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China unveils three state administrations on film, press, television

China on Monday unveiled three state administrations in the ideological sector, created as part of the Party and state institutional reform.
XinhuaUpdated: April 17, 2018

China on Monday unveiled three state administrations in the ideological sector, created as part of the Party and state institutional reform.

Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Huang Kunming attended the ceremonies to launch the State Film Administration, the State Administration of Radio and Television, and the State Administration of Press and Publication -- which doubles as the National Copyright Administration.

Huang Kunming (R), a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, attends the ceremony to launch the State Administration of Radio and Television, April 16, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

Their functions used to fall under the one administration of the State Council. The new film and press administrations will now be governed by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee headed by Huang. The television administration remains with the State Council.

The film administration, for example, is tasked with supervising film-making, releasing, screening, enforcing film content checks, hosting big film events, and overseeing international exchanges.

Huang, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said the restructuring showed the need to strengthen the Party's overall leadership in these areas and was good for advancing the ideological governing system and the sector's prosperity.

Huang called on efforts to "enhance cultural confidence, be innovative, stick to the correct orientation, place the people at the center of the work and strive for new progress."

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