SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: National Immigration Administration | September 11, 2024


The Poster News APP:

Currently, residents in 20 cities, including Beijing, can apply for and renew their exit-entry documents online without requiring an in-person visit. Could you share the experiences gained from these pilot programs? Will the scope of these trials be expanded in the future? Thank you.

Liu Haitao:

I'd like to invite Ms. Peng to answer your questions.

Peng Ling:

Thank you for your question. To further advance online reforms in immigration services, we launched a pilot program on May 6 this year in 20 cities, including Beijing, allowing local residents to apply for and renew their exit-entry documents entirely online. In the past three months, we have issued documents to more than 70,000 people, earning widespread praise from the public.

Our experience can be summarized as follows: First, we prioritize convenience for the public as the primary focus of reform. The "fully online process" has expanded options for handling exit-entry documents, allowing people to apply with just a few clicks anytime, anywhere, saving applicants significant time and effort. This meets the public's expectations for immigration management services that can be fully handled online and strengthens our confidence to continue deepening reform based on people's needs. Second, we prioritize the protection of citizens' personal information. We enforce strict security standards and rigorous measures. We have established a robust network security system to safeguard information storage and transmission, ensuring the absolute security of citizens' personal information. Third, we focus on problem-solving. During the pilot phase, some applicants reported issues with the online system's user-friendliness and low acceptance rate for submitted photos. In response, we quickly optimized over 20 functional modules and created step-by-step instructional video guides, continually boosting user experience and satisfaction.

Since the beginning of this year, the implementation of convenient measures, including the fully online process, has boosted the issuance of entry and exit documents. To date, we've issued 15.82 million regular passports and 61.73 million exit-entry permits and endorsements for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, representing year-on-year increases of 25% and 6%, respectively.

Next, we will promptly evaluate the outcomes of the pilot programs. Following the principles of "safety first and orderly progression," we plan to gradually expand the range of pilot cities, document types, and eligible applicant groups, allowing more people to enjoy the benefits brought by these reform measures.

Thank you.

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