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Huang Kunming: Let Xi's thought take root among the public

Huang Kunming spoke on the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, while visiting Shaanxi Province from Nov. 3 to 5.
China SCIOUpdated: November 7, 2017

Huang Kunming, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, spoke on the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, while visiting Shaanxi Province from Nov. 3 to 5.

Huang said the most critical part of publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress is the study, publicity and implementation of "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era."

The ideological and cultural publicity efforts should bear a strong sense of political responsibility and mission to make Xi's thought take root among the public, he said.

During his trip, Huang visited the memorial sites of the Yan'an Revolution, including the site of the 7th National Congress of the CPC. He also visited the rural areas, schools, communities as well as the publicity and cultural departments in Yan'an, Tongchuan and Xi'an. There, he inquired about how the cities' people and organizations carried forward the traditions of the 7th CPC National Congress and their progress in the study and publicity of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress. Huang also met with local officials and citizens.

Huang pointed out that it was one of the historical contributions of the 19th CPC National Congress to have identified Xi's thought as the guiding ideology that the CPC must hold on to over the long term, which grants great realistic significance and far-reaching historical significance to the great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream at the new historical starting point.

He said that comprehensive, in-depth, rigorous and vivid publicity should be in place to guide all Party members and people in the whole society to understand the historical status of Xi's thought as well as its major innovation in theory and its scientific guidance in practice. This way, they can accurately grasp the background, spirit, rich connotations and practical requirements of Xi's thought, equip their minds with the latest achievement in the localization of Marxism in China, and use it to guide their actions and carry forward their work, Huang said.

Huang further stressed that the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress should be popularized swiftly with well-organized plans and steady implementation in accordance with the arrangement of the CPC Central Committee. All Party members should study the original text for a thorough understanding, while giving lectures on innovative theories, major policies and everyday stories among farmers, workers, school faculties and students, Huang said. This way, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress can be popularized in rural areas, administrative organizations, campuses, communities, military camps and online.

To deliver satisfactory results, publicity work should adopt expressions familiar to the general public and utilize new media outlets and platforms and transmit the messages in targeted, personalized and interactive ways, Huang said. The fine traditions, spirit, experience and wisdom originated from the splendid history of the CPC should be inherited and carried forward to make the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress take root among the public, he said.