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Xi urges sense of mission, dedication in learning from late village official

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed a sense of mission and dedication among Party members, officials and young people, in an instruction honoring late village official Huang Wenxiu.

XinhuaUpdated: July 1, 2019

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed a sense of mission and dedication among Party members, officials and young people, in an instruction honoring late village official Huang Wenxiu.

Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, expressed grief over Huang's death and extended condolences to her family.

After completing her graduate studies, Huang gave up the opportunities to work in big cities and returned to her hometown, where she devoted herself to the cause of poverty alleviation, Xi noted in the instruction.

Xi stressed that Huang's brilliant young life depicted how CPC members are staying true to the Party's founding mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He urged Party members, officials and young people to learn from Huang, "remain true to the original aspiration and keep the mission firmly in mind, be brave enough to shoulder responsibilities and willing to show dedications, so as to make new and greater contributions in the Long March of the new era."

After graduation from Beijing Normal University in 2016, Huang returned to her hometown Baise City in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and served as an official with the publicity department of the Baise municipal committee of the CPC.

Since March 2018, she had been leading the poverty alleviation efforts in Baini Village, Leye County, as the village's Party chief. A total of 418 villagers were lifted out poverty thanks to the efforts. Huang died in a rain-triggered flash flood at the age of 30 on June 17, 2019, while returning from Baise City to Leye County.