted the entry into full effect of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), worked toward joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), and actively engaged in free trade agreement negotiations.

This year, business operations have been steady while making progress. New achievements have been made in high-quality development, contributing to national economic growth.

Consumption has maintained steady growth, with total retail sales of consumer goods reaching 23.6 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, up by 3.7%. The consumer goods trade-in policies are gradually taking effect, with over 450,000 applications for car scrapping and renewal subsidies submitted nationwide as of 9 a.m. today. The retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles grew by 33.1% in the first half of the year. Services consumption grew rapidly, with retail sales of services and catering revenue increasing by 7.5% and 7.9%, respectively, in the first half of the year. 

The volume of foreign trade has steadily increased and its quality has improved. In the first half of the year, imports and exports of goods totaled 21.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.1%; and imports and exports of services reached 3.6 trillion yuan, up by 14%. The contribution of goods and services imports and exports to economic growth reached 13.9%. The cultivation of new foreign trade growth drivers has accelerated, with cross-border e-commerce exports maintaining rapid growth and exports of competitive products such as ships and vehicles growing quickly in the first half of the year. According to a survey of 16,000 key foreign trade and foreign-invested enterprises conducted by MOFCOM, over 70% of enterprises expect export growth this year.

The "Invest in China" brand has become more attractive. A total of 17 major "Invest in China" events have been organized, widely promoting investment opportunities in China, and 12 foreign enterprises roundtables have been held. It has continuously become easier for foreign nationals to live and work in China. As the business environment has constantly been improved, 27,000 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China in the first half of this year, with utilized foreign investment reaching 498.9 billion yuan. The structure of foreign investment attracted has been continuously refined, with the proportion of investment in high-tech manufacturing increasing by 2.4 percentage points compared to the same period last year.

Foreign investment and cooperation have grown rapidly. In the first half of the year, non-financial outbound direct investment reached 516 billion yuan, an increase of 19.5%. The turnover of overseas contracted projects amounted to 513.3 billion yuan, up by 4.7%.

The recently concluded third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made systematic plans for further deepening reform comprehensively. MOFCOM will thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of the session, promote the establishment of a unified national market, and steadily expand institutional opening up. We will also deepen the foreign trade structural reform, further reform the management systems for inward and outward investment, improve planning for regional opening up, and refine the mechanisms for high-quality cooperation under the BRI. Through these efforts, we aim to make substantial achievements in commerce reform and development, thus making new contributions to advancing Chinese modernization.

Next, my colleagues and I are happy to answer your questions. Thank you.


Xing Huina:

The floor is now open to questions. Please identify your news agency before asking your questions.

Beijing Youth Daily:

Recently released data shows China's total import and export value of goods exceeded 21 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, up 6.1% year on year. This scale set a new record for the same period. How does MOFCOM view foreign trade performance in the first half of the year, and what are its evaluations and views on future foreign trade trends? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

Thank you for your question. In the first half of this year, foreign trade operations have shown steady progress. Our goods trade has demonstrated strong resilience and market vitality, characterized by increased volume, improved quality and a stable market share.

From a quantity perspective, we've maintained scale. Here are some numbers: First, in the first half of the year, the total import and export value of goods reached 21.2 trillion yuan, a record high for the same period, up 6.1% year on year. The daily average import and export value was 116.31 billion yuan, which is over 40% higher than in the same period in 2019. Net export of goods and services contributed 0.7 percentage point to GDP growth. Second, export and import quantities increased by 12.7% and 3.1%, respectively, indicating active cross-border movement of goods. Foreign trade cargo throughput at national ports rose 8.8% in the first half of the year. Third, the number of foreign trade entities involved in exports and imports increased to 586,000, up 8.7% year on year, adding 47,000 entities, further boosting corporate vitality.

From the perspective of quality, the structure continues to be optimized. First, trade cooperation with emerging markets has deepened, with the proportion of our imports and exports with these markets rising to 64.9%. At the 135th Canton Fair, buyer attendance from Belt and Road partner countries increased by 25%, and transactions were also very active. Second, the export products have been continuously improved, with electromechanical products now comprising 58.9% of exports. High-tech and high-value-added products maintained rapid growth, with automobile and ship exports increasing by 22.2% and 91.1%, respectively. Electronic information products steadily recovered, with exports of integrated circuits and household appliances growing by 25.6% and 18.3%, respectively. Third, new drivers of foreign trade show positive progress. According to preliminary estimates by the General Administration of Customs, cross-border e-commerce imports and exports reached 1.22 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, up 10.5%, involving over 120,000 business entities. We actively pursued international cooperation on trade digitalization and sustainability. We've reached agreements on the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development with 39 countries. The market for green and low-carbon products is vast, with new energy vehicles exported to over 170 countries and regions. Fourth, the international market share remained stable with some growth. In the first quarter, the export international market share was 13.6%, a 0.2 percentage point increase year on year. China continued to maintain its position as the world's largest goods trading nation. Preliminary estimates indicate that the share stabilized at around 14% in the first half of the year.

Currently, the external environment's complexity and severity are increasing. We must fully recognize the serious difficulties and challenges in foreign trade. Several international organizations report that the global trade in goods has shown a moderate recovery since early this year. However, geopolitical tensions, increasing trade restrictions and intensified national industrial policy competition may have significant negative impacts. The WTO's latest monitoring shows a significant increase in members' import restrictions. Measures taking effect in 2024 are expected to affect $2.3 trillion worth of imports, 9.7% of global imports — the highest level since 2020.

Maintaining stable growth in both the quality and volume of foreign trade this year will require continued efforts in the second half. We will make good use of various multilateral and bilateral mechanisms to help businesses counter unreasonable trade restrictions, support enterprises in exploring international markets through platforms like the Canton Fair, and work to create a stable and predictable trade policy environment. Additionally, we will intensify efforts to cultivate new drivers of foreign trade and enhance the overall competitiveness of foreign trade. At the same time, we will continue to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with trade partners to jointly maintain the stability and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains. Thank you.


National Business Daily:

In the first half of this year, China's cross-border e-commerce maintained steady growth and exhibited positive development momentum. What measures will the MOFCOM implement to further promote the development of cross-border e-commerce?

Li Yongjie:

I will invite Mr. Li to answer this question.

Li Xingqian:

Thank you for your interest in cross-border e-commerce development. In the first half of the year, China's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports maintained stable growth. The growth rate reached 10.5%, 4.4 percentage points higher than overall national foreign trade growth. From a market perspective, our trade with countries like France, Belgium, Spain and Malaysia has grown rapidly. Consumer goods are the main export products, and some high-value-added products show strong growth momentum. For example, exports of office equipment increased by 50.7%, and camera exports grew by 30.7%. Imported goods from overseas are popular among domestic consumers, with food imports increasing by 22.8%, luggage imports growing by 70.8% and wine imports rising by 55.4%. Geographically, coastal regions such as Guangdong and Zhejiang are the main drivers of cross-border e-commerce trade, accounting for nearly 90% of the national total. According to a recent survey we conducted, nearly 80% of cross-border e-commerce enterprises are optimistic about growth prospects in the second half of the year.

Next, we will implement the plans from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, continue to adhere to the principle of encouraging innovation and conducting regulation in a tolerant and prudent way, and focus on doing a good job in two aspects:

On the one hand, we will optimize the service ecology. We will implement special policies for cross-border e-commerce, support the development of cross-border e-commerce to empower industrial belts as well as guide local governments to cultivate a number of development models. We will promote through on-site meetings between comprehensive pilot zones the exchange of experience with cross-border e-commerce. We will support the cultivation of cross-border e-commerce brands. At the same time, we will also give full play to the role of local industry organizations, improve the level of industry self-regulation as well as guide cross-border e-commerce companies to operate within compliance, to compete in an orderly manner and to actively fulfill their social responsibilities. In the second half of the year, we will also hold the 136th Canton Fair, which is also known as the "Autumn Fair." At the Canton Fair, we will continue to set up a special exhibition area for cross-border e-commerce. We will encourage Chinese logistics companies to strengthen international cooperation with host country's courier delivery companies, especially to increase efforts to enhance the "last kilometer" performance of cross-border e-commerce companies.

On the other hand, we will deepen international cooperation, actively participate in international multilateral and bilateral negotiation as well as take advantage of the bilateral joint economic and trade committees and standing working groups on promoting trade cooperation as communication mechanisms to promote the experiences, practices and achievements of our cross-border e-commerce development. We should vigorously develop "Silk Road e-commerce" and support comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce. Industries and enterprises at all levels need to actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation. We encourage cross-border e-commerce platforms to expand their categories and service functions of goods, and support the healthy development of e-commerce platforms of consumer goods mainly for C-end, as well as the innovative development of e-commerce platforms for industrial equipment, semi-finished products and parts mainly for B-end. Thank you.


Tianjin Haihe Media Group:

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to implement a strategy for upgrading pilot free trade zones and encouraged these zones to engage in pioneering and integrated explorations. How have the free trade pilot zones progressed this year? What explorations will be carried out in the next step? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

I'll ask Mr. Zhu to answer your questions.

Zhu Bing:

"Implement the strategy for upgrading pilot free trade zones and encourage these zones to engage in pioneering and integrated explorations" -- we interpret "upgrading" and "exploration" here as further improving the construction quality of pilot free trade zones on the basis of the construction achievements of the past ten years, strengthening the function of the comprehensive experimental platform for reform and opening up, giving better play to the pioneering spirit of community-level organizations, paying more attention to the system integration of reform, and daring to brave uncharted waters and solve difficult problems, so as to accumulate new experience for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up. In September of last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on deepening the construction of the pilot free trade zones (FTZs). The MOFCOM has carefully studied and implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, accelerated the implementation of strategies to upgrade FTZs and has made progress in four aspects:

First, the pilot alignments have been promoted across the board. The pilot measures for the first batch of qualified FTZs and free trade ports (FTPs) to align with high-standard international economic and trade rules that promote institutional opening up have been fully implemented, and the overall plan for the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone to fully dovetail with high-standard international economic and trade rules is also being accelerated. A number of projects and demonstration cases have been formed for importing remanufactured products in key industries and for supporting overseas personnel to provide professional services.

Second, the opening up of services has been steadily expanded. We have issued and implemented a negative list of cross-border trade in services in the FTZs, and have cooperated with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to expand foreign investment access in the telecommunications sector within the Shanghai Pilot FTZ and other regions, continuously improving the opening up of the service sector.

Third, breakthroughs have been made in key areas. We have worked with the Cyberspace Administration of China and other departments to support pilot free trade zones in formulating a negative list for cross-border data flows under the framework of the national data classification and hierarchical protection system. Currently, pilot FTZs in Tianjin, Shanghai and other areas are actively promoting relevant explorations.

Fourth, the benefits of innovation have been continuously released. We have released and promoted 47 institutional achievements with innovation as well as have promoted 349 items at the national level, effectively utilizing the demonstration and leading role of the comprehensive experimental platform for reform and opening up. In the first half of 2024, the actual use of foreign capital in the 22 pilot FTZs reached 103.96 billion yuan, and the total value of imports and exports reached 4.1 trillion yuan. Covering less than 0.4% of China's total land area, the 22 pilot FTZs attracted 20.8% of the country's total foreign investments and contributed 19.5% to national imports and exports.

Next, the MOFCOM will implement the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, promote pilot FTZs to carry out preliminary trials and to integrate exploration in a wider and deeper range of areas, and contribute to further deepening reform comprehensively as well as advancing Chinese modernization.

First, we will strengthen overall planning and system integration, enhancing the function of the comprehensive experimental platform for reform and opening up. We will further develop reform in a systematic, holistic and coordinated way by focusing on in-depth implementation strategies for the upgrading of pilot FTZs. At present, we are studying and formulating a comprehensive document on implementation strategies for the upgrading of pilot FTZs. We will launch a number of leading and integrated reform measures to explore more successful experiences that can be replicated and promoted for deepening reform comprehensively.

Second, we will deepen alignment with international high-standard economic and trade rules, raising the level of institutional opening up. In terms of aligning with rules, we will ensure the successful implementation, evaluation and replication of pilot projects in FTZs that seek to align with international high-standard economic and trade rules, aiming to help release policy dividends on a larger scale. At the same time, we will strengthen forward-looking research on these rules and conduct new pilot tests in areas such as property rights protection, the environment, government procurement, e-commerce and finance to achieve compatibility in rules, regulations, management and standards. Regarding the opening up of key areas, we will conduct in-depth research on further expanding the opening up of commodity, service and capital markets by relying on FTZs. We will use the two negative lists for foreign investment access and cross-border service trade as essential tools to expedite the opening up of relevant service sectors.

Third, we will strengthen integrated innovation across the entire industry chain, enhancing the development momentum of new quality productive forces. We will support FTZs to further deepen differentiated exploration, fully leveraging their advantages of a sound industrial foundation, high-level aggregation and strong innovation capabilities. We will promote innovative development throughout the entire industry chain by focusing on key areas such as bulk commodities, biomedicine, equipment manufacturing and the marine economy. We aim to achieve more institutionalized innovative outcomes in developing new quality productive forces.

That's all from me, thanks.


International Business Daily:

What new progress has China made in building a high-standard global free trade zone network in recent years? The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed improving systems and mechanisms for high-level opening up and proactively aligning with international high-standard economic and trade rules. What steps will MOFCOM take next to further expand high-level opening up? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

Promoting the construction of a high-standard global free trade zone network is an important task for MOFCOM. In recent years, following the instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have actively advanced relevant work and made good progress. So far, we have signed 22 free trade agreements with 29 countries and regions, and trade volumes with our free trade partners account for about one-third of China's total foreign trade volume. Our free trade partners are spread across Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe and Oceania. In the first half of this year, we implemented three free trade agreements with Nicaragua, Ecuador and Serbia, signed an early harvest arrangement for the free trade agreement with Honduras, completed substantive negotiations on upgrading the free trade agreement with Peru, and officially started free trade agreement negotiations with El Salvador and negative list negotiations with New Zealand. The content of our free trade agreements is also continuously being enriched. For example, new contents, such as cooperation on standards and the digitization of trade documents, are gradually being included in the free trade agreements being signed or negotiated.

At the same time, free trade agreements have further helped to enhance the bilateral trade and investment. For example, since the China-Nicaragua free trade agreement took effect this year, the two countries have seen their bilateral trade volume rise 56% year on year in just half a year. Another example is the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). China's non-financial direct investment in other RCEP member countries reached $9.53 billion in the January–May period of this year, a 28% year-on-year increase.

Next, MOFCOM will resolutely implement the relevant arrangements and requirements of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and further expand the high-standard global free trade zone network.

First, we will expand its scope. We will continue to follow the CPTPP's accession procedures, further conduct bilateral consultations based on previous exchanges with all members, and advance the accession process. We will strive to conclude negotiations as soon as possible on version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, on free trade agreements with Honduras and El Salvador, and on upgrading free trade agreements with New Zealand and others. We will vigorously promote the China-Japan-South Korea FTA talks, as well as free trade cooperation with the Gulf Cooperation Council, Norway, Switzerland, Bangladesh and other countries and regions. We will expand our network of free trade agreements with receptive countries and regions, aiming to boost our trade volume with free trade partners to 40% of the county's total foreign trade by 2030.

Second, we will improve its quality. We will further open up trade in goods in newly signed free trade agreements, promote more products to be included in the zero-tariff list, advance negotiations on service trade and investment through negative lists, and further open up key areas such as telecommunications, healthcare and tourism. We will also actively incorporate into future free trade agreements high-level economic and trade rules in areas such as the digital economy, green economy, intellectual property and standards certification. We seek to build a new development pattern through high-level opening up and achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes with our free trade partners.

Third, we will increase its efficiency. We will continue to ensure high-quality implementation of all the signed free trade agreements such as the RCEP, further enhancing their utilization. We will actively launch promotional events and training to help enterprises fully leverage the preferential policies of these agreements. Such efforts aim to further promote the flow of goods, services and investments, allowing the agreements to benefit people on both sides better. Additionally, through the dividends of free trade cooperation, we aim to strengthen the cooperative ties between China and our free trade partners.

Fourth, we will promote reforms. We will further collaborate with relevant departments to actively align with high-standard economic and trade rules at the international level and in accordance with the requirements of the third plenary session of the Central Committee of the CPC, further advancing reforms in areas such as property rights protection, industrial subsidies, environmental protection, labor protection, government procurement, e-commerce and finance. At the same time, we will intensify efforts in pilot projects and promptly summarize and promote successful experiences. All these efforts aim to boost the integration and compatibility of rules, regulations, management and standards, as well as achieve a favorable situation where high-standard opening up and deep reforms can mutually support and reinforce each other. Thank you.


Cover News:

In March of this year, the MOFCOM and relevant departments jointly issued an action plan to promote consumer goods trade-ins. What results have been achieved? What further measures will be introduced in order to favor consumers with more tangible benefits? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

Thank you for your questions. I'll invite Mr. Xu Xingfeng to answer them.

Xu Xingfeng:

First of all, thank you for your attention to consumer goods trade-ins. To promote this initiative is the decision and arrangement made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council with a focus on overall high-quality development. The MOFCOM and relevant departments have thoroughly implemented this initiative by introducing action plans and detailed rules for application of subsidies and have established an effective mechanism based on full respect for consumers' willingness, empowering them with convenience and motivation. In terms of vehicles, we have coordinated various parties and rolled out a combination of policies and measures focusing on the entire industrial chain encompassing the purchasing, driving, selling and scrapping of cars. In terms of home appliances, décor and kitchen and bathroom products, we have adopted measures to optimize recycling, making consumption more convenient, recycling more standardized and the circumstances more eco-friendly.

The journalist is interested in the results of our efforts, which can be demonstrated in two aspects. First is consumers' wide recognition. A recent survey conducted by relevant departments in over ten provinces and cities showed that more than 80% of consumers were aware of this policy and over 70% were willing to participate in it. The results are reflected in social recognition. Second is data. As the specific data just reported by Ms. Li Yongjie presents, by 9 a.m. today, we have received over 450,000 applications for vehicle scrapping and trade-in subsidies, showcasing robust growth. In the first half of this year, the recycling of scrapped vehicles increased by 27.6% year on year, and new energy passenger vehicles' retail sales have increased by 33.1%. In terms of home appliances, the retail sales of units above designated size increased by 3.1% year on year in the first half of the year, which was 2.1 percentage points higher than the same period last year. In terms of home décor and kitchen and bathroom products, the yearly growth of retail sales of furniture at units above designated size was 2.6%, indicating that the effects of the policy have been gradually emerging.

Recently, in accordance with the arrangements of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance have rolled out several measures to boost large-scale equipment renewals and consumer goods trade-ins. The efforts are ramped up with 150 billion yuan in ultra-long special treasury bonds to support different localities to make their own decisions and carry out consumer goods trade-ins. The subsidy standards are increased from 10,000 yuan for purchasing a new energy passenger vehicle and 7,000 yuan for purchasing a fuel passenger vehicle to 20,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan, respectively. 

In terms of home appliances, we offer subsidies for eight categories, including refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household cookers and kitchen exhaust hoods. There are more detailed measures regarding home decoration and kitchen and bathroom products, providing support for old house renovation, kitchen and bathroom renovation, elder-friendly home modification and smart home solution consumption. We also support trade-ins of electronic bicycles, which is an addition. 

The journalist just asked about our plan to favor consumers with tangible benefits and further manifest the effects of the policy, which can be summarized into four keywords:

The first keyword is continuity. We have made adjustments with supportive policies by increasing the level of support and expanding the scope to cover more categories, and we should ensure continuity between previous and following policies. We will collaborate with relevant departments to promptly issue notices on further enhancing trade-ins of vehicles and home appliances, and introduce guidelines for upgrading home decoration and kitchen and bathroom products as well as implementation plans for trade-ins of electronic bicycles. The vehicle trade-in policy will also cover past cases. Those who previously received a subsidy of 10,000 yuan will be compensated an additional subsidy to match the new standard of 20,000 yuan, ensuring that early consumers do not suffer losses, which also reflects policy continuity.

The second keyword is guidance. We will encourage local governments to make their own decisions and improve their capabilities regarding trade-ins, guide them to improve supporting measures timely, and organize and implement the work effectively. We will further optimize subsidy review and fund allocations, speed up the review process, and improve service quality, to smooth the "last mile" of subsidy application and minimize the time for consumers from submitting applications to receiving subsidy funds. We will also implement measures such as facilitating sales of used cars, online cancellation of automobile registration and reverse invoicing of renewable resource recycling enterprises. These are supportive measures for promoting trade-ins, with the aim to ensure a smooth "venous circulation" in the trade-in process by continuously improving the renewable resource recycling system and making it more convenient for consumers to dispose of waste materials.

Third, publicity and promotion. To make this policy better known among the people, we hope journalists can pay more attention and be more supportive, using popular and easy to understand ways to step up this publicity and promotion at communities, enterprises, platforms, institutions and expos in order to increase the public's awareness. Moreover, we plan to step up publicity and promotion by providing trade-ins at various activities, including distinctive brand events of different regions and major expos for different industries, as well as organizing supply-demand matching activities. We will promote intelligently connected vehicles and smart home devices among other products highlighting quality and value for money to satisfy consumers' demand for trade-ins. 

Fourth, supervision and guidance. We will enhance follow-up efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy by organizing comprehensive inspection for consumer product trade-ins, offering guidance for different localities and making better use of fiscal funds. The public has concerns over such trade-ins. They worry about false publicity, false price reduction and the selling of fake and low-quality products only to swindle subsidies. In view of this, we will smooth channels for filing complaints and lawfully crack down on these misconducts to create a favorable business environment. And we welcome media supervision. Let's work together to deliver good results. 

That's all I have to share. Thank you.


Phoenix TV:

My question is about consumption. This year, China launches a year-long program to stimulate consumption, and the MOC has organized and carried out a series of consumption promotion activities across the country, what measures will be taken next to spur the steady growth of consumption? Thank you.

Xu Xingfeng:

I appreciate your interest in this issue. Since the beginning of the year, the MOC has earnestly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, boosting consumption by implementing policies and hosting activities. We have carried out a series of innovative activities to mark this year of consumption promotion, achieving remarkable results. According to Ms. Li's briefing, in the first half of the year, retail sales of consumer goods totaled 23.6 trillion yuan, up 3.7% year on year. The highlights of consumption in the first half of the year can be summarized by four terms: 

First, "steady" growth in bulk consumption. In the first half of this year, passenger car sales grew 3.3% year on year. New energy passenger vehicle retail sales grew 33.1% and accounted for 41.8% of all retail sales for passenger cars. Home appliance and furniture retail sales of businesses above designated size grew 3.1% and 2.6%, respectively, year on year. 

Second, "rapid" growth in service consumption. In the first half of this year, the retail sales of services grew 7.5% year on year, 4.3 percentage points higher than the growth rate of retail sales of goods. 

Third, "vitality" in new types of consumption. For example, in the first half of this year, online retail sales grew 9.8% year on year. The online retail sales of physical goods grew 8.8%. Online retail accounted for 25.3% of total retail sales. 

Fourth, "new" momentum in rural consumption. In the first half of this year, retail sales in rural areas reached 3.14 trillion yuan, up 4.5% year on year, 0.9 percentage point higher than the growth rate in urban areas. Per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents increased 7.6%, with the growth rate 1.5 percentage points higher than that of urban residents. 

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made arrangements for consumption related work. More recently, a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee emphasized the expansion of domestic demands with the focus on boosting consumption. The economic policies will be more focused on improving wellbeing and promoting consumption. We will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, upholding the three important roles of commerce related work (an important part of the domestic economic flow, an important link connecting domestic and international economic flow, and an important factor for the new development paradigm), and continuing to boost consumption. We will focus on five aspects in the second half of this year:

First, to make this year's consumption promotion activities great successes, providing the opportunity to enjoy a better life. With the aim to meet people's demand and address people's concerns, we will plan and launch serial high-quality activities. The campaign will have four features. Firstly, we plan to create four waves of consumption: one at back-to-school season, one at harvest season, one at ice and snow season, and one at family reunion season. Secondly, we insist on providing benefits for all. We will host lifestyle fairs to offer convenience to people within a 15-minute radius within urban areas, spur agricultural development through e-commerce and let urban and rural residents enjoy the harvest together. Thirdly, we will focus on intelligently networked vehicles and smart home devices as well as trendy domestic brands, driving up the volume of consumption of quality products by promoting both long-standing and newly established brands as additional growth points. Fourthly, we plan to promote consumption with different themes, such as hometown flavors, beautiful elderly life, scaling the heights and enjoying autumn scenery, fun with ice and snow and a celebration of the new year. We will provide diverse and quality products, including scenic views and gourmet food, for consumers to savor a beautiful life. 

Second, to step up efforts to promote consumer good trade-ins with the aim to stabilize bulk consumption. We have already given a briefing on this. Now, I'd like to stress that we will do a good job in hosting supply and demand matching activities, boosting unimpeded upstream and downstream industries in production, supply, and marketing. In addition, we will enhance policy alignment to truly and directly benefit the public. 

Third, to promote the high-quality development of service consumption and foster new drivers for consumption. Currently, consumers increasingly value pleasant experiences as well as mental and physical health. Boosting service consumption is an important measure to further expand and upgrade consumption. We will push the issuance of comprehensive documents to promote the high-quality development of service consumption, and wider openness in an orderly manner in the fields of telecommunications, internet, education, culture and medical care as well as encourage consumption in culture, tourism, elderly care, child care and housekeeping, with the aim to meet residents' demands for service consumption. 

Fourth, we will expand new types of consumption and nurture new consumption drivers. In the long run, we need to foster new areas of consumer spending. New technologies, industries and models have boosted emerging forms of consumption, such as digital, environmentally-friendly, and health-related consumption. These are new areas in the field of consumption. We will develop digital consumption further by implementing actions to boost it and holding promotional activities, such as "E-commerce Boosts Agriculture" initiative and "Silk Road Cloud Products" E-commerce Festival. We will continue to encourage the purchase of new energy vehicles, green intelligent home appliances, and green building materials in rural areas. Additionally, we will expand smart consumption and artificial intelligence-enhanced consumption scenarios, promoting smart devices such as intelligent home appliances, mobile phones and wearable devices. We will also promote health-related consumption and continue to carry out various activities to bring healthy consumption options into thousands of households.

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has outlined plans to actively promote the debut economy. We will accelerate implementation according to this arrangement, encouraging companies to release new products, open their first stores, and hold their first shows and exhibitions. We will continue to introduce new business forms, models, services and scenarios to meet consumer demand for fashion, quality and new trends.

The final point is to optimize consumption channels and promote consumption upgrading. We need to accelerate the development of international consumer center cities, pilot the reduction of restrictive measures on consumption in these cities, implement the debut economy, and improve cities' commercial capacity. We will continue to enhance the logistics system in rural areas and further unlock the consumption potential there. In short, urban and rural areas should interact with each other. That concludes my introduction. Thank you.


21st Century Business Herald:

Not long ago, MOFCOM announced data and information on China's use of foreign investment from January to June. This year, newly established foreign-invested enterprises in China have increased, while actual use of foreign capital has declined. How do you view the current situation of attracting foreign investment, and what tasks will you focus on next? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

Let's invite Mr. Zhu to answer your questions. 

Zhu Bing:

Thank you for your attention to our efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. As Ms. Li announced in her opening remarks, the actual amount of foreign capital utilized in the first half of this year was close to 500 billion yuan, maintaining a relatively high level compared to the past decade. Frankly speaking, the scale of foreign investment has experienced a year-on-year decline, primarily attributed to the exceptionally high base in the same period last year.

From a structural perspective, the composition of foreign investment has been continuously optimized. The proportion of actual foreign investment in China's high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 2.4 percentage points compared to the same period last year. Similarly, the proportion of foreign investment in the overall manufacturing industry also rose by 2.4 percentage points compared with the same period last year. These two instances indicate that the structure is being optimized and that foreign investors are actively adjusting their investment layouts across various industrial sectors. This trend aligns with China's broader initiatives to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces and advance new industrialization.

The underlying trend of China's economic recovery and long-term growth remains unchanged. China's comprehensive advantages — including its ultra-large-scale market, supply of high-quality industrial systems, and availability of high-end talent — continue to attract foreign investment. Most multinational companies are optimistic about long-term investment prospects in China, so they continue to increase their investments. As mentioned, nearly 27,000 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in the first half of this year, a 14.2% year-on-year increase. This figure demonstrates continued activity and continues the trend of rapid growth in the number of foreign-invested enterprises that we've seen since last year.

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee detailed a comprehensive plan for attracting and utilizing foreign investment. Next, we will deeply study and implement the guiding principles of the third plenary session. We will uphold the Party's overall leadership, adhere to a people-centered approach, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, strengthen institution building as our main task, stay committed to law-based governance on all fronts, and apply systems thinking. We will increase efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. Moreover, we will pursue high-standard opening up to advance in-depth reform and high-quality development. Specifically, this includes the following aspects:

First, we will steadily expand institutional opening up. As previously mentioned when discussing pilot free trade zones, these areas play an important role in foreign investment, accounting for 20.8% — a significant share. Therefore, the work of pilot free trade zones is also crucial to foreign investment efforts. We will align with high-standard economic and trade rules mainly through pilot free trade zones and free trade ports. This will help achieve interoperability of rules, regulations, management and standards in multiple fields. We aim to leverage the exemplary role of pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port, while promptly extending qualified pilot measures to free trade zones nationwide.

Second, we will further relax market access. We will expand the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment and publish the 2024 version of the negative list for foreign investment access. We will implement measures proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping to remove all restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, meaning restrictions on the manufacturing industry throughout the country should be eliminated. At the same time, in light of our own development needs, we will promote orderly opening up in areas such as telecommunications, the internet, education, culture and medical care. We will also revise the Measures for Strategic Investment by Foreign Investors in Listed Companies to encourage more high-quality foreign capital to enter our capital market for long-term investment.

Third, we will deepen the reform of mechanisms and systems to promote foreign investment. We will focus on building the "Invest in China" brand and enhancing the effectiveness of key investment expos, including the notable China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) hosted in Xiamen, along with other landmark events. We will improve the system for assessing the effectiveness of efforts promoting foreign investment, support regions in innovating their investment attraction models, and focus on advantageous fields to elevate the precision of investment solicitation, thereby drawing in more high-quality foreign capital.

Fourth, we will continue to enhance various opening-up platforms. This includes promoting comprehensive trials and demonstrations for expanding the opening up of the service sector. We will introduce new pilot projects to increase openness and innovation in fields such as value-added telecommunications, medical and health services, the digital economy, cultural tourism and transportation, and commercial aerospace and related niche consumption. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the inaugural batch of state-level economic and technological development zones. We are committed to the high-quality development of these zones, which is crucial in catalyzing an open economy and fostering new quality productive forces. 

Fifth, we will continue to optimize the environment for foreign investment. Annual assessments will be conducted on the effective implementation of the "Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Business Environment for Foreign Investment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment," i.e. 24 measures for boosting foreign investment. Each policy and measure will be thoroughly implemented. In line with directives from the State Council, we are further refining the roundtable meeting system for foreign-funded enterprises, as well as the mechanism for handling complaints by foreign investors, providing timely assistance to enterprises in overcoming difficulties. This ensures that foreign enterprises enjoy national treatment in terms of access to production factors, qualification licensing, standards setting and government procurement, thereby sharing the dividends of China's reform and opening up.

That is all from me. Thank you.


Xing Huina:

Due to time constraints, we will take two final questions.


The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee just wrapped up recently, at which the importance of accelerating the development of new drivers for foreign trade was emphasized. Could you share the key initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Commerce in this field this year? What are the plans or initiatives we can expect?

Li Xingqian:

Developing new drivers for foreign trade is an initiative responsive to both the laws of the market and global demands. This approach aims to refine the structure of our foreign trade offerings, boost trade efficiency and more effectively cater to the production and living needs of end-users by deepening international cooperation and fostering innovative practices within supply chains. The export-import situation in the first half of the year indicates that China's foreign trade has achieved substantial gains in four aspects, which are also the focuses of our efforts to nurture new drivers for foreign trade.

First, cross-border e-commerce has been boosted in terms of both import and export. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and adapting to emerging market demands, cross-border e-commerce stands as a dynamic component of foreign trade and is a business mode widely favored by consumers worldwide. In the first half of this year, around 9 million small parcels were exchanged daily between China and various countries, facilitating the rapid delivery of Chinese products to international customers and bringing an increasing array of premium goods to the Chinese market via cross-border e-commerce platforms. This year, the Ministry of Commerce, in collaboration with other relevant departments, has rolled out special policies to support cross-border e-commerce and has organized on-site meetings, hosted targeted training programs and initiated measures for brand development and the cultivation of business entities. Looking ahead, we will enhance exchanges in cross-border e-commerce, bolster supply-demand connections, engage more deeply in international cooperation, and continue to expand comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce.

Second, green trade has become a growing trend. Green trade not only involves trading in eco-friendly, low-carbon products and services, but also entails the green and low-carbon transformation of all elements of the foreign trade supply chain — such as R&D, procurement, manufacturing, logistics and marketing. We released a handbook on green and low-carbon transformation for foreign trade enterprises in the first half of this year and intend to publish further guides. Moreover, we have conducted thematic trainings and are swiftly developing a public service platform for green trade, with the aim to diversify services for foreign trade enterprises. Moving forward, our aim is to research and enact specialized policies for fostering green trade, progressively build a robust support system for related initiatives, cultivate a conducive international environment, and enhance the capabilities of foreign trade enterprises in sustainable and low-carbon operations.

Third, the digitalization of trade has been accelerated. This year, the Ministry of Commerce, along with relevant departments, has been vigorously promoting the application of digital technologies within trade sectors, achieving a paperless cargo release rate of up to 90% at some ports. We have organized numerous exchanges on trade digitalization and examined methodologies to facilitate the utilization of electronic bills of lading in finance and other sectors. At the same time, we are encouraging global collaboration by initiating digital pilots that cover the whole process of international trade with our trade partners. Future steps involve supporting regional- and enterprise-level efforts to explore practical ways to fully digitize trade processes, guiding foreign trade participants toward proactive digital transformation, refining the systems for trade digitalization, and deepening cooperation and exchanges within the international trade realm.

Fourth, expanding imports provides new momentum and opportunities for our trading partners. Actively increasing imports is a significant step in further opening up to the world, contributing to global economic development and demonstrating China's commitment as a responsible major country. We have made significant strides in facilitating imports. In the first half of this year, China's import volume reached 9 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.2% year on year. Going forward, we will continue to leverage platforms like the CIIE, the China International Consumer Products Expo, and the import section of the Canton Fair. We will advance free trade agreement negotiations with relevant countries and regions and support increased imports of high-quality products, turning China's vast market into a global opportunity. Thank you.


Xing Huina:

The last question, please.

Xinhua News Agency:

Could you brief us on the key achievements of high-quality BRI cooperation in the economic and trade sectors and share future plans? Thank you.

Li Yongjie:

Thank you for your question. Since 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important statements on promoting high-quality BRI cooperation, providing direction and a framework for economic and trade cooperation with Belt and Road partner countries. Conscientiously following and implementing his directives, we have made major progress in continuously deepening pragmatic economic and trade cooperation with partner countries. I'd like to elaborate on this by focusing on the following three aspects:

First, the scale of our cooperation has continued to expand. From 2018 to 2023, our trade in goods with BRI partner countries grew from $1.9 trillion to $2.8 trillion, representing an average annual growth rate of 8.1% and increasing the share of the total trade from 40.6% to 46.6%. In the first half of this year, our trade in goods with BRI countries reached $1.4 trillion, accounting for 47.4% of total trade. From 2018 to 2023, our cumulative direct investment in these countries reached $180 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 5.9%. In the first half of this year, our non-financial direct investment in these countries reached $15.46 billion, accounting for 21.3% of our total outbound investment. From 2018 to 2023, the cumulative value of newly signed construction contracts with partner countries reached $1.3 trillion, and the actual turnover of Chinese contractors reached $800 billion. In the first half of this year, these figures were $93.35 billion and $58.92 billion, respectively, both exceeding 80% of the total.

Second, the quality of our cooperation has been steadily improving. Our trade structure has been consistently optimized. We have expanded exports of equipment and component parts with partner countries, contributing to local industrial growth. For example, our exports of electronic components, general machinery equipment and medical equipment in the first half of the year have seen rapid growth. At the same time, we have actively expanded imports of agricultural and industrial products from partner countries, providing them greater access to China's vast market. For example, in the first half of the year, we saw rapid import growth in agricultural products like dried and fresh fruits, nuts, barley and wheat as well as industrial products like automobile components. Our cooperation with partner countries has also expanded into new areas. We've signed investment and cooperation agreements with 42 partner countries in green development, the digital economy, and the blue economy. Moreover, we are actively expanding industrial cooperation in areas such as new energy vehicles and photovoltaics. The number of partner countries participating in our Silk Road e-commerce program has grown to 33. The quality of our cooperation projects has also seen significant improvements. Besides the completion of landmark projects like the China-Laos Railway we have introduced various "small and beautiful" livelihood projects related to agriculture, education and health care. We continue to enhance sustainability in BRI development. In the first half of this year, the value of new contracts for energy-saving and environmentally friendly projects grew by nearly 70%.

Third, the form of our cooperation has been diversified. We have strengthened communication with partner countries through bilateral mechanisms. We have established trade facilitation working groups with 24 partner countries, investment cooperation working groups with 64 partner countries, and joint venture mechanisms for trade in services with seven partner countries. We have also signed economic and trade agreements to unlock institutional advantages. We have signed 15 free trade agreements with partner countries and recently concluded bilateral investment agreements with countries like Angola. We are also leveraging platforms such as exhibitions and forums to deepen cooperation. We have successfully hosted six editions of the CIIE, attracting over 7,000 enterprises from Belt and Road partner countries. Additionally, we have achieved fruitful results in advancing cooperation and deepening exchanges through the China-Arab Cooperation Forum and the China-Africa Cooperation Forum.

Going forward, MOFCOM will continue to implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping on BRI cooperation, the major reform initiatives from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, improve the mechanism for high-quality BRI cooperation, and carry out the eight major measures for supporting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, delivering real and substantive results for all participants. Thank you.

Xing Huina:

Due to time constraints, today's press conference is hereby concluded. Thank you to the four speakers and friends from the media. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Yiming, Wang Qian, Liu Caiyi, Zhou Jing, Liu Sitong, Wang Yanfang, Yan Bin, Yan Xiaoqing, Yang Xi, Ma Yujia, Liao Jiaxin, Guo Yiming, Li Huiru, Wang Ziteng, Wang Wei, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Rochelle Beiersdorfer. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

/6    Xing Huina

/6    Li Yongjie

/6    Xu Xingfeng

/6    Li Xingqian

/6    Zhu Bing

/6    Group photo