SCIO briefing on the Working Guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to Support Fujian in Exploring New Pathways for Promoting Integrated Development between the Two Sides of the Straits and Build a Demonstration Zone for Integrated Cross-Straits Development
Beijing | 10 a.m. Sept. 14, 2023

The SCIO held a press conference about supporting Fujian in exploring new pathways for promoting integrated development between the two sides of the Straits and building a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development.


Pan Xianzhang, vice minister of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee

Cong Liang, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission

Luo Dongchuan, deputy secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee


Shou Xiaoli, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO

Read in Chinese


Mr. Pan Xianzhang, vice minister of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee

Mr. Cong Liang, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. Luo Dongchuan, deputy secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee


Ms. Shou Xiaoli, deputy director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


Sept. 14, 2023

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). The Working Guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to Support Fujian in Exploring New Pathways for Promoting Integrated Development between the Two Sides of the Straits and Build a Demonstration Zone for Integrated Cross-Straits Development has been released. Today, we are joined by Mr. Pan Xianzhang, vice minister of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee; Mr. Cong Liang, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC); and Mr. Luo Dongchuan, deputy secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee. They will brief you on the guidance and take your questions.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Pan.

Pan Xianzhang:

Friends from the media, good morning. You have received a copy of the guidance which Xinhua News Agency was authorized to issue. Here, I will brief you on the background of the document's issuance and explain its significance.

Sitting across the sea, Fujian and Taiwan enjoy geographical proximity and a close affinity. This offers Fujian unique advantages and favorable conditions to engage in activities related to Taiwan. General SecretaryXi Jinpingand the CPC Central Committee highly value the distinctive role played by Fujian in the overall work related to Taiwan, and have pursued a strategy of national rejuvenation amid global changes of a magnitude not seen in a century . The initiative to support Fujian in exploring new pathways for promoting integrated development between the two sides of the Straits and to build a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development has been taken as a key measure to "deepen integrated development of the two sides and cement the foundation for peaceful reunification."

At the Meeting Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Issuance of the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan held in January 2019, General SecretaryXi Jinpingproposed to "deepen integrated development of the two sides and cement the foundation for peaceful reunification" and put forward other key policies. In March 2019 and March 2021, respectively, General SecretaryXi Jinpingmade important instructions on supporting Fujian in exploring new pathways for promoting integrated development between the two sides of the Straits. He also emphasized the need for Fujian to take exemplary actions on promoting integrated cross-Straits development. During his inspection trip to Fujian in March 2021, General SecretaryXi Jinpinghighlighted the importance of enhancing integration with Taiwan through increased connectivity, favorable policies and cultivating affinity. He further urged Fujian to make greater strides in exploring new pathways for integrated cross-Straits development. In the report to the 20th CPC National Congress, General SecretaryXi Jinpingfurther underscored that "we will continue to promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Strait, advance our integrated development in all fields."

Following the guidance ofXi JinpingThought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee, the NDRC and related government bodies, and Fujian province have thoroughly grasped and implemented the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, fully implemented the Party's overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, and earnestly carried out General SecretaryXi Jinping's important discourse on Taiwan-related work and key instructions on Fujian-specific initiatives. In accordance with related arrangements outlined in the 14th Five-Year Plan, the three parties have taken a strategic perspective in deepening integrated cross-Straits development and promoting progress toward national rejuvenation, thoroughly understood and accurately grasped Fujian's unique advantages and related pilot requirements, and formulated the guidance.

The formulation of the guidance has clarified Fujian's roles, responsibilities and objectives in implementing the Party's overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era. It aligns with the prevailing public sentiment on both sides of the Straits, which calls for peace, development, communication and cooperation. The goal is to basically build a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development across Fujian, and fully highlight Fujian's role as the first stop for Taiwan compatriots and enterprises returning to the mainland. The key is to support Fujian in leveraging its unique advantages and pioneering position in engaging activities with Taiwan, while continuously improving policy measures promoting integration between Fujian and Taiwan. Fujian will take the lead in providing Taiwan compatriots and enterprises with equal treatment with mainland residents, continue enhancing the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, and ensure they experience the benefits of integration and the deep connectivity between Fujian and Taiwan.

That concludes my introduction. Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Pan. Next, Mr. Cong will have the floor.

Cong Liang:

The Xinhua News Agency was authorized to issue the guidance, and I will now further elaborate on its main content. The guidance serves as a significant measure to implement General SecretaryXi Jinping's important discourse on work related to Taiwan and the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. The guidance has put into practice the conviction that we are all of the same family . It follows the approach of always respecting, caring for and benefitting Taiwan compatriots, and fully leverages Fujian's unique advantages and pioneering role in Taiwan-related work. It highlights the efforts to promote integration through increased connectivity, favorable policies and cultivating affinity. It also properly utilizes resources from all aspects to improve institutional arrangements and policies that help enhance the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, and strives to build a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development across Fujian. The specific arrangements are focused on three aspects and six key points.

To promote integration through increased connectivity, first, we will proactively build transportation, logistics and infrastructure projects as appropriate. We will strengthen support in factors such as funding, and increase infrastructure connectivity between Fujian and Taiwan as much as possible. We will establish a multilayered and comprehensive transportation hub that connects Taiwan, improve connectivity between Fujian, Taiwan and the rest of the mainland, and complete a regional logistic distribution system. Second, we will further optimize and expand passenger and cargo transportation routes between the coastal areas of Fujian and Taiwan island as well as the islands of Kinmen and Matsu . This initiative aims to create more convenient conditions and a more reassuring environment for compatriots on both sides to travel between Fujian and Taiwan, as well as for Taiwan compatriots residing in and visiting Fujian. It also seeks to encourage more Taiwan compatriots who have yet to visit the Chinese mainland to explore Fujian and gain an understanding of its actual development.

To promote integration through favorable policies, first, we have introduced a series of policies that support Taiwan compatriots to pursue education, study, and secure jobs, as well as to facilitate their lives in local areas and enhance their social engagement and participation. We welcome more students, teachers, medical workers and professional personnel from Taiwan to come to Fujian to explore better career opportunities and achieve greater life aspirations. Second, we will continue improving the business environment related to Taiwan. We support more Taiwan enterprises to engage in Fujian-Taiwan industrial and sci-tech innovation cooperation. In particular, we welcome Taiwan's agricultural, fishery and small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and thrive in Fujian and share the opportunities offered by the mainland's development.

To promote integration through forging closer bonds. First, we will deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan. We will support NGOs, think tanks, and religious groups to conduct regular communication, and encourage compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to carry forward excellent traditional Chinese culture. Additionally, we aim to continuously expand the circles of friends and business partners shared by youths of Fujian and Taiwan. Second, we will support regions in Fujian to fully leverage their advantages of communication and cooperation with Taiwan. We will encourage the in-depth integrated development of Xiamen, Fuzhou, Kinmen, and Matsu. Furthermore, we will expedite the opening up and development of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone and promote other regions in Fujian to engage in integrated cross-Straits development.

Moving forward, based on the current cross-Straits development and the realities of the integrated development between Fujian and Taiwan, we will adopt a problem-oriented and steady approach. We will roll out and implement supporting policies step by step, prioritize pilot programs and empower more practices. Our goal is to further promote innovation in policies and mechanisms, aiming to release more policy dividends. Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you. Let us invite Mr. Luo for an introduction. 

Luo Dongchuan:

I will introduce to you how Fujian province has promoted the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan. Fujian and Taiwan face each other across the sea, with the shortest distance between the two regions being just 68 nautical miles. Furthermore, Fujian is the ancestral home for the majority of Taiwan compatriots, as approximately 80% of Taiwan people trace their ancestral roots back to Fujian. Relevant documents and historical records indicate that people from Fujian, particularly from the cities of Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, and Xiamen, moved to Taiwan during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). As a result, there exists a profound connection between the people of Fujian and Taiwan, characterized by shared blood ties and a deep sense of affinity. People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are considered one family, and those hailing from Fujian and Taiwan are among the closest within this extended family. When he served as a senior official in Fujian, General SecretaryXi Jinpingattached great importance to cross-Straits exchange and the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan. He took charge of work on the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan and advanced a series of major initiatives related to Taiwan.

In recent years, Fujian province has firmly implemented the Party's overall strategies for addressing Taiwan question in the new era, promoted in-depth people-to-people exchanges across the Straits, and established the "first home" for Taiwan residents and enterprises to settle down on the Chinese mainland. All of these efforts have laid a solid foundation for building a demonstration zone for the integrated development across the Straits.

Fujian has become the most active region for cross-Straits people-to-people exchanges. Each year, it hosts over 200 cross-Straits exchange activities for connecting clan relatives and promoting folk traditions, affinity, folk beliefs, history, and culture. The Straits Forum, the largest platform for folk exchanges, has convened 15 sessions, drawing the participation of 340,000 individuals. The Straits Youth Festival is highly popular among young people from both sides of the Straits, bringing people from across the Straits even closer.

Second, Fujian is becoming the warmest home for people from both sides of the Straits. Fujian introduced its first list of 225 equal treatment measures for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan-funded companies, thereby establishing a complete policy framework that benefits Taiwan. Tens of thousands of Taiwan compatriots have built businesses, pursued education, and resided and settled down in Fujian. Furthermore, the province has been providing water to Kinmen for five years, with the total water supply amounting to approximately 30 million metric tons and the daily water supply exceeding 20,000 metric tons. The promising prospects of the integrated development between Xiamen and Kinmen have taken root in the minds of Kinmen's residents. Pingtan has implemented a strategy to transform itself into an international tourism island, featuring two gateways for Fujian and Taiwan cooperation and national opening up, as well as three industrial sectors focusing on emerging industries, high-end services, and livable communities. With the implementation of a new round of overall development plans, Pingtan aspires to create a homeland where people on both sides of the Straits can lead happy lives.

Third, Fujian has constructed the most convenient channels between two sides of the Strait. Fujian maintains direct sea routes with Taiwan's major ports and operates 17 regular air and sea routes, providing up to 430 weekly flights at peak levels. Fujian has established highly convenient and cost-effective sea and air routes, including connections between Kinmen and Matsu and coastal areas of Fujian, roll-on/roll-off passenger ship routes, and direct air routes.

Fourth, Fujian is consolidating the foundation for close economic and trade cooperation across the Strait. Fujian province hosts more than 10,000 Taiwan-funded enterprises, with an actually utilized Taiwan capital exceeding $32 billion. The accumulated trade volume between Fujian and Taiwan has surpassed 1.4 trillion yuan. Each year, Fujian ranks high among Chinese provinces in terms of the amount of actually utilized Taiwan capital and the number of newly added Taiwan-invested enterprises. A total of 18 national cross-Straits industrial cooperation parks across Fujian have promoted the integration of industrial and supply chains between Fujian and Taiwan in sectors such as electronic information, petrochemicals, and precision machinery.

For the next step, Fujian will earnestly study and implement the important guiding principles of General SecretaryXi Jinpingfor the work related to Taiwan and act on the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Treating the implementation of the guideline as a significant political task and assuming greater responsibility, we will boldly act as pioneers, advancing practical progress in the demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development. We will gradually turn the blueprint outlined by General SecretaryXi Jinpinginto reality. We will fully leverage Fujian's advantages, shoulder our responsibilities, and contribute to exploring new pathways for the integrated development across the Straits. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Luo. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news outlet you represent before asking your questions.



During his inspection of Fujian in March 2021, General SecretaryXi Jinpingmade important instructions for making greater strides in exploring the integrated development of both sides across the Straits. He also emphasized integrated development through connectivity, preferential policies, and relationships. How does the document reflect the important guiding principles put forward by General SecretaryXi Jinping? Thank you.

Pan Xianzhang:

In studying and drafting the guideline, the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee, the NDRC, relevant departments, and Fujian province have earnestly studied and understood the guiding principles but forward by General SecretaryXi Jinping. Building upon the previous achievements made by Fujian in the work related to Taiwan, we will ensure the implementation of the guiding principles put forward by General SecretaryXi Jinpingacross all sectors and throughout the entire process.

First, we have made greater strides in boosting connectivity between Fujian and Taiwan. In recent years, we have firmly advanced the interconnectivity of water, electricity, and gas, along with constructing a bridge linking Kinmen and Matsu to the coastal areas of Fujian. The guideline further proposes advancing infrastructure interconnectivity between Fujian and Taiwan and exploring cooperation mechanisms between Xiamen and Kinmen for jointly building infrastructure. The guideline supports the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone in expediting the construction of a well-rounded openness framework for Taiwan, while encouraging joint efforts from industries, academia, research institutes, and companies across the Straits in formulating policies and measures, including industrial standards. This will make it convenient for Taiwan compatriots and businesspeople to travel to and from Fujian and facilitate their lives and work in Fujian.

Second, we have made significant progress in implementing measures that benefit Taiwan and its residents. The guidance has fully integrated effective policies and measures implemented over the years. Based in Fujian, it introduces stronger and more open equal treatment policies. This includes guidelines for special measures to relax market access, expand the recognition of Taiwan professional qualifications, and provide more convenience for Taiwan farmers and fishermen in land use, financing, and domestic market development. We also extend support to residents in Kinmen and Matsu, ensuring they receive the same treatment as local residents in Xiamen and Fuzhou. Additionally, we are launching pilot programs allowing Taiwan businesses to invest in and establish radio and television production and operation companies in Fujian. In summary, all these policies aim to create an environment where Taiwan compatriots feel welcomed, find comfortable in staying, and easily integrated and thrive.

Third, we have made significant progress in deepening people-to-people exchanges. Fujian and Taiwan share deep roots in terms of kinship, fellow villagers, in-laws, and folk beliefs. The guidance proposes establishing a global center for Minnan culture exchanges and promoting integrated development with Penghu. This will be achieved by leveraging the advantages of Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, both Minnan-dialect-speaking regions and the main ancestral places of Taiwan compatriots. We also support Longyan and Sanming in utilizing their advantages as Hakka ancestral lands to drive innovation in cross-Straits Hakka cultural exchanges. Additionally, the guidance proposes to launch traceability projects for Fujian and Taiwan history exhibitions and carry out activities such as matching Fujian and Taiwan genealogy, tracing roots, and paying homage to ancestors. We encourage compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to work together to promote Chinese culture, as well as the protection, inheritance, and innovation of China's excellent traditional culture.

Yesterday, I came across a media comment that described the guidance as brimmed with friendship, valuable insights and confidence. We firmly believe that putting this guidance into practice will improve the policy framework for integrated cross-Straits development, facilitating more convenient personnel exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan. It will also foster smoother trade and investments while broadening exchanges and cooperation across wider areas and greater depth. This consensus acknowledges that people on both sides of the Straits are part of one family, and the ties between Fujian and Taiwan continue to strengthen. Thank you.


The business environment serves as an important reflection of the governance system and capabilities, and it also garners extensive attention from Taiwan companies. Could you kindly share insights into the progress of Fujian's business environment development and explain the strategies for involving Taiwan compatriots and businesses in Fujian's business environment construction in the future? Thank you.

Luo Dongchuan:

Thank you for your questions. In recent years, Fujian province has earnestly studied and put into practice General SecretaryXi Jinping's important remarks regarding improving the business environment. The province has focused on creating an efficient market, effective government, profitable enterprises, and enhancing the people's sense of fulfillment, happiness, and security. Fujian is committed to creating a first-class enabling business environment characterized by market-oriented operations and the rule of law while continuously improving services for businesses and the public.

In terms of services for businesses, Fujian province has fully implemented a market access negative list system. It has taken the lead in conducting market access performance evaluations, introduced regulations aimed at optimizing the local business environment, accelerated the construction of the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District, and launched a digital monitoring and supervision mechanism for the business environment. The province has made significant efforts to dismantle hidden barriers, creating an equal, transparent, predictable, and competitive investment environment for various types of business entities, including those with investments from Taiwan. Currently, the time required to register a business has been reduced to one working day on average, and the number of enterprises of all ownership forms in Fujian province has increased from 1.4 million at the end of 2012 to 7.47 million.

In terms of services for the public, Fujian province has leveraged the achievements of digital Fujian construction. It has focused on strengthening the digital support capabilities of the business environment by building a five-tiered unified online government service platform that covers the province, city, county, township, and village levels. This effort is aimed at promoting the transition of government services from a "one-stop access" model to a more efficient "one-stop completion" model, making government services easily accessible online. Currently, 98.5% of government service items in Fujian province can be handled online. The province has accelerated the reform of "one-click" integrated services to provide one-stop online government services. The self-service model of e-government services has been promoted nationwide, leading to the establishment of 24-hour self-service areas for government services and 15-minute convenient service circles.

Thanks to the favorable business environment and the resilient spirit of the Fujian people, known for their determination to excel, Fujian has achieved new economic and social development milestones. In 2022, its GDP reached 5.3 trillion yuan, ranking it eighth in the country. Looking ahead, we will continue to guide Taiwan compatriots and businesses to actively participate in building a first-class enabling business environment characterized by market-oriented principles and the rule of law. We will enhance the coordination and linkage mechanism to safeguard the rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots and businesses, while also establishing and improving government-enterprise communication channels. We sincerely hope that more Taiwan compatriots and businesses will choose Fujian with confidence, actively contributing to the modernization of the governance system and governance capability. Together, we can elevate the business environment and create a world-class business environment.

Thank you. 


GDToday app Nanfang Plus: 

The "mini three links," which refers to direct trade, postal and transport services launched in 2001 between Kinmen and Matsu islands and some cities in Fujian province, were established as early as 2001, providing much convenience for Taiwan compatriots traveling to the mainland. What considerations are being taken into account to promote maximum connectivity between Fujian and Taiwan and to facilitate smoother passage for Taiwan compatriots? Thank you.

Cong Liang:

Let me address this question. Thank you for your question. The "mini three links" have indeed played a positive role in promoting people-to-people exchanges between the two sides. The guidance has put forward considerations in four aspects regarding promoting maximum connectivity between Fujian and Taiwan and facilitating smoother passage for Taiwan compatriots.

First, in terms of enhancing economic and trade cooperation, we will continue to strengthen the layout and construction of major logistics infrastructure, including logistics hubs. Our focus is on improving the fundamental support for economic and trade cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan. We will introduce specific measures to ease market access for industries that hold significant influence over the integrated development of both sides. Additionally, we will formulate a set of policies and measures aimed at optimizing market access. We will also encourage the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone to expand pilot programs for exchanges and cooperation. Furthermore, we will provide further support for the innovative development of small-scale trade with Taiwan and actively explore institutional and policy measures to promote smooth economic and trade cooperation between the two regions.

Second, in terms of transport infrastructure connectivity, Fujian has been actively promoting transportation infrastructure planning and construction in recent years. It has built comprehensive three-dimensional transportation networks and developed the engineering and technical capabilities to connect expressways between Fujian and Taiwan. This forms a solid foundation for promoting transport infrastructure connectivity across the Straits. There has long been anticipation among various sectors on both sides for direct connectivity of infrastructure. We should work together to realize the dream of people from both sides to effortlessly cross the Straits by high-speed rail. This will facilitate the transportation of more Taiwan products to European and Asian markets via China-Europe freight trains, ultimately benefiting people on both sides of the Straits.

Third, regarding energy and resource connectivity, the mainland has built the world's largest energy system, with the achievements in green transformation of energy attracting worldwide attention. The scale of our hydropower, wind power, and photovoltaic power generation has ranked first in the world for many years, while the mainland also has the world's most advanced wind and photovoltaic power production capacity and long-distance power transmission and transformation capacity. In particular, clean energy is developing rapidly in Fujian province, and the shoals of the outer beaches in southern Fujian are suitable for the development of offshore wind power and have the conditions necessary for large-scale transmission of green electricity to Taiwan. We are willing to strengthen cross-Straits energy cooperation and jointly promote the energy transition with Taiwan.

Fourth, regarding common industry standards, in recent years, we have stepped up efforts to set up shared standards, compiled 99 cross-Straits common standards in cold chain logistics, elderly care, and food safety, providing multi-functional services and "one-stop" standardized services for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan. The guidance proposed "building a service platform for common cross-Straits standards, and encouraging industries, universities, research institutes and enterprises on both sides of the Straits to jointly formulate common industry standards." We will focus on areas concerning people's wellbeing across the Straits and further strengthen the sharing and exchange of common standards and standardized information so as to provide more accurate, efficient, and standard information services for enterprises across the Straits. Thank you.


United Daily News:

Xiamen and Kinmen are at the forefront of cross-Straits exchanges. What is the plan outlined in the guidance to integrate development between the two areas? Also, Fuzhou, Pingtan, and Quanzhou have their respective features in exchanges with Taiwan. How does the guidance encourage these areas to participate in the integrated development with Taiwan? Thank you.

Cong Liang:

Thank you for your questions; I will answer them. The guidance proposed making Fujian a demonstration zone for cross-Straits integrated development. We will guide areas with good conditions and outstanding advantages, such as Xiamen, Fuzhou, as well as the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, to take the lead in the pilot programs and encourage other regions of Fujian to participate in the practice of cross-Straits integrated development in light of their own conditions. Specifically, there are four major measures.

First, we will deepen the integrated development between Xiamen and Kinmen. We will support Xiamen in carrying out a comprehensive pilot reform, empower the city to have greater autonomy over the reforms in key areas and key links, comprehensively deepen reform and opening-up, promote high-quality development, and deepen exchanges and cooperation between Xiamen and Kinmen. The two areas enjoy geographical proximity, and Kinmen residents living in Xiamen can enjoy the same treatment as local residents. We will take the lead to support equal access to inclusive and convenient basic public services, creating the "pair-city living circle." Efforts will also be made to explore a model for Xiamen-Kinmen joint infrastructure development, facilitating the supplies of electricity and gas and the construction of bridges from Xiamen to Kinmen, and support Kinmen in using Xiamen's new airport.

Second, we will support the integrated development between Fuzhou and Matsu. Fuzhou and Matsu have had very close exchanges and held many Fuzhou-Matsu consultations, reaching a series of consensus. We will create a "Fuzhou-Matsu living circle" and entitle Matsu residents living in Fuzhou to the same treatments as local residents. We will set up a Fuzhou-Matsu industrial cooperation park to facilitate the innovative cooperation of the cities in cultural tourism and marine fisheries, and to attract Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to participate in the digital economy development in Fuzhou. We will continue to promote the supplies of water, electricity, and gas and the construction of bridges from Fuzhou to Matsu.

Third, we will give support to the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone in accelerating opening up to Taiwan. In recent years, the area focused on the strategic position featuring "one island, two windows, and three areas" to facilitate exchanges and in-depth integration, and has comprehensively strengthened social, economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan. Support will be given to the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone in accelerating all-round opening up to Taiwan, building more convenient transportation facilities across the Straits, gradually establishing a policy system to boost trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in Taiwan, broadening cross-border trade in services, advancing the construction of the pioneering zone for cross-Straits common market, deepening people-to-people exchanges, as well as cooperation on community-level governance. Besides, we will study to liberalize market access for Taiwan's information services, as well as issue relevant measures concerning speeding up the opening up of education.

Fourth, we will promote practices of integrated development across Fujian. Each county in Fujian has a very close relation with Taiwan. We will encourage Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, both Minnan-dialect-speaking regions and the main ancestral home of Taiwan compatriots, to develop themselves into a global center for Minnan culture, and to carry out integrated development practices with Penghu. We will also leverage the advantages of Fujian as the hometown of the Hakka people and the sea goddess Mazu to support Longyan in innovating Hakka cultural exchanges across the Straits, support Sanming in setting up a pilot zone for integrated rural development across the Straits, support Putian in building a cross-Straits industrial cooperation zone for biotechnology and medical health, support Nanping in deepening ecological, cultural, tourism, and industrial cooperation with Taiwan, and support Ningde in expanding cooperation with Taiwan in the fields of new energy and marine aquaculture industry.

Fujian and Taiwan enjoy geographical proximity, a similar climate, and close affinity. I hope that more Taiwan compatriots can come and visit Fujian, experience the charm of Fujian, pass down the friendship between Fujian and Taiwan, and map out common future development with a view to forging even closer bonds with each other. Thank you.


People's Daily:

Fujian province is the main ancestral home of our Taiwan compatriots. In the future, what convenience will be brought to Taiwan compatriots to study, work, start business, and live in Fujian so as to promote the atmosphere that people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of one family, and Fujian-Taiwan bond even closer? Thank you.

Luo Dongchuan:

Thank you for the question. I will address this matter. The recently issued guidance by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council places great emphasis on respecting, caring for, and benefiting our Taiwan compatriots. It highlights the significance of improving policies related to their education, employment, and livelihoods in Fujian. Regarding the province, we are committed to implementing more effective and pragmatic measures to ensure the implementation of these policies.

First, our commitment is to support Taiwan students coming to Fujian for study and research. Currently, Fujian has opened admissions for Taiwan students in 36 universities and colleges. It is also the only province on the Chinese mainland that pilots independent enrollment examinations for Taiwan students and admits them based on their scores of the Joint College Entrance Examination for Technological and Vocational Education (JCEE). At present, full-time Taiwan students studying in Fujian constitute one-sixth of the national total. More than 70 universities and colleges in Fujian have established cooperation agreements with over 110 universities and colleges in Taiwan, leading to the implementation of more than 200 cooperative education programs and joint training for over 24,000 technical and skilled professionals. According to the guidance, Fujian will further support Taiwan students in coming to the province for study and research, particularly by implementing a welcoming policy that promises equal treatment, and encourages enrollment based on proximity for Taiwan students studying in Fujian. In Fuzhou and Xiamen, I have heard Taiwan compatriots mention that their children often attend the best primary schools. I have personally witnessed Taiwan compatriots' children studying in a primary school in Fuzhou. Efforts will be made to further support Fujian's universities, colleges and research institutes in expanding the enrollment of Taiwan students. I have also inquired with some universities; this year's admission numbers have exceeded those of previous years. Furthermore, support will be provided for high-standard learning institutions and programs jointly run by institutions across the Straits and diversified cooperation among them, along with measures such as establishing several cross-Straits youth research and study bases.

Second, our focus is on supporting the employment of Taiwan compatriots in Fujian. Currently, Fujian has recognized 45 professional qualifications from Taiwan, attracting over 40,000 Taiwan compatriots, including both young and elderly people, to come to Fujian for internships, employment, and entrepreneurship. Building on this foundation, measures will be implemented to encourage enterprises, particularly those invested by Taiwan business people, to hire more Taiwan employees. Additionally, efforts will be made to recruit Taiwan teachers in vocational schools, expand the recognition of professional qualifications from Taiwan, facilitate the practice of Taiwan physicians in Fujian, and gradually broaden the scope of practice for Taiwan residents who have obtained national legal professional qualifications in Fujian. These measures are designed to provide greater opportunities for Taiwan compatriots and young people to find employment in Fujian.

Third, our objective is to facilitate the livelihood of Taiwan compatriots in Fujian. Equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots and enterprises has been implemented, alongside the enhancement of public service platforms. Measures have been taken to provide access to old-age insurance, basic health insurance, housing provident funds, and affordable housing for Taiwan compatriots. These measures aim to improve their sense of gain, happiness, and security. According to the guidance, additional initiatives will include the removal of temporary residence registration requirements, and allow Taiwan compatriots to freely settle and register their residence. The application scope of the residence permit for Taiwan residents will be expanded to ensure equal convenience with Chinese mainland resident identity cards. We are currently studying how to align the residence permit for Taiwan residents with the Chinese mainland resident identity cards, both in terms of application scenarios and convenience. Institutional guarantees for Taiwan compatriots in employment, healthcare, housing, old-age services, and social assistance will be enhanced, with the goal of incorporating Taiwan compatriots in Fujian into the Chinese mainland social security system in accordance with laws and regulations.

Thank you.



The report to the 20th CPC National Congress includes the promotion of economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Straits, as well as the advancement of integrated development in all fields. My question is, what plans does the guidance propose in terms of deepening cross-Straits integrated development in Fujian? Thank you.

Pan Xianzhang:

Thank you for the question. The report to the 20th CPC National Congress states that we will continue to promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Straits and advance our integrated development in all fields . Supporting Fujian to explore a new path and build itself into a demonstration zone for cross-Straits integrated development is the specific measure to implement the decisions of the 20th CPC National Congress.

The key highlight of the guidance is the objective for integration. It aims to provide institutions and policy support for the comprehensive integration of Taiwan compatriots and enterprises in Fujian. It also includes advancing the integration of key regions such as Xiamen-Kinmen and Fuzhou-Matsu , and facilitating seamless connectivity and deep integration between Fujian and Taiwan.

The guidance proposes supporting the establishment of cooperative alliances between Fujian and Taiwan enterprises. It encourages Taiwan farmers and fishermen to participate in the integrated development of Fujian's primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas, thus contributing to rural revitalization. The circular also proposes to create a platform to support the application of scientific and technological achievements in ecology and the environment across the Straits, with the goal of encouraging Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to engage in the development of the green economy. These policy measures are intended to empower Taiwan compatriots to seize development opportunities on the Chinese mainland.

The guidance articulates the importance to leverage the spiritual bond of folk beliefs like Mazu and conduct diverse religion and folk custom exchanges. It advocates for the establishment of more cultural industry cooperation platforms and encourages Taiwan cultural enterprises to invest in and open offices on the Chinese mainland. The guidance calls for amalgamating cultural and entertainment resources from both sides of the Straits, fostering a cross-Straits pop culture center, and assisting compatriots from both sides in jointly celebrating and preserving traditional Chinese culture.

The guidance recommends supporting Taiwan compatriots in their deep involvement in the development of local communities and grassroots governance in Fujian province. It endorses the nomination of Taiwan compatriots for honors and awards at various levels in line with national regulations. The document encourages Taiwanese individuals to take on roles as arbitrators, mediators, jurors, supervisors, prosecutorial liaisons, and judicial auxiliary personnel, thereby actively contributing to the advancement of the rule of law in Fujian. It encourages Taiwan compatriots to pursue home ownership and property investments in Fujian. The guidance seeks to enhance institutional guarantees for Taiwan compatriots in areas such as employment, medical care, housing, retirement, and social assistance in Fujian. In accordance with the law and regulations, it aims to integrate Taiwan compatriots residing in Fujian into the mainland's social security system, among other measures. This effort is designed to broaden the participation of Taiwan compatriots in Fujian society and facilitate their lives in the province.

In addition, we are advancing the integration of key regions like Xiamen-Kinmen and Fuzhou-Matsu, introducing supportive policy measures to accelerate the integrated development between Xiamen and Kinmen, and deepen the integrated development between Fuzhou and Matsu.

The implementation of the guidance will offer the broadest space, best conditions, and strongest guarantees for Taiwan compatriots studying, working, and living in Fujian. It allows them to invest, settle down, and pursue their careers in the most familiar and amiable environment, relishing a sense of participation, gain, happiness, and security as if they were at home. Thank you.


China Daily:

Fujian and Taiwan share the same roots. May I inquire about the specific measures and plans in place to enhance social and cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, foster youth interactions, and promote cultural integration? Thank you.

Luo Dongchuan:

Thank you for your question. Fujian and Taiwan are bonded by deep historical connections and shared lineage. We have vibrant interactions in the realms of culture, youth exchange, and cultural integration. The guidance further bolsters support in these areas.

First, we have been expanding Fujian-Taiwan social and cultural exchanges. Sharing bonds among local village communities, engaging in rapport-building conversations, and visiting ancestral temples have always been cherished practices among the people of both Fujian and Taiwan. There are 280 pairs of villages in Fujian and Taiwan sharing the same names and origins. In Taiwan, there are more than 2,000 temples dedicated to deities like Mazu, Kaizhang Shengwang, Baosheng Emperor, and Guandi, having their ancestral temples located in Fujian. Fujian has consistently held events such as the Straits Forum and other people-to-people exchange events to facilitate visits, ancestral worship, and kinship interactions for Taiwan compatriots coming to Fujian. Since the start of this year, over 20,000 Taiwan compatriots have come to Fujian for visits, exchanges, and ancestral pilgrimages. The guidance actively responds to the aspirations of Taiwan compatriots to resume civil religion and folk custom exchanges. Its proposes support for normalized exchanges between various non-governmental organizations from both sides, and stresses the need to implement projects that trace the historical roots of Fujian-Taiwan relations and conduct Fujian-Taiwan family tree alignments, and a variety of religion and folk custom exchange activities. Recently, Alex Tsai from Taiwan discovered that his family tree in Taiwan matches exactly that in Quanzhou, Fujian province. We also encourage religious figures and other people from Taiwan to come to Fujian for short-term study. Moreover, we support exchanges and cooperation between Buddhist and Taoist communities in Fujian and Taiwan.

Second, we have been promoting exchanges and interactions between young people from Fujian and Taiwan. There are an increasing number of exchanges between the young generations of both sides, with more and more young people from Taiwan choosing to develop their careers on the mainland. Focusing on the needs of Taiwan's youths, Fujian has launched flagship exchange events such as the Straits Youth Day and the Straits Youth Forum. This year, we have also organized baseball and cycling competitions, street dance and basketball events, and other engaging, interactive, and enjoyable activities popular among the youth from both sides. We support exchanges and mutual learning between young people from Fujian and Taiwan. The guidance focuses on providing a broad platform for young people from both sides to showcase their talents and co-create their future. It encourages young people from Taiwan to come to Fujian for exchanges, proposes the establishment of regular exchange channels between youth groups from various fields and industries in Fujian and Taiwan, promotes cooperation in youth-specific sports like baseball and softball, strengthens the construction of employment and entrepreneurship platforms for the youth from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and supports Taiwan's youth in seeking, pursuing, and realizing their dreams in Fujian so that young people of both sides grow closer, foster bonds, and strengthen ties through these exchanges.

In our work, we've encountered many admirable young individuals from Taiwan. Notably, these young people have spent years participating in the rural revitalization endeavor on the Chinese mainland, contributing to significant transformations in some relatively underdeveloped villages. The local villagers treat these young people from Taiwan as their own children. It's touching for Taiwan youths that when they hear familial terms like "Ah Ma" that sound quite familiar to them. These young individuals from Taiwan are incredibly resilient and hard-working, setting an example for the mainland youths.

Third, we have promoted integrated cultural development. The cultures of Fujian and Taiwan have shared lineage. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, a large number of people from Fujian migrated to Taiwan. Taiwan's attire, food, customs, and popular culture, such as Nanyin and Gaojia Opera, all have their roots in Fujian. I have read historical records saying that after Fujian became a province, the first contingent of soldiers that was dispatched to Taiwan hailed from Quanzhou and Zhangzhou in Fujian. In recent years, anchored by the shared cultural legacy of Fujian and Taiwan, Fujian has organized events like the Hakka Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, Hokkien Song Contest, and various cultural and academic exchange activities, consistently broadening and deepening the cultural integration between Fujian and Taiwan. The guidance encourages compatriots from both Fujian and Taiwan to jointly promote Chinese culture, safeguard its inheritance, and stimulate its innovative development. The guidance proposes the creation of more platforms for cultural industry cooperation, encourages Taiwan's cultural entrepreneurs to invest and establish businesses, looks to create pilot programs allowing Taiwan enterprises to set up radio and television program production and operation companies in Fujian, supports the joint production of films and TV programs. The guidance also encourages Taiwan compatriots to apply for the title — provincial-level inheritors of intangible cultural heritage in Fujian, jointly undertake actions to protect intangible cultural heritage, and spare no effort to promote the integrated development of culture across the Strait. In Fuzhou, many young Taiwanese have already been recognized as inheritors of intangible cultural heritage. I believe that there is immense potential in these policy measures, which will offer a stage for Taiwan compatriots, including young people, to give full play to their talents.

In conclusion, I believe that the aforementioned exchanges will be welcomed by compatriots from both sides of the Straits and are bound to yield positive outcomes. Thank you.



The guidance has drawn wide attention from both sides of the Straits following its release. How will you now promote the effective implementation of the guidance? Thank you.

Pan Xianzhang:

Thank you for your question. The guidance is the first document jointly issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council specifically designed to deepen integrated cross-Straits development. With the deployment in place, the key now is implementation. The Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee and the NDRC will resolutely implement the decisions and deployments made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, take solid steps, and make sure the guidance is implemented to the letter. Specific arrangements have been made in the three following respects:

The first is to improve the implementation mechanism. The Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee and the NDRC will play a leading and coordinating role, formulate overall plans, form a dynamic optimization mechanism, and advance policy implementation, evaluation, and adjustment, and summarization and large-scale application, among other work. Within the framework of the guidance, relevant departments of the central government and state organs will take additional, new measures, strengthen policy support, and go all-out to support Fujian in exploring new mechanisms, pathways, and models for promoting integrated cross-Straits development. Fujian will better assume its principal responsibilities, set up a mechanism for coordinated implementation, leverage the roles of multiple parties involved, and introduce new methods so that the measures set out in the guidance are carried out in an innovative manner. At the same time, an expert committee will be established to help Fujian explore new channels for integrated cross-Straits development, and policy research on deepening Fujian-Taiwan integrated development will be carried out.

The second step is to consolidate the foundation of legal guarantees. We will ensure effective legal support to build a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Straits development. Certain policies and measures outlined in the guidance entail adjustments to the application of existing laws or administrative regulations, and they will only be implemented after being authorized by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the State Council in accordance with the statutory procedures.

The third step is to provide financial assistance. The central government will support Fujian in conducting economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges with Taiwan via existing financial channels. The central budget will increase its investment support for major projects in Fujian that explore new ways of cross-Straits integration.

The guidance covers various aspects of the economy and society. Promoting its effective and result-oriented implementation calls for concerted efforts of the whole Party and society, as well as the joint participation of the compatriots across the Straits. The Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council will utilize existing working mechanisms and coordinate with related departments and Fujian province to promote policy implementation, evaluation and adjustment, summary and promotion, issuance of supporting documents, and implementation of special tasks. By doing so, we aim to foster deeper integrated cross-Straits development throughout the rest of the Chinese mainland and cement the public support for facilitating national reunification. Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli:

Due to the time limit, we'll have one last question.


Currently, the Chinese mainland, including Fujian, is expediting the construction of a modernized industrial system, and, with a strong industrial and innovation base, offers vast opportunities for further growth. How will the guidance support our Taiwan compatriots' and enterprises' participation in the integration of Fujian-Taiwan industrial, supply, and innovation chains? Thank you.

Cong Liang:

Thank you for your question. The mainland has now gradually developed a complete, full-fledged, and highly competitive industrial system, with industrial scales of electronic information, petrochemicals, machinery and equipment, textiles, and other light industries leading the world. In recent years, we have issued supportive policies equally applicable to our Taiwan compatriots and enterprises, encouraging them to participate in Fujian's development of electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemicals, modern textiles and clothing, new materials, new energy, new medicine, and other industries. In addition, we have sped up the building of a Straits regional innovation platform to open up broader prospects of development for our Taiwan compatriots and enterprises.

Going forward, we will follow the guidance and boost the integrated development of Fujian-Taiwan industrial, supply, and innovation chains by supporting manufacturing, collaborating on technology research, building collective brands, expanding market together, and partnering on capital. Measures will be taken in the four following respects.

The first is to strengthen Fujian-Taiwan industrial cooperation. We will focus our efforts on developing the Gulei petrochemical base in Zhangzhou city and the power battery cluster in Ningde city into an industrial base and advanced manufacturing cluster that pool cross-Straits production factors and resources as well as boast a global competitive edge. This aims to make the industrial and supply chains across the Straits safer and more resilient. 

The second is to innovate models of cross-Straits non-governmental capital collaboration. We will promote the establishment of a cross-Straits fund for integrated industrial development, support the innovation and upgrading of the Taiwan Equity Exchange under the Haixia Equity Exchange , and enhance the cooperation and alignment with the National Equities Exchange and Quotations. We will help more eligible, high-quality Taiwanese enterprises located in Fujian to go public and encourage more Taiwanese companies to participate in the development of the mainland's financial market. 

The third is to help Taiwan's agriculture and fishing industries, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, develop in Fujian. We will encourage Taiwan's farmers and fishermen to participate in the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in Fujian's rural areas and make it more convenient in terms of land use, financing, and domestic market expansion. Furthermore, we will support broader Fujian-Taiwan cooperation in such fields as trade in services, future industries, fashion and creative industries, and tourism resource development.

The fourth step is to cement Fujian-Taiwan cooperation on sci-tech innovation. We will encourage enterprises and research institutions in Fujian and Taiwan to jointly build platforms for generic technology R&D and make the Taiwan enterprises in Fujian more digitalized, intelligent, and internet-based. We will support Fuzhou and Xiamen to establish distinctive, complementary, and synergistic platforms for pooling talents. We will set up platforms for applying sci-tech achievements regarding the cross-Straits ecological environment and support our Taiwan compatriots' and enterprises' participation in the development of the green economy.

We hope that our Taiwan compatriots and enterprises will join us in working toward Chinese modernization and boosting Fujian's high-quality development on all fronts and jointly modernize cross-Straits industrial systems to strengthen the national economy and secure greater development for themselves. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thanks to all the speakers and friends from the media. Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Qian, Liu Jianing, Zhu Bochen, Yang Xi, Zhang Tingting, Huang Shan, Wang Ziteng, He Shan, Zhang Rui, Li Huiru, Liu Qiang, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnsten. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

/5    Shou Xiaoli

/5    Pan Xianzhang

/5    Cong Liang

/5    Luo Dongchuan

/5    Group photo