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Full text of BRICS Leaders Xiamen Declaration

International Cooperation
Following is the full text of BRICS Leaders Xiamen Declaration released on Monday.
XinhuaUpdated: September 5, 2017

Annex 1 : BRICS Cooperation Outcome Documents

The following outcome documents have been adopted.

Press Communique of the BRICS Leaders Informal Meeting in Hamburg

Political and Security Cooperation

1.Media Note of the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations

2. BRICS Roadmap of Practical Cooperation on Ensuring Security in the Use of ICTs

3. Joint Communique on the Meeting of BRICS Special Envoys on Middle East

Economic Cooperation

1. BRICS Action Agenda on Economic and Trade Cooperation

2. Seventh Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers Statement

3. BRICS Trade in Services Cooperation Roadmap

4. Framework on Strengthening the Economic and Technical Cooperation for BRICS Countries

5. BRICS E-Commerce Cooperation Initiative

6. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS E-Commerce Working Group

7. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS Model E-Port Network

8. BRICS IPR Cooperation Guidelines

9. Outlines for BRICS Investment Facilitation

10. Agreed Elements of Financial Deliverables of 2017 BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting

11. BRICS Good Practices on PPP Frameworks

12. Action Plan for Deepening Industrial Cooperation Among BRICS Countries

13. Declaration of the Third BRICS Communications Ministers' Meeting

14. Strategic Framework of BRICS Customs Cooperation

15. BRICS Action Plan for Innovation Cooperation (2017-2020)

16. Hangzhou Declaration of the 5th BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Ministerial Meeting

17. Action Plan 2017-2018 in the Framework of BRICS 2015-2018 STI Work Plan

18. Communique of BRICS Heads of Tax Authorities Meeting

19. BRICS Memorandum of Cooperation in Respect of Tax Matters

20. Declaration of the 2nd BRICS Energy Ministerial Meeting

21. Tianjin Statement on Environment of the Third Meeting of BRICS Environment Ministers

22. Joint Declaration of the Seventh Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture

23. Action Plan 2017-2020 for Agricultural Cooperation of BRICS Countries

24. BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers' Declaration

25. The BRICS Action Plan for Poverty Alleviation and Reduction Through Skills

26. Progress Report on the Implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership

27. Interbank Local Currency Credit Line Agreement Under BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism

28. Cooperation Memorandum Relating to Credit Ratings Under BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism

29. BRICS Partnership for Urban Environmental Sustainability Initiative

30. BRICS Joint Statistical Publication 2017

31. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS Research Infrastructure and Mega-Science Projects Working Group

32. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS Working Group on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Partnership

33. Memorandum of Understanding Between BRICS Export Credit Agencies and the New Development Bank on General Cooperation

34. The BRICS Common Position on Governance in the Future of Work

35. BRICS Network of Labour Research Institutes Terms of Reference

36. BRICS Social Security Cooperation Framework

37. BRICS Agricultural Development Report 2017

38. Joint Statement of BRICS Business Forum 2017

39. Memorandum of Understanding Between the BRICS Business Council and the New Development Bank on Strategic Cooperation

40. Joint Declaration of BRICS Business Council on Regulatory Cooperation on Standards

People-to-People Exchanges

1. Action Plan for the Implementation of the Agreement between the

Governments of the BRICS States on Cooperation in the Field of Culture (2017-2021)

2. Letter of Intent for BRICS Alliance of Libraries Cooperation

3. Letter of Intent of the Founding of the BRICS Alliance of Museums

4. Letter of Intent on the Founding of the BRICS Alliance of Art Museums and National Galleries

5. Letter of Intent for Strategic Cooperation of the BRICS Alliance of Theater for Children and Young People

6. Joint Declaration of BRICS Countries on Strengthening Cooperation in Traditional Medicine

7. Tianjin Communique of BRICS Health Ministers Meeting

8. Beijing Declaration on Education of the Fifth Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education

9. Action Plan of Promoting BRICS Media Cooperation

10. 2017 BRICS Youth Forum Action Plan

11. Chengdu Initiative of 2017 BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum

12. Quanzhou Consensus of BRICS Seminar on Governance

13. Fuzhou Initiative of the BRICS Political Parties, Think-Tanks and Civil Society Organizations Forum

14. The 9th BRICS Academic Forum Recommendations to the 9th BRICS Summit

15. Chengdu Consensus of the BRICS Film Delegations of the 2nd BRICS Film Festival

16. BRICS Film Collaboration Plan for the Years 2017 to 2021

17. BFA Program for BRICS Film Students and Talents

18. Joint Declaration on Film Traditional Culture Inheritance and Creative Development of Young Talents

19. BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration

20. Statement by BRICS Trade Unions to the BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting

Note is also taken of the ongoing work on the following documents.

Economic Cooperation

1. The Action Plan on BRICS IPR Cooperation

2. Agreement on Cooperation on the BRCS Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation

3. National Accounting Standards Setters of BRICS Countries Joint Statement

4. BRICS Joint Statement on Audit Regulatory Cooperation

People-to-People Exchanges

1. Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Council of Regions of BRICS States

2. Memorandum of Understanding on BRICS Sports Cooperation

Annex 2: Xiamen Action Plan

We take note of the following meetings and events held under China' s BRICS Chairmanship before the Xiamen Summit.

Ministerial Meetings and Relevant Events

1. BRICS Leaders' Informal Meeting (7 July 2017, Hamburg)

2. Meeting of BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues (27-28 July 2017, Beijing)

3. Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations (18-19 June 2017, Beijing)

4. BRICS Sherpa/Sous-Sherpa Meetings (23-24 February 2017, Nanjing; 14-15 June 2017, Qingdao; 4-5 July 2017, Hamburg; September 2017, Xiamen)

5. BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meetings/Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting (17 March 2017, Baden-Baden; 20 April 2017, Washington D.C.; 19 June 2017, Shanghai)

6. BRICS Local Currency Bond Fund Working Group (20 April, Washington DC; 18 June 2017, Shanghai)

7. BRICS Energy Ministerial Meeting (7 June 2017, Beijing)

8. Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture and Agrarian Development (16-17 June 2017, Nanjing)

9. BRICS Environment Ministers Meeting (22-23 June 2017, Tianjin)

10. Meeting of BRICS Joint Committee on Space Cooperation (2-3 July 2017, Haikou)

11. Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education (4-5 July 2017, Beijing)

12. Meeting of BRICS Customs Cooperation Committee (5 July 2017, Brussels)

13. Meeting of BRICS Culture Ministers (5-6 July 2017, Tianjin)

14. BRICS Health Ministers Meeting and High-level Meeting on Traditional Medicine (6-7 July 2017, Tianjin)

15. BRICS Meeting of Drug Regulatory Collaboration (13-14 July 2017, Zhengzhou)

16. BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation Ministerial Meeting (18 July 2017, Hangzhou)

17. Meeting of BRICS Labor and Employment Ministers' Meeting (26-27 July 2017, Chongqing)

18. BRICS Communications Ministers' Meeting (27-28 July 2017, Hangzhou)

19. Meeting of BRICS Heads of Tax Authorities (27-28 July 2017, Hangzhou)

20. BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting (29-30 July 2017, Hangzhou)

21. Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers (1-2 August 2017, Shanghai)

22. Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the New Development Bank (1-2 April 2017, New Delhi)

23. BRICS Business Forum (3-4 September 2017, Xiamen)

Senior Officials/Working Groups/Expert Meetings

1. Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Environment (22 June 2017, Tianjin)

2. Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Education (4 July 2017, Beijing)

3. Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Culture (5 July 2017, Tianjin)

4. BRICS Health Senior Officials Meeting (5 July 2017, Tianjin)

5. Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Science, Technology & Innovation (17 July 2017, Hangzhou)

6. BRICS Business Council (31 March 2017, New Delhi; 31 August-2 September 2017, Shanghai & Xiamen)

7. BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group Meetings (22 January 2017, Berlin; 9 April 2017, Brasilia)

8. BRICS Intellectual Property Examiner Training Seminar (20-24 February 2017, Nagpur)

9. BRICS Intellectual Property Coordination Group Meeting (22-23 February 2017, Nagpur)

10. Meetings of BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues (20-21 March 2017, Beijing; 23-25 May 2017, Beijing; 30-31 July 2017, Shanghai)

11. Technical Meeting of BRICS National Statistics Offices (27-29 March 2017, Shanghai)

12. BRICS Working Group Meeting of Customs (29-31 March 2017, Xiamen)

13. Consultation of BRICS Middle East Special Envoys (11-12 April 2017, Visakhapatnam)

14. BRICS Employment Working Group Meetings (19 April 2017, Yuxi; 25 July 2017, Chongqing)

15. BRICS Environmental Working Group Meeting (25-27 April 2017, Tianjin)

16. BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group Meeting (18 May 2017, Beijing)

17. First Meeting of BRICS Intellectual Property Rights Mechanism (23 May 2017, Beijing)

18. Working Group for the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Culture (25 May 2017, Beijing)

19. BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Working Group Meeting (28-31 May 2017, Pretoria)

20. Meeting of BRICS Working Group on Security in the Use of ICTs (1-2 June 2017, Beijing)

21. Working Group Meeting on BRICS Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency (5 June 2017, Beijing)

22. Meeting of Heads of BRICS Export Credit Agencies (12-15 June 2017, Hangzhou)

23. BRICS Working Group Meetings on Agricultural Cooperation (15 June 2017, Nanjing)

24. Technical Group Meeting of BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (28-29 June 2017, Beijing)

25. Working Group Meeting on Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (28-29 June 2017, Beijing)

26. Meeting of BRICS Heads of Delegation on AML (18-23 June 2017, Spain)

27. BRICS Foreign Policy Planning Dialogue (20-21 July 2017, Beijing)

28. BRICS Consultation of Experts on Peace-keeping Affairs (25 July 2017, Beijing)

29. Meeting of BRICS Experts on Tax Matters (25-26 July 2017, Hangzhou)

30. BRICS Working Group Meeting on ICT Cooperation (26 July 2017, Hangzhou)

31. BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group Meeting (16 August 2017, Weihai)

32. Annual Meeting of Interbank Cooperation Mechanism and Financial Forum (31 August -2 September 2017, Beijing)

33. Meeting of BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices (6-7 April 2017, New Delhi)

34. BRICS Working Group on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Partnership (9 April, Bengaluru)

35. BRICS Working Group on ICT and High Performance Computing (23-26 April, Guangzhou)

36. BRICS Working Group on Research Infrastructure and Mega-Science Projects (15-16 May, Dubna)

37. BRICS Working Group on Solid State Lighting (19-24 June 2017, Hangzhou)

People-to-people Exchanges Events and Other Meetings

1. BRICS Young Diplomats Forum (30 May-3 June 2017, Beijing & Linyi)

2. BRICS Media Forum (6-8 June 2017, Beijing)

3. BRICS Think-Tank Council Meeting (10 June 2017, Fuzhou)

4. BRICS Political Parties, Think Tanks and Civil Society Organizations Forum (10-12 June 2017, Fuzhou)

5. BRICS Games (17-21 June2017, Guangzhou)

6. BRICS Film Festival (23-27 June 2017, Chengdu)

7. BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum (11-13 July 2017, Chengdu)

8. BRICS Trade Union Forum (24-25 July 2017, Beijing)

9. BRICS Youth Forum (24-28 July 2017, Beijing)

10. BRICS Young Scientist Forum (11-15 July 2017, Hangzhou)

11. BRICS Seminar on Governance (17-18 August 2017, Quanzhou)

12. BRICS Heads of Prosecution Services Meeting (August 2017, Brazil)

13. BRICS Think-Tank Symposiums (22 March 2017, Beijing; 15 May 2017, Guangzhou; 20 May 2017, Chongqing)

14. BRICS International Festival of Theatre Schools (14-21 May 2017, Moscow)

15. Meeting of BRICS Cooperation in the Field of Competition Law (16-20 May 2017, St. Petersburg)

16. Annual Forum "BRICS: Boosting Economic Cooperation" (1-3 June 2017, St. Petersburg)

17. BRICS Supreme Audit Institutions' Technical Cooperation Meeting (June 28-29, 2017, Pretoria)

18. International Congress of Women of SCO and BRICS Countries (2-4 July 2017, Novosibirsk)

We further take note of the upcoming meetings and events under China's BRICS Chairmanship.

1. The Foreign Ministers Meeting on the margins of UNGA

2. The Fifth BRICS Sherpa/Sous-Sherpa Meeting

3. BRICS Parliamentary Forum

4. Meeting of BRICS Heads of National Statistics Offices

5. BRICS Trade Fair

6. BRICS Legal Advisor Consultation

7. BRICS Forum on SOE Reform and Governance

8. Meeting of BRICS Cooperation in the Field of Competition Law

9. Third Forum on Small Business of the SCO and BRICS Regions

10. BRICS International Competition Conference

11. BRICS Working Group on Astronomy (21-22 September, Pune)

12. BRICS Export Credit Agencies Technical Workshop (31 October-3 November, Nanjing)

13. BRICS Working Group on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (26-27 October 2017, Yekaterinburg)

14. Annual International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy" (1-2 November, Moscow)

15. BRICS Working Group on Biotechnology and Biomedicine, including Human Health and Neuroscience (15-16 November, 2017, Moscow)

16. BRICS meeting on Ageing

Proposals to be further explored

1. Ocean Cooperation

2. Establishment of the PPP Project Preparation Fund

3. Establishment of the BRICS Energy Cooperation Platform

4. BRICS Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation

5. Establishment of the BRICS Customs Training Center in Xiamen

6. Establishment of the BRICS Cultural Council

7. Establishment of the BRICS Council of Regions

8. Tourism Cooperation

9. Creation of the Working Group on Regional Aviation

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