SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: State Administration for Market Regulation | September 10, 2024


Xing Huina:

The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news outlet you represent before raising your questions.

Shenzhen Satellite TV:

An increasing number of people are paying attention to the credibility of business entities. Could you update us on the progress of building a credibility system for businesses? Thank you.

Pu Chun:

In recent years, market regulators have accelerated the development of a business credibility system. This includes establishing credibility records, publicizing credit information, promoting incentives for trustworthy behavior, penalizing trust breaches, and implementing categorized credit risk management.

Since its launch, the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System has averaged 131 million visits and over 16 million inquiries daily. Consumers and market participants can easily access comprehensive information about a business's operations and credibility, enabling them to make informed judgments. Information disclosure is now widely seen as a supervisory tool, demonstrating how credit oversight can facilitate public governance and support high-quality business development.

An increasing number of businesses are prioritizing their credit status. On the one hand, the SAMR has intensified its three-year campaign to improve business credit, focusing on laying a solid foundation, empowering leading market players, improving services, and enhancing overall credit levels. On the other hand, we are gradually refining the joint work system for credit restoration, ensuring that information on restoration outcomes is shared and mutually recognized and addressing redundant restoration processes.

Besides, we have continued to enrich our credit supervision toolbox and have implemented inclusive and prudential regulations. We have implemented, across the board, the classification management for enterprise credit risks, with classification results being regularly used in practices such as the random selection of inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results. This random selection method has led to a 51.9% increase in the number of issues detected. Enterprises' credit information will be shared in various ways to all departments. By the end of July, 11.331 billion pieces of data had been directly provided and 2.032 billion interface call services has been offered, supporting coordinated supervision. We have explored sharing credit supervision data with platform enterprises, supporting Zhejiang province and Haidian district of Beijing in sharing such data with platform enterprises on a trial basis. In places like Shenzhen and Hangzhou, pilot work has been done to check information of individual businesses via WeChat and Alipay platforms. All these have contributed to the exploration of enhancing joint governance with platform enterprises. We have promoted the joint construction of credit initiatives in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Yangtze River Delta Region, as well as initiated the joint construction of a credit system in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, empowering regional coordinated development and serving national major strategies. 

Going forward, the SAMR will follow the principle of "improving the social credit system and related oversight institutions" proposed by the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, continuing to focus on the central task of building a market entities credit system. With enhancing enterprise credit as the main task, information collection and publication as the foundation, credit constraint and discipline as the key, dual random selection supervision model as the lever and credit risk classification as the basis, we will continue to leverage the role of credit to empower high-quality development. By doing so, the improvement of the credit environment will drive the improvement of the market environment, business environment and development environment. Thank you. 

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