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Xi presides over 5th meeting of central committee for deepening overall reform

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), presided over the fifth meeting of the central committee for deepening overall reform Wednesday.

XinhuaUpdated: November 15, 2018

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), presided over the fifth meeting of the central committee for deepening overall reform Wednesday.

Xi, also Chinese president, chairman of the Central Military Commission, and head of the central committee for deepening overall reform, called for "holding high the banner of reform and opening-up and achieving the overall goal in improving and developing the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China's system and capacity for governance."

He also urged more efforts to keep advancing the reform and opening-up in the new era.

Wang Huning and Han Zheng, both members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy heads of the reform committee, attended the meeting.

The meeting reviewed and approved a series of official documents:

-- a plan to implement an innovation-driven growth strategy in Hainan Province;

-- a plan to develop Hainan into an international tourism and consumption center;

-- a plan to implement fiscal and taxation policies to support Hainan in deepening reform and opening-up;

-- a regulation on the management of the fiscal subsidy fund to support Hainan in deepening reform and opening-up;

-- a plan to adjust policies on duty-free shopping for tourists leaving Hainan;

-- a plan to accelerate the improvement of the reform on the exit mechanism of market entities;

-- a plan to deepen the reform on the government procurement mechanism;

-- a plan to implement the reform on vocational education;

-- a guideline on enhancing the development of county-level media convergence centers;

-- a guideline on deepening reform for fostering world-class science journals;

-- a guideline on integrating law enforcement and approval services at grassroot levels;

-- a guideline on enhancing and improving the publishing sector;

-- a plan to pilot collective medicine procurement;

-- a guideline on improving administrative law enforcement;

-- a document on Beijing's exploration on innovative CPC-led grassroots governance.

The meeting demanded efforts in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening-up and called for "more resolve, courage and intensity in its continuation and deepening."

A statement released after the meeting said achievements and experience accumulated in the past 40 years should be summarized from "a historical, big-picture and strategic perspective," as well as with a problem-oriented approach.

"Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have not only made many historical achievements, but also created and gathered a lot of fresh experience in reform," the document said.

"To celebrate the 40th anniversary, concrete actions are needed in facilitating reform implementation," said the document, adding that local authorities should take tough action against the practice of "formalities for formalities' sake" and bureaucratism.

It called for strengthened strategic research and judgments on planing both strategic reforms and campaign-level reforms, to unleash domestic demand, boost economic vitality and foster drivers of growth.

"Efforts should be made to foster a good social atmosphere for reform and opening-up, and boost people's confidence in reform," it said.