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Annual NPC session unveils China's action plan for rejuvenation

Two Sessions 2018
China's national legislature convened its annual session Monday, announcing actions that will shape efforts in the years to come to make China a great modern socialist country.
XinhuaUpdated: March 6, 2018

The Qinzhou Port is seen in Qinzhou City, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jan. 10, 2018. China's national legislature convened its annual session Monday, announcing actions that will shape efforts in the years to come to make China a great modern socialist country.[Photo/Xinhua]

Opening wider

This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the country's reform and opening-up policy, which injected vitality into the economy, sustaining it for four decades of steady, rapid growth.

Premier Li said China would be bolder in reform and opening up, calling it a "game-changing" move in making China what it is today.

He went on to say the government would better protect intellectual property and open wider to foreign investors, from the general manufacturing sector to telecommunications, medical services, education, elderly care and new energy vehicles.

The market opens wider as the country's middle-income group -- numbering around 400 million -- grow the appetite for high-quality imported goods.

To meet that demand, Li said, China will host the first China International Import Expo this year and lower import tariffs on products ranging from automobiles to daily consumer goods.

The premier said setting ambitious goals but taking little action would not be tolerated.

He said solid new achievements could be made "only by doing," and the future would be shaped by good solid work.

In his speech, he repeated the call for the people to "do the work."

"We must give our work everything we've got," the premier said. "The people's government does not let the people down."

NPC deputy Zhang Xiong, a professor at Tongji University, said the work report sent a strong message that China is firm and confident marching toward the goal of a great modern socialist country.

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