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Briefing held on five-year achievements in deepening reform

A briefing on the five-year achievements in deepening reform -- the seventh of a series of briefings on China's five-year achievements -- was held in Beijing on Sept. 20.
China SCIOUpdated: September 22, 2017

A briefing on the five-year achievements in deepening reform -- the seventh of a series of briefings on China's five-year achievements -- was held in Beijing on Sept. 20. Around 800 people, including government and military officials, executive officers of state-owned enterprises, university faculties and students, as well as representatives from the general public attended the briefing.

Mu Hong, executive deputy director of the Office of Deepening Reform, said in his report that under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core, China has advanced the plan to facilitate all-round economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress. It has also implemented the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy (building a moderately prosperous society, deepening reform, law-based governance, and strict regulation of the Party) and mapped out the plan of deepening reform with great political courage and wisdom. As the leader of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform, Xi has led and boosted the reform to solve many problems, Mu said.

Speaking of China's significant achievements in deepening reform in the past five years, Mu said the country has deepened the economic reform by focusing on the decisive role of the market in allocating resource. Institutional reforms on market prices, protection of property right, state-owned enterprises, finance, rural land, technology innovation and opening-up have been carried out. China has also deepened reforms on its legal system, culture, Party building and the military. The country has also deepened reforms in the systems regarding people's well-being, addressing problems in poverty relief, education, employment, income distribution, social security, medical care and social management. A fundamental framework of protecting the environment has also taken shape with positive outcomes in combating air, water and soil pollution.

Mu said all CPC members should rally closely around the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core, continue carrying out the reform and opening-up, summarize and utilize experience in reforms gained since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and strive to realize the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese dream of the great revival of the Chinese nation.