SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: General Administration of Customs of China
Beijing | 10 a.m. July 30, 2024

The State Council Information Office invited officials from the General Administration of Customs of China to brief the media on promoting high-quality development on Tuesday.


Zhao Zenglian, vice minister of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)

Lyu Daliang, spokesperson of the GACC and director general of the Department of Statistics and Analysis of the GACC

Lin Shaobin, deputy director general of the Department of General Operation of the GACC


Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO

Read in Chinese


Mr. Zhao Zenglian, vice minister of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC )  

Mr. Lyu Daliang, spokesperson of the GACC and director general of the Department of Statistics and Analysis of the GACC

Mr. Lin Shaobin, deputy director general of the Department of General Operation of the GACC


Ms. Xing Huina, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


July 30, 2024

Xing Huina: 

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), as part of the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we are joined by Mr. Zhao Zenglian, vice minister of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), who will brief you on relevant progress and take your questions. Also present at today's press conference are Mr. Lyu Daliang, spokesperson of the GACC and director general of the Department of Statistics and Analysis of the GACC; and Mr. Lin Shaobin, deputy director general of the Department of General Operation of the GACC.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Zhao for his introduction.

Zhao Zenglian:

Thank you. Good morning. I would like to start by extending my appreciation for your long-standing interest in and support for our work concerning the customs sector. Also, a special thank you to everyone for attending the press conference on a rainy day.

On Sept. 11 last year, in a letter replying to workers in the Khunjerab Pass, a land port on the China-Pakistan border in China's Xinjiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping specified the duties and missions of customs authorities in safeguarding borders and driving development. He emphasized that customs authorities should uphold security at the nation's borders while promoting high-quality development and high-level opening-up. This provides overall guidance and principles for the work of the customs sector. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012, customs authorities have strived to create a new chapter in high-quality development, making specific progress in the following aspects.

Safeguarding borders means firmly guarding the red line of border security and providing strong support for achieving high-quality development.

Specifically, customs authorities have resolutely safeguarded people's well-being and safety by strictly enhancing border health and quarantine work, which serves as the first line of defense, and by implementing stringent inspections for imported foods and merchandise. In the first half of the year, customs authorities nationwide identified a total of 29,000 cases of infectious diseases and more than 30,000 batches of food and merchandise that failed to meet health certification standards.

We have resolutely safeguarded the country's biosecurity at the nation's borders and strictly prevented the introduction of alien invasive species. In the first half of the year, customs authorities nationwide intercepted pests a total of 37,000 times.

We have resolutely safeguarded political, economic and comprehensive security at ports, strengthened port supervision, comprehensively enhanced tax administration, and maintained a tough stance against trafficking. In the first half of the year, customs authorities nationwide supervised a total of 2.73 billion metric tons of imports and exports, collected 1.05 trillion yuan (about $145.3 billion) in tax, and filed and investigated over 3,000 cases of smuggling offences and crimes, with a value in excess of 54 billion yuan.

We have also resolutely applied a holistic approach to national security, shouldered our political responsibility of safeguarding border security in a steadfast manner, and firmly protected the defense line at ports, the red line of supervision, as well as the fundamentals of security.

In addition, driving development means continuously reforming and improving customs supervision mechanisms and institutional arrangements, while enhancing supervision efficiency and service capacity. The aim is to contribute customs authorities' wisdom and strength to achieving high-quality development.

Specifically, customs authorities have introduced more high-quality policy measures. In recent years, we have rolled out nine policy packages in succession, comprising a total of 209 measures, to ease business difficulties, facilitate foreign trade and stabilize growth. We have also introduced 12 policy packages, containing 227 measures, to enhance regional coordination.

We have strived to foster a world-class port-based business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized. In collaboration with relevant government bodies and local governments, we have launched special initiatives for cross-border trade facilitation for seven consecutive years. This year's initiative has already been carried out in an orderly manner across 13 provinces, districts and municipalities, and 20 cities.

We have strived to build high-level opening-up platforms. We have continuously enhanced innovation in customs supervision mechanisms concerning comprehensive bonded zones and pilot free trade zones (FTZs). We have also provided strong support for the establishment of new hubs for opening-up, such as the Hainan Free Trade Port, the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and the Shanghai Eastern Hub International Business Cooperation Zone. Among the seven batches of pilot FTZ development experiences that the State Council has deemed applicable to other regions, customs authorities have contributed over 38%.

We have also expedited the development of new growth drivers in foreign trade. We have advanced reforms in customs supervision for cross-border e-commerce, and supported the development of new business forms such as those involving market procurement, overseas warehouses and bonded maintenance. Additionally, we have taken a more proactive approach in providing service for trade involving the "new trio," namely, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic products, as well as intermediate goods.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China's foreign trade has grown by an average of 1.6 trillion yuan annually, an amount equivalent to the yearly foreign trade volume of a medium-sized country. China has topped the world in total volume of trade in goods for seven consecutive years, becoming a major trade partner for more than 150 countries and regions. Currently, the number of foreign trade businesses in the country has doubled compared to 2012. Exports of automobiles, integrated circuits and lithium-ion batteries, which are high-tech and green products with more added-value, have increased in 2023 by 730%, 180% and 1,520%, respectively, compared to 2012. These statistics objectively prove that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the scale of China's foreign trade has increased, its structure has improved, and its vibrancy has enhanced.

Reform is crucial in fulfilling our dual mission of safeguarding our borders and promoting growth, while also driving high-quality development.

The GACC has evolved through opening up and thrived on reform. Over the past 46 years, reform has been the cornerstone of our operations. We have progressed from paper-based to paperless clearance, from mutual exchange of information, mutual recognition of inspection results and mutual assistance in law enforcement to nationwide integrated clearance. Customs, inspection, and quarantine procedures, which used to involve two separate enforcement actions and two sets of procedures, are now streamlined into a single declaration, inspection, and release process. Reform has consistently empowered and enhanced customs supervision and clearance processes, significantly improving the safety, efficiency, and speed of procedures for goods, items, postal parcels, and personnel. We have largely achieved the reform goals of effective control, liberalized processes, and rapid clearance. These improvements have significantly enhanced the sense of security and satisfaction among businesses and the public.

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has made sound plans and systematic arrangements for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. In response, the GACC has swiftly mobilized. Last week, our Party committee organized a special meeting to discuss implementation, followed by a two-day training session for customs leaders nationwide. We've aligned our reforms with the broader context of China's modernization, focusing on intelligent customs systems. Our goal is to modernize customs services further, boosting China's modernization.

That's all for my introduction. Next, my two colleagues and I are ready to answer your questions. Thank you!


Xing Huina:

The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news outlet you represent before raising your questions.


During your introduction, you described China's foreign trade as larger in size, more optimized in structure, and stronger in vitality since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. Could you further elaborate on this? How should we understand the high-quality development of China's foreign trade? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

Thank you for your question. China's foreign trade volume has grown remarkably since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. By 2023, the total value of imports and exports increased by over 17 trillion yuan ($2.34 trillion) compared to 2012 – a figure comparable to the annual trade volume of a leading global trade nation. During the same period, the total volume of goods under customs supervision also grew by 54.5%. As we enter the new era, the focus has shifted toward high-quality development as China's foreign trade continues to expand. I'd like to elaborate on this by focusing on the following aspects:

First, innovation has strengthened the foundation of China's foreign trade development. In 2023, exports of high-tech products increased by 6% year on year, comprising 18.7% of total export value. Independent and innovative brands have enabled Chinese products to gain rising popularity overseas, ranging from traditional horse-faced skirts to multifunctional electronic products. Independently branded product exports grew by 9.3% in 2023, accounting for 21% of overall exports. 

Moreover, sustainability has become a hallmark of China's high-quality foreign trade development. Four of every 10 exported cars are electric, seven of every 10 exported railway locomotives are electric, and nearly 90% of exported batteries are lithium-ion. These figures demonstrate the sustainable nature of China's exports.

Recently, some have made exaggerated claims about supposed "overcapacity" in China's new energy industry. This is actually a false proposition that neither aligns with reality nor conforms to the laws of economic development. Take new energy vehicles, for example. The International Energy Agency estimates global electric vehicle (EV) sales will reach about 45 million units by the end of 2030. This figure is three times the global EV sales volume and five times China's EV production volume in 2023. Far from being in surplus, China's new energy products enrich the global supply of green goods and contribute to the global fight against climate change. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has further specified institutional guarantees for green development. In the future, China's green industry is bound to develop even better.

Third, coordinated regional development has consolidated the foundation of foreign trade. The eastern region remains pivotal to China's foreign trade, with total imports and exports exceeding 30 trillion yuan for three consecutive years. The central and western regions have effectively undertaken the country's industrial transfer, with the share of foreign trade increasing by nearly 7 percentage points. The three northeastern provinces have seen expanded foreign trade, with a growth rate nearly 1.6 percentage points faster than the national average. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other major regional development strategies have become the main driving force of foreign trade, contributing nearly 60% of foreign trade growth since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012.

China's pursuit of high-quality development has also provided our global trading partners with extensive market opportunities. The customs authorities have steadfastly implemented strategies to increase imports, expanding market access in an orderly manner. At present, more than 500,000 foreign companies are now registered with the GACC to import food and agricultural products. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, our country has seen its cumulative imports surpass 150 trillion yuan, achieving an average annual growth rate of 4.2%. Notably, there has been rapid growth in imports of consumer goods, including fruits, cosmetics, and maternal and infant products. The fundamental principle I aim to highlight is that the development of foreign trade is not founded on unilateral protectionism but on openness and cooperation that benefit all parties involved. The "small yards with high walls " strategy leads to nothing but self-isolation. The path to prosperity and progressive development inevitably lies in openness and sharing.

Moving forward, in accordance with the arrangements and requirements set forth by the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Chinese customs authorities will work toward new heights in institutional openness, continue to advance innovative policies and regulatory reforms in comprehensive bonded zones, optimize the innovation mechanism for the customs supervisory system in pilot free trade zones, and establish customs regulatory models that meet the demands of new quality productive forces. Our efforts aim to nurture a regulatory environment conducive to new business forms and models, including cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehousing, market procurement, and bonded maintenance. We will also strengthen research into foreign technical measures in trade and fully leverage customs' international cooperation consultation mechanisms. We will strive to eliminate unreasonable foreign technical trade measures, safeguard business entities engaged in foreign trade, and promote the sustainable, high-quality development of foreign trade. Thank you.


Phoenix TV:

We are interested in imports. In recent years, China has launched a series of policies to actively expand imports. The country has also ranked as the world's second-largest importer for many consecutive years. Could you elaborate on how China intends to share its development opportunities with the world through expanding imports? What specific measures and plans have the customs authorities implemented to expand imports? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

You've raised excellent questions. There's a well-known saying, "A single flower does not herald spring; it is when a hundred flowers bloom that spring truly arrives in the garden." I would like to invite my colleague Mr. Lyu to answer your questions.

Lyu Daliang:

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, our country has implemented policies and measures to actively expand imports. Notably, we have established the world's first national import-themed expo, the China International Import Expo (CIIE), held annually for six consecutive years. The expo, celebrated as the "golden gateway" to the Chinese market, vividly demonstrates our commitment to sharing our development achievements with the world. We have expanded market access in an orderly manner, including approving the import of 477 varieties of high-quality agricultural products based on scientific assessments. We have also unilaterally opened our markets wider to the least developed countries, aimed at promoting mutual growth. Additionally, we have voluntarily reduced tariffs, resulting in the country's overall tariff level of 7.3%, which aligns closely with the average level of developed countries.

According to statistics, our efforts to expand imports have yielded substantial results. As previously noted, China has maintained its position as the second-largest importer for many years, with total imports rising from 11.49 trillion yuan in 2012 to 17.99 trillion yuan in 2023. Our consumer market continues to grow, driving cumulative imports of consumer goods to surpass 16 trillion yuan. The opportunities provided by the Chinese market benefit countries worldwide. In 2023, our imports originated from over 200 countries and regions worldwide, with imports of agricultural and electromechanical products from the least developed countries doubling from 2012.

We have implemented various measures to fulfil the national directive to expand imports. For instance, we have tailored clearance facilitation measures for each CIIE. Since the inaugural 2018 CIIE, we have introduced the innovative measure to support bonded exhibition and trading on an ongoing basis, effectively making the expo's effects permanent. We have refined inspection and supervision procedures for bulk commodities such as energy resources. By adopting the "release before inspection" approach for low-risk mineral products, we have effectively reduced clearance time. For high-tech items requiring vacuum packing, light-proof packaging, or constant temperature storage, we have introduced a new supervisory model that minimizes port interventions, enhancing the security and efficiency of customs clearance. Additionally, we have established a "green channel" for fresh agricultural products and expedited port clearance for them, ensuring that imported fresh produce retains its freshness for longer.

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized the need to seize the initiative by opening China's commodity, services, capital, and labor markets wider to the outside world in an orderly manner. China's door will only open wider. Moving forward, the customs authorities will implement the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee, further innovate the supervision of import clearance and support the development of key open platforms, such as the CIIE and the China International Consumer Products Expo. Recently, we introduced the Facilitation Measures of the Customs for the Seventh China International Import Expo of 2024 and released the Customs Clearance Notice to facilitate smooth customs clearance for participating enterprises. We will also take prudent and well-ordered steps to expand market access for agricultural and food products, innovate inspection and quarantine modes as well as broaden the scope of pilot programs for "release before inspection" and third-party certification. This will provide improved customs clearance supervision and services, support the expansion of imports and turn China's huge market into a significant opportunity for the world.

That's all for my answer. Thank you.


Zhinews of Shenzhen Satellite TV:

Special customs supervision zones, with comprehensive bonded zones as the mainstay, are crucial platforms for the high-quality development of China's foreign trade. Could you please provide some information on this topic? What are the plans for the next steps? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

I would like to invite Mr. Lin to answer. 

Lin Shaobin:

Thank you for your questions. Since the launch of reform and opening up, China has established six types of special customs supervision zones: bonded zones, export processing zones, bonded logistics parks, cross-border industrial zones, bonded port zones and comprehensive bonded zones. As mentioned by the reporter, these special customs supervision zones are key platforms for the high-quality development of China's foreign trade. The proportion of import and export value through these zones has increased from 2013 to 19.2% in 2023. These zones contributed nearly one-fifth of the country's total import and export value while occupying less than 0.005% of the national land area. Since the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, we have actively promoted the integration of these special supervision zones into comprehensive bonded zones. Currently, there are 172 special customs supervision zones nationwide, including 165 comprehensive bonded zones. Comprehensive bonded zones have three main advantages, which I will briefly introduce.

First, comprehensive bonded zones offer a full range of business functions. These zones can engage in various activities such as processing and manufacturing, cross-border e-commerce and bonded maintenance. They are shifting from a model focused solely on external activities to one of two-way openness, both inward and outward. For example, according to the current national maintenance product catalog, bonded maintenance services can now be carried out within the zones. We have fostered the coordinated development of comprehensive bonded zones and free-trade zones, and supported enterprises in developing bonded aviation maintenance services. For instance, at Xiamen Port bonded aviation maintenance services achieved an import and export value exceeding 160 billion yuan in 2023, serving over 100 airlines across dozens of countries and regions, and delivering excellent results.

Second, comprehensive bonded zones benefit from favorable tax policies. These zones enjoy various tax incentives, including bonded policies, tax rebates and tax exemptions. Goods entering the zones from abroad are subject to bonded policies. Goods entering the zones from domestic areas are treated as exports and are eligible for tax rebates. Additionally, machinery, equipment and office supplies needed for production within the zones are exempt from import duties and value-added taxes.

Third, comprehensive bonded zones facilitate the circulation of goods. Over the years, the customs authorities have continuously reformed and innovated their supervision and service methods. On one hand, enterprises within the zones can easily transfer bonded goods through account management. On the other hand, enterprises can use vehicles of their own choosing, allowing bonded goods to move conveniently between different zones. The advantages in processing and logistics within comprehensive bonded zones have attracted clusters of advanced manufacturing industries, such as the electronic information manufacturing industry. For example, Chongqing, leveraging its comprehensive bonded zones, has achieved the highest global production and sales volume of laptop computers for eight consecutive years.

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized the need to develop new institutions for a higher-standard open economy. Moving forward, the customs authorities will continue to enhance the vitality and competitiveness of comprehensive bonded zones by focusing on five aspects: policy supply, function expansion, procedure simplification, process optimization and system improvement. Our goal is to elevate the development of comprehensive bonded zones to higher levels, broader dimensions and deeper fields. Thank you.


The Poster News APP:

The business environment at ports directly impacts the efficiency of international trade. What measures has the customs administration implemented to enhance the business environment at ports, and what plans are in place for further improvement in this area? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

Thank you for your question. As the lead agency in optimizing the port business environment, the GACC has spearheaded a special campaign to enhance cross-border trade for seven consecutive years. We've collaborated closely with relevant departments and local governments, expanding our pilot program to 20 cities. Our efforts have focused on four key areas: implementing effective policies and measures, upgrading services, strengthening hardware, and building a platform.

We have implemented effective and practical policies and measures. For instance, we've established "green channels" for expedited customs clearance of fresh agricultural products, enabling priority inspection and prompt passage through customs for these items. As a result, imported cherries in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region can now reach related wholesale markets from the port within five hours. Furthermore, we've eliminated the quarantine inspection requirement for seven categories of animal and plant products, including fresh vegetables and plant-derived Chinese medicinal herbs. This has significantly reduced the time and cost for enterprises during the customs clearance process.

Upgrading services means we have constantly optimized the supervision model and customs clearance procedures. For example, we introduced "ship side delivery" and "direct loading at port" so enterprises can unload their imported goods or load exported goods after completing relevant procedures in advance. We have innovated a linked unloading supervision model and realized a direct connection between goods from ports along the Yangtze River and Shanghai Yangshan Port. As a result, the transportation time for segments within China's borders has been reduced by half, and logistics costs have decreased by one-third. We also implemented the reform of "one-stop laboratory testing," streamlining procedures for tax-related tests with different requirements into a process of "sampling once, submitting for testing once, and receiving results once."

Strengthening hardware means we use advanced facilities and equipment as well as next-generation digital technologies to improve the efficiency of supervision. For example, we use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to assist customs officers in checking grain and other bulk commodities. UAVs can fly directly into a ship's hold to fetch samples, and robots can replace or assist customs officers in inspecting hazardous goods with risks of explosion, leakage or biosafety. We are implementing a port modernization project. Currently, 56 ports in 21 regions are being transformed into smart ports.

Building a platform refers to creating a comprehensive cross-border service platform featuring "one-stop, big data, multi-function, standardization and convenience" through the "single window" of international trade. The platform has realized direct integration with more than 30 departments and built and launched 889 service functions across 24 categories. At present, the number of registered users has reached more than 8.8 million, with a daily declared business volume of 26 million transactions. Thanks to this "window," enterprises do not need to run errands and can conduct business at any time.

We should continue to make the port business environment even better than it already is. Next, we will implement the requirements of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee with a focus on the following three aspects: First, we will continue to optimize the mechanism of the special campaign to promote cross-border trade facilitation. We will comprehensively advance the implementation of border and post-border facilitation measures, improving customs clearance efficiency and logistics performance across the entire import-export chain. Second, we will institutionalize good practices and experiences, such as personally delivering favorable policies directly to enterprises' doorsteps and thoroughly addressing and resolving each and every one of their problems, further helping to ease the difficulties of businesses. We will implement 17 convenient measures for advanced certified enterprises, thus enhancing business entities' sense of gain. Third, we will further enhance the system integration of reform and innovation and strengthen port facilities and data sharing through the dual driving forces of deepening reform and scientific and technological empowerment. Thank you.


Cover News:

This year's government work report mentioned the Smart Customs initiative for the first time. The GACC also stated that the initiative started comprehensive implementation this year. Could you please elaborate on the current progress of this initiative and what will be the priorities for the next step? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

I'll invite Mr. Lin Shaobin to answer the questions.

Lin Shaobin:

Thank you for your questions. The Smart Customs initiative is key to promoting customs reform. Driven by practical needs, technical support and social expectations, the development of Smart Customs has been fully unfolded and has already realized certain results. Here, I would like to highlight three keywords in this respect: security, convenience and efficiency.

First, security. We aim to construct an intelligent "Great Wall" which is supported by big data and intelligent equipment, safeguarding customs security by precisely preventing and defusing risks. For example, during machine inspection operations, we utilize intelligent technology to review images to accurately identify discrepancies between import and export declarations and shipments, smuggled goods and other risks. This also effectively detects the invasion of exotic pets and other foreign species. Furthermore, we precisely combat the smuggling of weapons, ammunition, drugs, and endangered species and their products.

Second, convenience. We continuously optimize customs procedures and streamline supervision to best facilitate the cross-border mobility of passengers and goods. For example, we are advancing smart passenger inspection by deploying innovative equipment, which includes integrated smart channels, advance machine inspection and collaborative robots, enabling passengers to experience seamless customs clearance. Recently, as China has relaxed visa-free policies, more international friends came to our country for travel, and have praised the new intelligent customs clearance experience at ports.

Third, efficiency. We extensively applied new technologies and intelligent equipment to effectively enhance customs operational efficiency in risk identification, supervision and inspection as well as enterprise services. For example, we implemented intelligent, non-intrusive, and streamlined supervision, enabling imported and exported goods to undergo machine inspection seamlessly during loading, unloading or transportation, thus achieving immediate inspection upon passing. We have also piloted remote inspection, allowing enterprises to complete inspection procedures remotely with customs.

The goal of the Smart Customs initiative is to achieve seamless customs clearance, intelligent supervision, minimal disruption and comprehensive regulation, utilizing the intelligent technologies to contribute to building a great country and to promote high-quality development of our country's foreign trade.

Aligned with the overall goals outlined at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC, our next step will focus on process optimization, information sharing and system integration to accelerate the development of Smart Customs. We will pursue steady progress while highlighting key areas, aiming to establish the basic framework of Smart Customs by 2026 and form a complete system by 2029.

Of course, the Smart Customs initiative is currently still in its initial stage. To develop it well and fast, we need the support and attention from all sectors of society, especially the media. We welcome your valuable suggestions to inspire us. Thank you.


21st Century Business Herald:

In the first half of the year, China's total import and export value of goods hit a record high, and the export growth rate exceeded market expectations. What are the driving forces behind China's high-speed growth with importing and exporting? In the face of risks, such as the Red Sea crisis, can China's foreign trade continue to grow steadily in the second half of the year? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

The public are probably concerned over these issues. I'll invite Mr. Lyu Daliang to answer the questions.

Lyu Daliang:

Thank you for the question. As we all know, we released the data on imports and exports for the first half of this year on July 12. Since then, there have been many comments from different perspectives. For example, some pointed out that our foreign trade in the first half of this year saw stable growth in terms of both quality and volume, with many highlights. Others commented on the emergence of new growth drivers in China's foreign trade half-year report, and some noted that China's export performance had exceeded expectations. Overall, in the first half of this year, our foreign trade reached a new high, with ample vitality from business entities, solid advantages from traditional growth drivers and continuous emergence of new ones. The foundation for sound and steady growth in foreign trade is solid, and the achievements are hard-earned and encouraging.

According to our analysis, the rapid growth of our foreign trade in the first half of this year is mainly due to three factors. First, macro policies have been firmly advanced, with various regions and departments earnestly implementing the arrangements of the Central Economic Work Conference, and the policy dividends continue to be released. Overall, our economy has performed stably while also ensuring progress, domestic production has grown steadily, and consumer demand has continuously recovered. All of these have provided strong support for stable growth in foreign trade. At the same time, the marginal improvement in external demand has also helped enterprises secure orders and expand markets. This has been reflected through various global economic and trade data, while the latest forecasts from institutions such as the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development have all raised global growth expectations for 2024. The World Trade Organization's Global Trade Barometer has also stayed above the boom-bust line for two consecutive quarters. Additionally, our industrial system is complete, technological innovation drives industrial innovation and new quality productive forces spur new growth drivers in foreign trade. These factors enable us to provide innovative and high-quality products to the world.

As for the trend you asked about, the current external environment is increasingly complex, severe and uncertain, with high geopolitical risks. Some countries practice unilateralism and protectionism, and the interference caused to the global production and supply chains is gradually becoming apparent. As you mentioned, issues like the Red Sea crisis leading to shipping blockages and rising freight rates place increased cost pressures on enterprises. We believe that there are still many challenges to maintaining growth in foreign trade in the second half of this year.

Of course, encountering difficulties along the way is normal. Supported by the advantages of a super-large domestic market and a complete industrial system, and safeguarded by various policies to stabilize foreign trade, especially the strategic arrangements of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on deepening the foreign trade structural reform, the development of our foreign trade will be injected with strong momentum, ensuring steady and continued progress.

In accordance with the Party Central Committee and the State Council's decisions and plans, the GACC will continue to implement various policies and measures to stabilize foreign trade, boost the growth of trade in intermediate goods, support the imports of advanced technology and equipment as well as key components, and promote the development of cross-border e-commerce and other new business forms, focusing on consolidating the positive trend of foreign trade. Meanwhile, we will closely monitor changes in the situation, strengthen data monitoring and analysis, and reserve and provide a new round of customs clearance policies to help enterprises lower burdens and costs, working to steadily increase the volume and quality of foreign trade.

That is all for my answer. Thank you.


Science and Technology Daily:

We've noticed that the "China Customs" WeChat public account often publishes news about interceptions of invasive species. Could you please share what measures customs authorities have taken to guarantee biosecurity at the nation's borders? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

Thank you for your question, and thank you for your interest in "China Customs." My colleagues and I also check the public account every day. Just this morning, "China Customs" released news about our frontline customs officers intercepting another invasive species at the port. Seeing news like that always gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand, I feel relieved, but on the other hand, I know that there is still a long way to go. I'm relieved because our customs authorities are able to strictly guard the port defense line and have achieved substantial results. However, there is "a long way to go," because the global situation regarding major infectious diseases, animal and plant epidemics and invasive species is still complex and severe, and the biosecurity at our nation's borders faces a complex and challenging situation.

Faced with a situation like this, the GACC is determined to safeguard the biosecurity at our national borders, striving to build a full-chain regulatory system and working diligently across the three lines of defense: overseas, at ports and domestically.

The first line of defense is strengthening overseas risk monitoring. We actively participate in international biosecurity cooperation and co-governance, paying close attention to the dynamic distribution of major overseas infectious diseases, plant and animal epidemics, and invasive alien species. We promptly warn against risks and defuse threats, ensuring strict inspection and quarantine. In the first half of the year, the customs authorities monitored more than 80 infectious diseases from more than 200 countries and regions. They issued 28 announcements, warning notices, and risk warnings in a timely manner, as well as eight bans related to animal epidemics.

The second line of defense is strict control over port quarantine and inspection. We have built smart ports, implemented intelligent quarantine procedures, and strengthened front-line investigations. We have implemented an overall disease prevention and control plan featuring "one policy per country, one policy per disease, and one policy per port" at each entry point. Supported by the approach of simultaneous detection of multiple diseases, we strictly prevent the spread of epidemics and diseases by implementing comprehensive prevention of multiple diseases. We have carried out a three-year special initiative to strictly prevent the invasion of alien species and leveraged technological tools such as AI-powered image inspection to ensure invasive species have nowhere to hide. This is also a result of the development of a smart customs system. In the first half of the year, the customs intercepted 2,071 alien species nationwide, including "exotic pets."

The third line of defense is strengthening cooperation in prevention and control within China. We have established port cooperation and data-sharing mechanisms with various departments, including health, disease prevention and control, agriculture and rural affairs, ecological environment, forestry and grassland, and immigration management. We have also collaborated with the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to enhance penalties for illegal activities and build a strict prevention and control chain from entry at the border to the doorstep of households.

Recently, Gongbei Customs investigated our country's first case of illegal introduction of alien species. The relevant court department is currently hearing this case. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee requires the full application of a holistic approach to national security. Looking ahead, customs authorities will focus on "firmly guarding national biosecurity at border entry points." To achieve this, we will further improve national systems of supervision, early warning, and prevention and control for biosafety and biosecurity. Additionally, we will establish and improve multi-channel risk monitoring and multi-point trigger early warning mechanisms. We will also bolster regional cross-border biosafety cooperation mechanisms and port risk joint assessment, prevention and control mechanisms, and enhance the ability to detect, warn and deal with risks at an early stage.

Protecting our nation's biosecurity at its borders demands the collective effort of all society. I'd like to take this opportunity to appeal to the public once again through our friends in the media: please refrain from illegally introducing or purchasing alien species. I would also like to ask all of you to help us spread awareness. Let's work together to protect our country's biological and ecological security. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact the customs hotline at 12360 for more information. Thank you.


China Financial and Economic News:

Cross-border e-commerce has been a hot topic in the economic field in recent years and has become a new driving force for foreign trade growth. Could you please elaborate on the latest development of cross-border e-commerce? What measures will customs authorities take to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce in the next step? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

I will ask Mr. Lyu to answer your questions.

Lyu Daliang:

Thank you for your questions. The rapid development of cross-border e-commerce is a global phenomenon, building a direct bridge between more and more consumers and enterprises. I believe some of you may have a cross-border online shopping experience like me. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has rolled out a series of policies and measures, including establishing integrated pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce, improving and expanding the positive list of imported retail goods for cross-border e-commerce, as well as continuously developing new regulatory approaches for cross-border e-commerce customs clearance. These initiatives have promoted the accelerated development of China's cross-border e-commerce. According to customs statistics, China's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports in 2023 increased 1.2 times compared with 2018. Preliminary estimates show that imports and exports in the first half of this year were 1.22 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%.

The robust growth of cross-border e-commerce has presented new challenges for customs oversight and services. Currently, customs authorities supervise more than 7 billion cross-border e-commerce express parcels and mail items annually, averaging about 20 million per day. In response to this situation, customs authorities have continuously developed new regulatory approaches, developed and applied cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service systems, and focused on improving the efficiency of cross-border e-commerce customs clearance. At the same time, practical measures have been taken to ensure that customs clearance is both fast and manageable. For example, we have carried out risk monitoring for imported food via cross-border e-commerce and sampling inspections for consumer goods. We've also launched a special initiative to comprehensively address the issue of "exotic pets" being shipped through cross-border e-commerce channels. These measures aim to ensure the quality and safety of cross-border e-commerce products and prevent the entry of prohibited items.

Chinese customs' regulatory practice on cross-border e-commerce has also provided experience for customs around the world. In 2018, we co-organized the first Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference with the World Customs Organization (WCO), and took the lead in drawing up the Framework of Standards on Cross-Border E-Commerce. Practical cases of Chinese customs' statistical methods for cross-border e-commerce have been continuously included in the Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade compiled by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. We have actively participated in WTO's e-commerce negotiations and put forward our own suggestions. Chinese customs cross-border e-commerce commodity quality and safety control practices incorporate the WCO's good practice cases for cross-border e-commerce.

Next, Chinese customs will earnestly study and implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and continuously improve the customs supervision system that is conducive to the development of cross-border e-commerce. Currently, we are working on promoting the inspection before shipment mode and have taken measures to expand the pilot scope of cross-border e-commerce retail export returns. We will also continue to optimize functions of the cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service system, further simplifying the process and optimizing services to better meet the needs of consumers and enterprises to "buy globally and sell globally." In short, we aim to make everyone's shopping experience smoother and help the country's cross-border e-commerce sector continue to develop with high quality. Thank you!


Xinhua Finance:

We have noticed that the central government in recent years has made a series of arrangements for coordinated regional development. What are the highlights of foreign trade development in relevant regions across the country? And what policies and measures has Chinese customs introduced to support coordinated regional development? Thank you. 

Zhao Zenglian:

Let's invite my colleague Mr. Lin to answer these questions. 

Lin Shaobin:

Thanks for your questions. Coordinated regional development is the internal requirement for achieving high-quality development. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee has made more long-term and systematic strategic planning and overall arrangements for coordinated regional development, which has promoted both historical achievements and changes in coordinated regional development within the country, and has also injected surging momentum into Chinese modernization.

From the perspective of foreign trade, benefiting from the implementation of the national coordinated regional development strategy, regional foreign trade development is constantly moving towards a more balanced, higher level and higher quality direction, and each region also presents its own characteristics, complementary advantages and strengths.

The eastern region has borne the burden, contributing more than 70% to the country's foreign trade growth. The central and western regions have accelerated their development, with the average annual growth rate of imports and exports 4.5 percentage points higher than the national average. The imports and exports of the three northeastern provinces have set new records, reaching a historical high of 1.23 trillion yuan in 2023. In the first half of this year, imports and exports in the eastern, central and western regions and the three northeastern provinces all realized growth.

In particular, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have all played the important role as a source of foreign trade. The total foreign trade volume of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has crossed two-trillion-level mark, reaching a record high of 5.03 trillion yuan in 2023. With less than 4% of the country's land area, the Yangtze River Delta region has created more than one-third of the country's import and export value. Industrial clusters in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have outstanding advantages. In 2023, the nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area exported nearly 50% of the country's household appliances, nearly 80% of 3D printers and more than 90% of unmanned aircraft.

Chinese customs have aligned with the strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's coordinated regional development, and has strongly supported coordinated regional development over the years. We have adopted a category-based and region-specific approach based on the unique advantages of different regions.

For example, we have established a unified "green channel" for key enterprises in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to develop key industries such as biomedicine, integrated circuits and artificial intelligence. We have vigorously promoted customs clearance facilitation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, thus continuing to promote the reform of "combined ports" and "one port link" to connect inland ports with hub ports and "sea ports" to the "doorsteps" of enterprises through rivers. Taking Shunde's export of home appliances as an example, the logistics time has been shortened from seven days to about two days. We have also worked hard to create a favorable environment for foreign trade entities in developed regions with export-oriented economies, such as the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Delta. We strongly support the opening of ports and the establishment of new comprehensive bonded zones in the central and western regions to create more and better platforms for local high-level opening up.

Next, we will introduce more and better targeted measures in accordance with the strategic deployment of coordinated regional development proposed by the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. We will work together with everyone to draw a grand picture of coordinated regional development covering eastern, central and western China as well as synchronizing southern and northern China. Thank you!


Xing Huina:

Due to time constraints, we will take one last question.

Guangming Daily:

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed deepening the structural reform of foreign trade. How will Chinese customs implement the arrangements of the session and drive its self-reform to accommodate the new situation and new developments? Thank you.

Zhao Zenglian:

Thank you for your question. Studying and implementing the guiding principles of the session represent a major political task at present and for some time to come. Customs authorities nationwide have thoroughly studied and grasped the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and the plans and arrangements of the session, set off a rapid uptick in study and implementation, and worked with relentless persistence to ensure the implementation.

At present, the GACC has initially studied and formed a framework for implementation, which can be summarized as "1+1+4." The first "1" refers to one objective; the second "1" refers to one foothold ; and the "4" refers to four key tasks. The one objective is that in accordance with the overall objectives proposed by the session, we make timely adjustments to the overall plan for further deepening customs reforms comprehensively to advance the modernization of customs, ensuring that our objective is in line with the overall objectives proposed by the session and contributes to Chinese modernization through the modernization of customs. The one foothold is that we will advance the development of smart customs and the action on building a leading country in smart customs. Simply put, the four key tasks are as follows:

First, with a focus on advancing the modernization of China's national security system and capacity, we will further develop the customs' mechanism for safeguarding national border security. As the national customs authority with the largest trade in goods in the world, Chinese customs faces difficulties posed by various forms of trade, high demands of regulations, multiple risks and significant security pressure. In general, we will face and deal with five major risks including goods stuck in customs, concealed information, evasion of regulations, fraud, and threats to national security, people's health and eco-environment. As the Chinese idiom goes, virtue is one foot tall, the devil ten foot, meaning it takes constant vigilance to stave off evil. To tackle these issues, we must drive development through reform, boost vitality through innovation, and deepen reform of customs' supervision institutions and mechanisms. We have proposed improving three mechanisms: the mechanism for risk prevention and control, the mechanism for comprehensive regulation, and the mechanism for scientific and technological support. These mechanisms will solve prominent problems including how to accurately and efficiently identify and deal with risks, how to manage anomalies and safeguard the nation's borders, and how to realize intelligent and autonomous supervision.

Second, with a focus on improving institutions and mechanisms for high-standard opening up, we will further optimize the customs' mechanisms for promoting opening up and development. This is a topic you are also concerned about, which can be summarized into five areas. That is, we will put focus on building a high-standard socialist market economy, steadily expanding institutional opening up, conducting the structural reform of foreign trade, improving planning for regional opening up, and deepening institutional reforms related to the work of foreign affairs. We put forward 16 areas where we need to make breakthroughs. For example, to make breakthroughs in invigorating the foreign trade market, we will build a new type of customs supervision mechanism that is more efficient and fairer to ensure that we can lift market restrictions while ensuring effective regulation. This measure is based on credit rating-based regulation, risk classification, and categorized management. We will coordinate reform and sci-tech and implement intelligent supervision, ensuring that enterprises that break laws and regulations pay the price and smoothing the way for enterprises that have credibility.

Third, with a focus on enhancing socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, we will further improve customs regulations. Earlier this year, the Law on Customs Duties and the newly revised Frontier Health and Quarantine Law were promulgated successively, providing a more powerful legal basis for customs authorities to fully and effectively perform their relevant duties. We will further deepen reform comprehensively by improving customs laws and regulations, advancing reform and rule of law in a coordinated manner, and enhancing customs management institutions and mechanisms, to give better play to the role of the rule of law in consolidating foundations, ensuring stable expectations and delivering long-term benefits.

Fourth, with a focus on deepening institutional reforms related to the Party's leadership and Party building, we will further improve our institutions and mechanisms for exercising full and rigorous self-governance of the Party. Customs authorities are first and foremost a political organ. We will unswervingly uphold and strengthen the Party's leadership in further deepening customs reform comprehensively and improve our institutions and mechanisms for Party building as well as the working mechanism for ensuring that officials do not dare to be, are not able to be, and do not want to be corrupt. We will push forward a three-year action plan for enhancing capacities of customs workers, and advance the efforts of Party committees at three levels to raise their awareness of reform, strengthen their courage of reform and enhance their ability to reform, hence mobilizing the initiative, motivation and creativity of customs authorities to implement reform and promote development.

Regarding the above four key tasks, we have designed 59 measures. Next, we will further improve customs authorities' implementation plan focusing on the "1+1+4" general framework, clarify tasks, timings and priorities, make clear who are responsible for implementing these reforms, and flesh out their responsibilities. We will fulfill our duties and missions of safeguarding the nation's borders and promoting development, and serve well as guards for national borders to meet the expectations of the Party and the people, thereby contributing our efforts to Chinese modernization. Thank you.

Xing Huina:

Today's briefing is hereby concluded. Thank you to the three speakers and all the journalists present here. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Zhu Bochen, Wang Qian, Guo Yiming, Ma Yujia, Liao Jiaxin, Wang Wei, Liu Caiyi, Li Xiao, Zhang Tingting, Zhang Rui, Wang Ziteng, Liu Sitong, Mi Xingang, Li Huiru, Yan Bin, Huang Shan, Yang Xi, Wang Qian, Xu Kailin, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Rochelle Beiersdorfer. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

/5    Xing Huina

/5    Zhao Zenglian

/5    Lyu Daliang

/5    Lin Shaobin

/5    Group photo