Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on upholding the Party's overall leadership and ensuring full and rigorous self-governance of the Party
Beijing | 10 a.m. June 30, 2022


Wang Jianxin, director of the Publicity Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC and the National Supervisory Commission

Qi Jiabin, a member of the Ministerial Board of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee

Tian Peiyan, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee


Shou Xiaoli, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee

Read in Chinese


Wang Jianxin, director of the Publicity Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the National Supervisory Commission

Qi Jiabin, member of the Ministerial Board of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee

Tian Peiyan, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee


Shou Xiaoli, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee 


June 30, 2022

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. This is a press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." Today, we're joined by Mr. Wang Jianxin, director of the Publicity Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the National Supervisory Commission; Mr. Qi Jiabin, member of the Ministerial Board of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee; and Mr. Tian Peiyan, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, to brief you on upholding the Party's overall leadership and ensuring full and rigorous self-governance of the Party. They will also take your questions.

Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Wang for his introduction.

Wang Jianxin:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. I'm very glad to be attending today's press conference. Now, I will briefly introduce the relevant information to you.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. Over the past decade, we have forged ahead with resolve and made remarkable achievements. General Secretary Xi Jinping has led the whole Party to successfully offer the second solution to avoid history's cycle of rise and fall under the conditions of long-term governance, and put forward strategic thoughts on the Party's self-reform.

Entering the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has continued to carry out self-reform and promote full and rigorous self-governance of the Party with a strong historical initiative. Being strict with itself, the CPC Central Committee has advanced the great new project of Party building in the new era with a firm will to live up to the people's expectations. Top priority has been given to strengthening the Party politically. The CPC has strict discipline and rules, with members united with ideals and convictions. It also fights corruption and punishes wrongdoing. It continuously enhances the political function and cohesiveness of Party organizations, and builds institutional norms featuring self-purification, self-improvement, and self-reform. Through the full, rigorous and revolutionary self-governance of the Party, the CPC has become a Party with strict discipline and strength under the unified leadership of its Central Committee; a Party that keeps close ties with the people, serves the people, shares weal and woe with the people, and is wholeheartedly supported by the people; a Party with a pioneering spirit and vitality that is ahead of the times.

As an important force in promoting the Party's self-reform, officials for discipline inspection and supervision have consistently studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and consistently urged the entire Party to boost consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and maintain alignment with the central Party leadership; to stay confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and to firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership ("Two Upholds"). We have continued to ensure full and rigorous self-governance of the Party. The roles of inspection and supervision have been given full play to ensure implementation and promote improvement and development. Officials for discipline inspection and supervision have pursued high-quality development to serve the modernization of the country. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, from the 18th CPC National Congress to the end of April this year, the discipline inspection and supervision organs have investigated 4.39 million cases and 4.71 million officials nationwide. Disciplinary organs handled more than 723,000 cases of violations of the eight-point rules on improving Party and government conduct, with more than 644,000 people punished.

Now, we have embarked on a new journey toward the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country in all respects. The discipline inspection and supervision organs will more accurately interpret and shoulder our due responsibilities and tasks in carrying out the Party's self-reform, actively respond to the new situation and new challenges in the fight against corruption, work ceaselessly to improve Party conduct and fight corruption, promote the full and strict Party self-governance, and ensure that the Party will always be a powerful leadership core in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you. Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Qi for his introduction.


Qi Jiabin:

Friends from the media, good morning. I will briefly introduce the work related to the Party organizations in the past decade.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have thoroughly implemented the general requirements of Party building and guiding principles for work related to Party organizations in the new era. We have adhered to the Party's overall leadership and full and strict Party self-governance, focused on the main responsibilities and work priorities, adopted problem-oriented approaches, and fulfilled responsibilities. As a result, new progress and new achievements have been made.

First, we have pressed ahead with the study of the Party's theories. Taking the in-depth study and practice of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, we have carried out five themed education programs within the Party, successfully held seminars for leading officials at the provincial and ministerial levels, and training classes for young and middle-aged officials. We have conducted systematic training for Party members and officials in stages and in batches, guided Party members and officials to acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to firmly implement the "Two Upholds." In the past decade, 214,000 training opportunities have been provided by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Second, the Party's organizational system has become more strong. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the number of CPC members reached 96.71 million and that of primary-level Party organizations amounted to 4.94 million. Over the past decade, to uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership, we have built an organizational system featuring unimpeded communication and effective policy implementation at all levels and worked continuously to strengthen primary-level organizations and other foundational aspects. We strengthened party building to help reduce poverty, promote rural revitalization, and facilitate urban primary-level governance. Primary-level Party organizations in all sectors have seen progress on all fronts. We also worked to recruit new Party members and strengthened the guidance and management of Party members. Campaigns have been launched to strengthen Party leadership in primary-level communities and bring tangible benefits to the public. The Party's organizational strength has been fully demonstrated in major tasks such as epidemic prevention and control and poverty alleviation, and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members has been given full play.

Third, we have trained a contingent of competent and professional officials. In accordance with the standard of developing outstanding candidates in the new era, we coordinated efforts in five aspects, namely, training professional skills, developing the capacity to know the world and put people in suitable posts, selecting and appointing officials, carrying out strict Party official management, and incentivizing officials. To train a contingent of officials who are politically strong and are able to lead the country's modernization drive, we have improved the selection and appointment of officials, prioritized the evaluation of their political integrity, selected talented people of integrity and ability while putting integrity as the priority, and appointed officials in accordance with the cause of the Party and the country. As a result, a group of loyal, honest, and upright officials has been selected and appointed. We have been both strict and caring to Party officials. We strengthened the daily management and supervision toward them and introduced incentive plans and specific measures to encourage them to take new responsibilities and make new contributions in the new era. We have earnestly carried out the Civil Servant Law and established and implemented a salary system for public servants based on both position and rank in a bid to increase Party members' enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity.

Fourth, talent development has seen new breakthroughs. We implemented the strategy to develop a quality workforce in the new era and expedited the building of a global hub for talent and innovation. Currently, China has about 220 million people with professional skills.

Fifth, reforms on the system of Party building have made further progress. We continue to further reform the Party's organizational system, official system, primary-level organization system, and the talent development system and mechanism. The Party's organizational work has seen sounder institutions and standards.

Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli:

Next, I'll give the floor to Mr. Tian Peiyan.

Tian Peiyan:

Friends from the media, good morning. Next, I'll briefly introduce the key achievements made in the past decade about upholding and strengthening Party leadership on all fronts.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has taken a series of strategic moves to uphold and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party and worked to address the problems that rendered Party leadership weak, ineffective, and marginalized. As a result, we have seen major progress on political, theoretical, and institutional fronts and related practices.

The highlight of political achievements is that people have embraced the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee thoroughly reviewed the great endeavor of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and put forward the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This reflects the will of all members of the Party, all members of the armed forces, and all the people of China and has decisive significance to the development of the Party and the country in the new era and to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This key judgment has become a universal consensus among all Chinese people.

The highlight of theoretical achievements is that a series of new thinking, ideas, and judgments on the Party's overall leadership have been put forward. For example, the leadership of the Party is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and constitutes the greatest strength of this system, and the Party is the highest force for political leadership. The leadership of the Party is comprehensive, systematic, and holistic and must be implemented in all fields, aspects, and processes of the cause of the Party and the country. The CPC Central Committee's centralized and unified leadership is the top principle of the Party's leadership, and strengthening and upholding it is a common political responsibility for the whole Party. A clear political stand must first be taken in order to uphold the Party's leadership. The whole Party must obey the Central Committee. These theoretical achievements have further enriched and developed operational theories for a Marxist party and deepened the CPC's understanding of governance by a communist party.

The highlight of institutional achievements is that a set of relatively sound mechanism concerning the leadership of the Party has been put in place. For example, the Party's leadership system has become the country's fundamental leadership system. The mechanism for upholding the CPC Central Committee's centralized leadership has seen further improvement. We have also improved the systems concerning the Party's leadership over the people's congresses, the government at all levels, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference committees, oversight bodies, courts, procuratorates, the armed forces, people's organizations, enterprises and public institutions, primary-level people's organizations for self-governance, and social organizations. The CPC Central Committee's role in decision-making, deliberation, and coordination has been further strengthened, which helps further improve the mechanism by which the CPC Central Committee's major decisions are implemented. These institutional arrangements offer strong support to ensure the Party's role in exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all involved.

In terms of practical achievements, it is embodied in the Party's leadership becoming stronger. The whole Party's political awareness of boosting the consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and maintain alignment with the central Party leadership; staying confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and firmly upholding Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upholding the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership has been unprecedentedly improved. The authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized leadership have been strengthened on all fronts. The Party's ability to lead politically, to guide through theory, to organize the people, and to inspire society has been remarkably improved. The status and role of the Party as the most reliable backbone of the people when responding to risks and challenges have been fully demonstrated.

Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you. Now the floor is open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking your questions.


My question is for Mr. Qi. According to your introduction, by the end of 2021, the number of primary-level Party organizations had reached nearly 4.94 million, with more than 96.71 million members. The CPC has become the largest political party in the world. How can such a large party with so many members be managed? How do members play their roles? Thank you.

Qi Jiabin:

Thank you for your questions. What you just mentioned is of great concern to society. Yesterday we released a statistical bulletin regarding Party member admission and the work of primary-level Party organizations. I believe you have all already seen it. As the reporter mentioned, there are more than 96.71 million Party members and nearly 4.94 million primary-level organizations. As the world's largest political party of major international standing, the management of its members is of great significance. The CPC has always attached great importance to the education and management of Party members. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has further promoted the full and rigorous self-governance of the Party, strengthened education, management and oversight of Party members in a strict and practical manner, and made solid efforts to maintain the progressive nature and integrity of Party members. I will introduce them from the following aspects.

First, we have better armed Party members with the Party's theoretical innovations. We have made earnestly studying and putting into practice Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era the primary political task. We have carried out both themed and regular education programs and adopted various forms including rotation training, study groups for leading officials, reading classes and Party lectures on specific topics to guide Party members to study original texts, read classic works and understand the basic tenets of Marxism, enabling them to acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and to uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership, so that the whole Party maintains a unified thought, firm will, coordinated action and strong ability.

Second, we have strictly organized the regular activities of the Party organizations. The system of holding Party branch general meetings, Party branch committee meetings, Party group meetings, and Party lectures and the organizing of the themed day for Party organizational activities have been fully practiced. Meetings for criticism and self-criticism have been organized and the assessment of Party members by the public has been carried out. We also require making good use of the tool of criticism and self-criticism. Through organizational activities, Party members have been forged into resolute Communists.

Third, we have given more incentives, solicitude and assistance to Party members. As part of the celebrations for the Party's centenary, the CPC Central Committee awarded the July 1 Medal to 29 comrades, and honored 400 outstanding Party members, 300 exemplary Party workers and 499 advanced primary-level Party organizations. Commemorative medals were also awarded for the first time to those who have been Party members for 50 years or more and have consistently performed well in their roles. All these measures have created a strong atmosphere of inspiring role models and promoting a sense of righteousness.

Fourth, we have developed strict systems to expel Party members with serious failings. We have prudently handled Party members that do not meet the mark to ensure the Party's health. Through these efforts, we have strengthened the education, management and oversight of Party members.

Just now, the reporter asked about how to give full play to the exemplary role of Party members. This can be generally summarized in a few words. That is, they are the vanguards and role models in daily life and work; they are the first to step forward at critical junctures; and they are fearless and ready to give their all for the country and the people in times of crisis. That is the vivid reflection of the exemplary roles that Party members play. 

First, Party members have performed their duties in their daily work. Based on individual cases of Party members, we have set vanguard posts and areas of responsibility to reflect the progressive and excellent qualities and traits of Party members in specific posts of production, operations, management and services.

Second, Party members have taken the initiative to serve the people. We have established and improved the mechanism for Party members to make and put into practice promises and to provide volunteer services. We have organized in-service Party members to report to communities, and launched activities with the theme of "doing practical work for the people," so as to resolve the difficulties and problems that concern people the most, and allow the people to feel that Party members are always close by and that the Party is the backbone of the people.

Third, Party members have led from the front in major tasks. Faced with the urgent, difficult, hazardous and arduous tasks related to epidemic prevention and control, poverty alleviation, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and research on major projects, Party members have shouldered responsibilities and risen to the challenge to tackle tough problems, fully demonstrating the vanguard image of Communists in the new era. For example, in 2020, in winning the battle to prevent and control the epidemic, more than 29.77 million Party members marched straight to the front lines to fight the virus. It should be said that in all these aspects, Party members have fully played an exemplary role.

That's all from me. Thank you.


Xinhua News Agency:

My question goes to Mr. Wang. Exercising full and strict self-governance of the Party is a notable feature of the CPC's governance of the country in the new era. How do you interpret the historic and groundbreaking achievements in ensuring full and strict self-governance of the Party? Thank you.

Wang Jianxin:

Thank you for your question. I will answer this question briefly. To have the courage to carry out self-reform and conduct strict self-governance: this is the most distinctive part of our Party's character. It has been 10 years since the 18th National Congress of the CPC. Just as a blacksmith in the past would spend 10 years forging the perfect sword, a great endeavor takes years to make significant progress. In accordance with the strategic vision of the Two Centenary Goals and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed the full and rigorous self-governance of the Party as part of the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy and pushed forward the campaign to improve Party conduct, build a clean government, and fight corruption with tremendous political courage and strategic focus. In the past decade, full and rigorous self-governance of the Party has played its due role in providing political guidance and political guarantees, the problem of lax and weak governance over the Party organizations has been addressed at the fundamental level, and the Party has grown stronger through revolutionary tempering. I'd like to brief our achievements in the following four aspects.

First, we have upheld and strengthened the Party's overall leadership. Firmly upholding Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upholding the Central Committee's authority and its centralized and unified leadership has become the highest political principle of the Party. The leadership by the Party is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the Party is the highest force for political leadership. Under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we have completed the transformation of the system of exercising full and rigorous self-governance of the Party, its strategic goals, organizations, workforce, and responsibility system. The Party's strong leadership, organizational and executive capacity make it the most reliable backbone of the Chinese people. 

Second, the Party has played its leading role in political construction and its basic role in ideological work and preserved its political character in complex and severe struggles. From the political point of view, we have strictly enforced the Party's political rules and discipline, tightened political oversight over the issues related to the country's most fundamental interests, regulated political activities, improved the political ecosystem, and acquired a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We also boosted our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We stay confident in the path, the theory, the system, and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics and conscientiously uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upholding the Central Committee's authority and its centralized and unified leadership. We have insisted on combining regular education with intensive education. We keep consolidating the basis and fostering vitality through lofty beliefs, equipping ourselves with the Party's new theories, nourishing our minds, and solidifying our faith by following the Party's inspiring principles.

Third, we have steadfastly improved Party conduct, enforced Party discipline and fought corruption to eliminate any viruses that would erode its health. By practicing rigorous self-governance, we have carried out work to enhance the Party spirit, improve Party conduct, strengthen Party disciplines, and oppose the Four Malfeasances [the practices of favoring form over substance, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance], corruption, and any sense of entitlement. I will present you with some figures. From the 18th National Congress of the CPC to the end of April this year, the discipline inspection and supervision departments have criticized, educated, and helped 11.344 million people by conducting four forms of oversight over discipline compliance, in which 6.951 million, or 61.3% of the violators were criticized and educated through the first form, 3.341 million, or 29.4% of the violators, through the second form, 565,000, or 5%, through the third form, and 487,000, or 4.3%, through the fourth form. The anti-corruption campaign saved the Party, the anti-Four Malfeasances reshaped the Party, and the anti-entitlement helped improve the engagement between CPC members and the people and between cadres and the people. These efforts have solidified the foundations of the Party's governance.

Fourth, we have enhanced the regulations for the Party's self-reform, and the overall authoritative and effective supervision system under the Party's unified leadership has been constantly improved. Enforcing strict Party discipline requires developing rules and regulations. We have formed an intra-Party regulation system with the Party Constitution as the guiding principle, and the Party's regulations concerning its organization, leadership, self-development, and supervision and oversight have formed a major portion of this system. We have deepened reforms of the discipline inspection and supervision system and set up supervisory commissions at the national, provincial, prefecture, and county levels. Discipline inspection commissions of the Party and supervision commissions of the government at all levels jointly carry out full supervision over all public functionaries who exercise public power to promote the coordination of all types of supervision and create a long-standing synergy for conducting oversight that covers all areas.

The historic and groundbreaking achievements over the past decade have proved that exercising full and rigorous self-governance of the Party is a significant practice of self-reform. It opened a new chapter for self-reforms in the major Party with a 100-year history. Our Party radiates new and strong vitality, the people have more confidence and trust in our Party, and the political foundation of the Party's governance has become more stable.

Thank you.


The Chosun Ilbo:

The business activities of enterprises should be subject to the law. Some people believe that strengthening the overall leadership of the Party will negatively impact innovation and long-term investment of enterprises. What are your views on this? My second question is about low birth rates and the sluggish economy, which are common problems facing the world. Do you think the Party's overall leadership system can address these problems? Thank you.

Tian Peiyan:

I'll take your questions. The leadership of the CPC has been stipulated in China's Constitution and the law. The Party leads the people in formulating and implementing the Constitution and the law, and willingly acts within the scope of the Constitution and the law. Thus, abiding by the law is intrinsically unified with upholding Party leadership. Development is the Party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country, and economic development is the central work of the Party. It is natural that the Party's overall leadership will be reflected in the main battlefield of economic development. In an effort to lead and promote the country's sustained and sound economic development, the Party has put forward the development philosophy, formulated major development strategies and plans, clarified major principles and policies, and made major work arrangements. As the micro entities of economic activity, enterprises have been continuously supported by the Party's leadership. The Party's leadership is not only a big boost for enterprises but adds momentum to their development.

As far as state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are concerned, the overall leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee and the unique advantage for their development. In 2016, the CPC Central Committee held a national conference on Party building among SOEs. Since then, Party leadership and Party building have been comprehensively strengthened, and the achievements of SOEs have been witnessed by all. In 2021, the total assets, total profits and revenues of SOEs increased by 117.53%, 95.65% and 66.15%, respectively, compared with 2015. In particular, SOEs have played a crucial role in making breakthroughs in core technologies. In terms of non-public enterprises, the Party has unswervingly encouraged, supported and guided their development, and adopted a series of effective policies and measures to promote business development and the healthy growth of entrepreneurs in the non-public sector. At present, more than 570,000 primary-level Party organizations and over 5.9 million CPC members, who are active in private firms, continue to play an irreplaceable role in business production, operation, innovation and creative activities.

In response to the severe impact of COVID-19 on the economy, the CPC Central Committee has taken well-coordinated steps to balance pandemic countermeasures and socio-economic development, and continued to ensure stability on six key fronts (employment, finance, foreign trade, inbound investment, domestic investment, and market expectations) and security in six key areas (jobs, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments) while maintaining effective COVID-19 prevention and control and protecting the life and health of the people to the maximum extent possible. The CPC Central Committee has stepped up efforts to improve people's living standards, implemented a proactive fiscal policy, prudent monetary policy as well as cross-cyclical and counter-cyclical macro-regulation policies, and adopted specific measures in easing the difficulties of enterprises such as tax and fee cuts, in order to ensure overall stable performance in economic and social development to the maximum extent possible. All these efforts have helped to improve the country's economic resilience and consolidate its long-term growth trend.

Population and birth are important to the well-being of the people. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has improved the childbirth policy in light of China's population development and changes by rolling out supporting policies and measures, including lifting two-child and three-child restrictions, extending maternity leave, and actively developing inclusive child-care services to address people's concerns and help release their potentials of giving birth. The policies and measures are gradually paying off. Thank you.


Cover News:

While addressing the recent 40th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, urged coordinated improvement to guarantee that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to engage in corruption for a full victory in the anti-corruption campaign. What's your view on the achievements that have been made in the fight against corruption since the 18th CPC National Congress? Thank you.

Wang Jianxin:

Anti-corruption is a matter of great concern to the people. Let me give you a brief overview. The fight against corruption is the most thorough self-revolution of the Party and a key fight in the great struggle of the new era. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC has maintained a tough stance on cracking down on corruption with the courage to make painful self-adjustments. Whoever is corrupt, regardless of where they come from, what they do, or whether they are retired, will be challenged or even cleared. It has delivered the promise that those who violate CPC discipline and state laws, no matter how high their position is, will be investigated seriously and punished severely, writing a new chapter in the history of mankind's fight against corruption.

First, the CPC has set up a work system for fighting corruption under the Party's overall leadership. It has strengthened the all-around and full-coverage leadership against corruption throughout the whole process. The Party has improved the institutional mechanism for anti-corruption work which is characterized by the unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, command and coordination of Party committees at different levels, organization and coordination of discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions, effective cooperation between functional departments, and participation and support of the people. We have fought corruption under the CPC leadership, severely punished corruption by the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and prevented and controlled corruption by the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. We have successfully embarked on an anti-corruption path with Chinese characteristics. 

Second, the CPC has formed a policy of coordinated improvement to guarantee that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to engage in corruption. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC central committee has unveiled the establishment of an effective mechanism in this regard. With the fight against corruption deepening, the mechanism of coordinated improvement to guarantee that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to engage in corruption has been established as the basic principle in the fight against corruption and an important policy of full and strict Party self-governance. We have implemented the principle of coordinated improvement in tightening discipline, improving Party conduct, and fighting corruption to ensure that Party members and officials are deterred from corruption, are not able to be corrupt as confined by the system, and have no desire to commit corruption because of their awareness.

Third, the CPC has shown no tolerance in its fight against corruption. We have unswervingly taken strictness as a keynote principle in the fight against corruption to resolutely stop the increase in corruption and reduce the amount of existing corruption. The spread of corruption has been effectively curbed, and the fight against corruption has won an overwhelming victory and has been fully consolidated, entering a normal stage where corruption will be punished once it is found. Since the 19th CPC National Congress, a total of 74,000 people across the country have voluntarily surrendered to disciplinary and supervisory authorities, a figure that illustrates this point well.

Fourth, the CPC has built a tight cage of institutions to prevent corruption. We have formulated and revised the code of intra-Party political life, the code of anti-corruption and self-discipline, and intra-Party oversight regulations under the new circumstances. We have revised regulations on disciplinary punishments and regulations on discipline inspections twice. We have enacted the Supervision Law and the Law on Administrative Discipline for Public Officials and revised the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law to have formed a complete system of intra-Party regulations and anti-corruption laws. We have connected the implementation of disciplines and laws and strengthened institutional strictness to ensure that the laws and systems are rooted and work.

Fifth, the CPC has built an ideological defense against corruption. The whole Party has been unswervingly armed with the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We have promoted the formation of a chain of all-around education on Party consciousness, strengthened the fundamentals with ideals and convictions, and cultivated the mind with fine Chinese cultural traditions. We have stepped up efforts in the education of anti-corruption, guided Party members and officials to develop their sense of Party consciousness, and consolidated their ideological and moral defense line.

Sixth, we have strengthened checks on and oversight over the exercise of power and deepened reform of the Party's discipline inspection system and the national supervision system. We have ensured that internal oversight covers the whole Party, that supervision covers everyone working in the public sector, and promoted rectification and governance through punishing corruption cases. Since 2020, a total of 216,000 discipline inspection and supervision suggestions have been put forward, realizing the comprehensive effect of investigating and punishing a corruption case to warn similar ones and reinforce order in a certain area . We have integrated identifying problems, promoting rectification, boosting reform, and improving institutions. We have educated and guided Party members and officials to exercise power impartially, in accordance with the law, with self-discipline, and in the interests of the people and helped them get accustomed to working under supervision. Thank you.


Asahi Shimbun:

We can see in the third resolution on historical issues that "The Party is great not because it never makes mistakes but because it always owns up to its errors, actively engages in criticism and self-criticism, and has the courage to confront problems and reform itself." In countries such as Japan, the people can vote to replace the ruling party when it makes mistakes, but in China, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the only ruling party, so how exactly does it correct mistakes? If the CPC Central Committee makes mistakes, is there a mechanism to correct them? Thank you.

Tian Peiyan:

I am glad to take your questions. Selflessness makes for fearlessness and honesty. The CPC represents the fundamental interests of all Chinese people, rather than special interests of its own. The progressive character determines that our Party has the courage to confront problems and reform itself. It has successively made three resolutions on historical issues in the course of its century-long struggle, with the first two focusing on distinguishing right from wrong and correcting mistakes, including one Right deviationist and three "Left" deviationist ones during the Democratic Revolution and sweeping ones of the Cultural Revolution after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The third resolution on historical issues adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee focused on summing up major achievements and historical experiences over the past century, but did not evade problems. In doing so, the Party aims to draw lessons from history and gain political wisdom from summarized historical experience so as to better move forward into the future.

Our Party has developed a whole set of effective practices to prevent and correct mistakes after a long period of exploration. We have established a mechanism for sound, democratic, and law-based decision-making to prevent and reduce mistakes at the source. Every major decision made by the CPC Central Committee requires in-depth investigation and study, extensive consultation, and repeated deliberation strictly in accordance with procedures. For example, the Party listened to opinions and suggestions from both inside and outside the Party as well as from all sectors of society on the formulation of the 14th Five-Year Plan at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and solicited more than 1 million comments online, from which it extracted more than 1,000 suggestions. From April 15 to May 16, major state media outlets conducted a one-month opinion soliciting activity online on the work related to the 20th CPC National Congress and received more than 8.54 million suggestions from netizens, providing a useful reference for the CPC Central Committee's decision-making. In the process of making and implementing decisions, we have followed up on their effectiveness, paid close attention to their implementation, and promptly identified problems and made corrections.

Our Party attaches great importance to and takes the initiative to use criticism and self-criticism as sharp weapons to review problems and correct mistakes. It organizes leading officials and Party members to carry out regular criticism and self-criticism, comprehensively review the shortcomings and mistakes in their own development and work, and formulate targeted measures for improvement at criticism and self-criticism meetings for principal members of leadership teams and members of grassroots Party organizations. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has presided over well-calibrated criticism and self-criticism meetings for the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee every year, where the central leadership has taken the lead in identifying and rectifying problems, setting an example for the whole Party. The Party has also carried out themed education programs, identified problems, analyzed causes in the spirit of rectification, and focused efforts to address prominent problems of great concern to the people, achieving good results in educating Party members and officials and benefiting the people.

In addition, we have continued to improve the Party and state oversight systems. With intra-party oversight as the leading role, we have worked towards integrating and coordinating various types of oversight to promptly identify and resolve problems and strictly hold relevant organizations and individuals accountable, and lifelong accountability may apply in some cases. Thank you.


Red Star News:

In some cases, it has been hard to enforce oversight of top officials in some Party organizations with great power and who have abused their power for personal gain. How should effective oversight be implemented to tackle such problems? Thank you.

Tian Peiyan:

I am glad to take your question. Indeed, some corrupt officials investigated and punished over the years were principal officials of local governments or government departments, but they are merely a small proportion. Rather than holding great power, top officials actually shoulder great responsibilities, with major individuals seeking development, promoting reform, ensuring security, managing and motivating leadership teams, and improving work conduct. In many respects, they are the first person responsible and must be brave to shoulder responsibilities, be good at what they do, and be bold in their decision-making.

Top officials play a key role in a locality or department, so our Party pays significant attention to their oversight. We have shaped an all-around, whole-process, and sound oversight and restriction mechanism, which highlights top officials as the focus of education and guidance, daily management, oversight for discipline observance, and accountability-based restraint.

The CPC Central Committee issued a document on strengthening the supervision of chief officials and leadership teams in 2021, requiring Party committees (Party leadership groups), disciplinary inspection organs, and Party work organs to strengthen oversight of chief officials. The document is part of the efforts to create a powerful synergy for conducting oversight that integrates top-down organizational oversight, peer review or critique, public oversight, and oversight through public opinion. Officials in command must see supervision all the time and exercise their power justly, lawfully, honestly, and for the good of the people.

While stressing external supervision, the Party makes requirements to a higher standard for the leading officials to enhance self-discipline. They should accept supervision willingly and consciously and become used to working and living under oversight. They should hold the Party, the people, the law, and the disciplines in awe and respect, and do not cross the line. They should constantly enhance political orientation, disciplinary and moral strength, and the resolve to fight against corruption. They must remain ceaselessly alert to the harm of corruption, foster integrity, and prevent degradation. Thank you.


Southern Metropolis Daily: 

We found that in recent years, new forms of business represented by the platform economy have flourished, bringing together many new employment groups such as couriers, food delivery workers, and online car-hailing drivers. How is the work going related to setting up Party organizations, carrying out their activities, and expanding their reach in emerging areas, and what are the next steps? Thank you.

Qi Jiabin:

Thank you for your attention to Party building in the new forms of business and among the new occupation population. In recent years, the development of new forms of business represented by the platform economy has accelerated, and many large-scale internet platform companies that are influential have emerged, gathering a large number of new employment groups such as couriers, takeaway couriers, online car-hailing drivers, and truck drivers and gradually being new engines that drive China's economy. Statistics showed that there are now more than 200 million workers in flexible employment, many of whom are in new occupations. They mostly work online or on the road as an indispensable part of people's daily life.

Under the guidance of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, Beijing, Zhejiang, Shenzhen, and the Ministry of Transport have carried out pilot projects related to Party building in the new forms of business and among the new occupation population since last year, in a bid to expand the coverage of Party organizations in emerging sectors, and significant results have been achieved.

First, platform companies have been promoted to optimize their Party organizations. To address the problems that the setup of Party organizations is unregulated in these companies, we have guided and encouraged them, which usually develop fast and have frequent structure changes, in pilot regions to adjust and make their Party organizations reasonable in line with their business architectures. We have set up secondary-level Party committees, adjusted "oversize" Party branches, and guaranteed that there are Party organizations in key areas, striving to build an organizational structure that is consistent to the end.

Second, measures have been carried out to bring together Party members among the new employment population. In line with the characteristics of different groups, pilot regions have explored and developed innovative ways to set up Party organizations. For example, couriers and food delivery workers work around communities, so communities and platform businesses have worked with community-based Party and mass services to establish Party branches for Party members among the floating population. Given that ride-hailing drivers always move on wheels throughout the city, we have worked with relevant ride-hailing and car rental companies to establish Party branches for such drivers. Through the efforts to encourage emerging employment groups to report to communities and join trade unions and other people's organizations, we have expanded the reach of the Party organizations.

Third, emerging employment groups have been promoted to integrate into grassroots Party building work arrangements in cities. We have established over 20,000 service centers for emerging employment groups by working with community-based Party and mass service centers and rest stations for outdoor workers. Now a multi-layered practical services system with broad coverage is in place, becoming warm homes to those people. In pilot areas, a mechanism has been set up for emerging employment groups to express their demands mainly through Party branches set up for these groups and Party members. Party members are encouraged to contact a certain number of people belonging to these new employment groups, collect their demands, and help them address issues related to the working environment, protection of rights and interests, and vocational skills. Vanguard posts among other measures have extensively been set up to guide Party members to take the lead in performing their duties and providing quality services. We set up volunteer teams with Party members as the backbone and encourage new employment groups to participate in the work of promoting security, launching morality campaigns, and providing community services. Advanced figures are emerging in multitude.

Next, we will earnestly summarize experiences of pilot areas and promote Party building in new business forms and within new employment groups across the country. Enterprises will be guided to ensure effective coverage of Party organizations and improve Party's organizational system in line with their business development, organizational structure, and the number of Party members. To adapt to different work styles, work radius, and specific needs of different new employment groups, we will give full play to the advantages of localities, industries, and enterprises, explore new ways for setting up primary-level Party organizations, and increasingly improve primary-level Party organizations in emerging fields. By doing so, we can closely unite the new employment groups around the Party and provide a strong guarantee for industries' healthy development.


China News Service:

We are familiar with the expression "targeting both 'tigers' and 'flies'." Mr. Wang introduced some statistics just now. We would like to know what measures have been taken to combat corruption and correct misconduct, which are strongly complained by the people, to make them feel more equity and justice. Thank you.

Wang Jianxin:

Thanks for your question. The CPC's fundamental purpose is to serve the people wholeheartedly. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has vowed to address all issues the people are strongly concerned about, resolutely correct any behavior that undermines the people's interests, and combat corruption and misconduct that occur on the people's doorsteps. We have tightened discipline, improved Party conduct, and fought corruption to constantly increase people's trust and support for the Party. Let me brief you on four aspects.

First, we have investigated and punished violations that harm the people's interests in areas related to public wellbeing. We have combated "micro corruption" on people's doorsteps, corrected misconduct in education, medical care, elderly care, social security, environmental protection, workplace safety, and food and drug safety, and optimized mechanisms for addressing problems that harm the people's interests. Following the 19th CPC National Congress, a total of 496,000 corruption and misconduct cases in areas related to public wellbeing had been addressed, and 456,000 people received Party disciplinary or administrative penalties as of the end of April this year.

Second, we have resolved prominent problems in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Ensuring poverty alleviation is an essential task of political supervision. We have made special efforts to inspect, address corruption, correct misconduct, and carry out special supervision over the transition period to guarantee an effective connection between consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization. From 2018 to 2020, during a three-year special initiative to combat corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation, 280,000 cases were investigated and handled, and 188,000 people received Party disciplinary or administrative penalties. In 2021, 19,000 corruption and misconduct cases related to guaranteeing an effective connection between achievement expansion in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization were handled, and 17,000 people received Party disciplinary or administrative penalties. This year, 11,000 corruption and misconduct cases in rural revitalization were addressed, and 11,000 people received Party disciplinary or administrative penalties.

Third, we have thoroughly investigated gang crime-related corruption and the "protective umbrellas" that shelter gangs. Combating organized crime and rooting out local bullies have been combined with "swatting flies" in the anti-corruption effort, and cracking down on "protective umbrellas" and criminal organizations has been combined with education and rectification in the legal and political teams, including procuratorate, court, public security and justice. We caught mafia-like groups and their "protective umbrellas" and made such work a regular practice. During a campaign to combat organized crime and root out local bullies, 101,000 cases of gang crime-related corruption and their "protective umbrellas" had been handled, 92,000 persons had received Party disciplinary or administrative penalties, and 12,000 of them had been transferred to procuratorial organs as of the end of April this year. In particular, we investigated and dealt with a number of significant cases of gang crime-related corruption and their "protective umbrellas", including Sun Xiaoguo crime case in Yunnan province.

Fourth, we have established and improved a long-term mechanism for primary-level supervision. Solid efforts have been made to promote supervision down to the community level to ensure the people can participate. We have continued to reduce the burden on the primary level, with adequate measures taken to eliminate formalism and bureaucratism, and address problems involving some primary-level officials who fail to do their jobs, behave irresponsibly, or act with indifference and prevarication. We have improved the mechanism to make the initiative aimed at "doing practical things for the people" a regular practice, continuously strengthening people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. Thank you.


Beijing Youth Daily:

I have two questions. One is about veteran Party members. Last year, the CPC Central Committee awarded commemorative medals to CPC members bearing five decades of Party membership. The awarding of such honors, the first time within the Party, was widely applauded. Will there be such awards this year? The other question is about young Party members. Each year since the 18th CPC National Congress, young people aged 35 and below account for more than 80% of newly-recruited Party members. What has been done to attract young people to the Party? Thank you.

Qi Jiabin:

Thank you for your interest in the work and life of old Party members and also our work in admitting young people into the Party. As we celebrated the centenary of the Party last year, the CPC Central Committee honored Party members bearing five decades of Party membership with commemorative medals for the first time. Nearly 7.3 million eligible old Party members received the medals. The awarding was applauded by the whole Party and society. This year, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee issued the Measures on the Awarding and Management of the "Glorious 50 Years as a CPC Member" Medals, establishing a system for regular medal awarding. The document stipulates that the medals are awarded to those who have been Party members for 50 full years or longer and have consistently performed well in their roles. The awarding is slated to take place once a year, usually around July 1. In special cases, the medals will be awarded to old Party members in a timely manner as approved by the organization department of the Party committee (Party working committee) at the county level or above. The measures also set out specific rules in other respects. You can read the document for more details.

At the beginning of this year, we made arrangements for the medal awarding in various regions and organizations. Now, relevant work is underway in an orderly manner. Friends from the press are welcome to report on the medal awarding and the touching stories of the recipients who have stayed loyal to the Party and made contributions throughout their lives. That's the update on the "Glorious 50 Years as a CPC Member" medal awarding.

The other question is about admitting young people into the Party. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, to ensure the continuity of the national rejuvenation endeavor and the vitality of the Party, we have actively admitted young people into the Party. Each year, we receive about 4 million new applications to join the Party, and more than 80% of newly-recruited Party members are aged 35 and below. We have focused on the following aspects when admitting you people into the Party.

First, we have strengthened political guidance. By organizing theoretical lectures, promoting exemplary deeds, and visiting revolutionary education bases, we have guided young people to study the Party's innovation theory, understand the Party's founding mission, deepen their understanding of the Party, and strengthen their attachment to the Party. As we celebrated the centenary of the Party, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee organized an oath-taking activity at the Museum of the Communist Party of China, involving more than 1,000 newly-recruited Party members. Various localities and departments and grassroots Party organizations also held oath-taking activities to inspire newly-recruited Party members to pass down revolutionary traditions and make contributions in the new era.

Second, we have strengthened education and cultivation in key areas and key groups. We have stepped up efforts to spot and cultivate potential candidates among young workers, farmers, students, high-caliber talent, and workers engaged in new forms of employment.

Third, we have always toughened and tested activists who applied for Party membership. During the fight against COVID-19, many medical workers and volunteers born in 1990s and 2000s expressed their strong will to join the Party, and more than 8,200 of them joined the Party on the front line.

At the same time, we have upheld political integrity as the primary criterion. We have adopted strict standards, procedures, and discipline to ensure that Party members are disciplined through stringent activities of the Party organizations from the very beginning of joining the Party. A large number of progressives, especially outstanding young people, have been attracted to the Party, fully demonstrating the strong vigor and vitality of our Party.

That's all for my answer. Thank you!

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you for the speakers and the journalists. Today's news conference is concluded. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Wang Yiming, Zhang Liying, Zhu Bochen, Wang Yanfang, Xu Kailin, Huang Shan, Zhang Tingting, Wang Wei, Duan Yaying, Liu Sitong, Zhang Jiaqi, Ma Yujia, Lin Liyao, Zhang Junmian, He Shan, Yuan Fang, Yang Xi, Li Huiru, Guo Yiming, David Ball, Tom Arnsten, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.