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SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Water Resources

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on June 18 in Beijing to brief the media on the work by the Ministry of Water Resources to promote high-quality development.  August 13, 2024

Nanfang Daily, Nanfang Plus:

In recent years, global and regional climate change has become increasingly extreme, exerting great pressure on flood and drought prevention efforts. Could you outline the measures the MWR has implemented to prevent flood and drought disasters? Thank you.

Chen Min:

In recent years, extreme weather events have occurred frequently. Flood and drought disasters have grown more unpredictable and sudden. The MWR has acted on the principles proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping on disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. Specifically, this means giving priority to disaster prevention while combining prevention, response and relief efforts; integrating routine disaster reduction with emergency disaster relief; shifting the focus from post-disaster relief to pre-disaster prevention; transforming our approach from responding to single disasters to comprehensive disaster reduction; and changing our strategy from reducing disaster losses to mitigating disaster risks. To achieve these goals, the ministry has focused its efforts on three areas:

In terms of the river basin flood prevention project system, we have actively promoted the construction of reservoirs, river channels, levees, and flood storage areas. Some of our key flood control projects include reservoirs like Yaojiaping in the Yangtze River Basin, Dongzhuang in the Yellow River Basin, and Datengxia in the Pearl River Basin. We've also focused on flood control in the lower reach of the Yellow River and along the Wusong River near Taihu Lake, as well as the construction of the Phase II of the Huaihe River sea channel and national flood storage and detention areas. Additionally, we've implemented large-scale projects to harness small- and medium-sized rivers, reinforce dilapidated reservoirs, and prevent and control mountain floods. Over the past decade, we've increased storage capacity by 163.2 billion cubic meters and added about 60,000 kilometers of grade 5 or higher levees. Over the past two years, we've made significant progress in constructing key levees along the main channels of major rivers and lakes, ensuring they meet the required standards. As a result, all levees around Taihu Lake meet the required standards, and all those along the Liaohe River's main channel will meet these standards within this year.

In terms of rainfall and water condition monitoring and forecasting systems, we have accelerated the construction of "three lines of defense" comprising weather satellites and rain radars, rainfall stations, and hydrological stations, to ensure both longer flood forecast periods and higher accuracy. We have established a modernized system for rainfall and water condition monitoring and forecasting in the Guanting Valley section of the Yongding River, which is the first of its kind to consider the river basin as a unit. The number of all types of hydrological stations across the country has increased from over 70,000 in 2012 to more than 120,000 at present. Monitoring and early warning platforms for mountain flood disasters have been set up in 2,076 counties and districts with disaster prevention and control responsibilities. Water condition monitoring and forecasting capabilities have continuously improved, with the accuracy of flood forecasting for major rivers rising to over 90% in the south and over 70% in the north.

In terms of the disaster prevention and control system, we have consistently focused on the following goals: no casualties, no dam failures at reservoirs, no breaches of important levees, and no impacts on critical infrastructure. Additionally, we guarantee the safety of urban and rural water supplies. We have coordinated responses to storms, floods, dangers and disasters. We have also enhanced forecasting, early warning, disaster drills and preparedness. We have strictly performed our functions in flood prevention and drought relief according to the law, taken thorough actions to identify and address risks and potential dangers, updated various response plans on a rolling basis, and strengthened the unified coordination of water conservancy projects in river basins. By doing so, we have effectively responded to major floods and severe droughts. This year, the Beijiang River in the Pearl River Basin experienced an exceptionally large and early flood compared to previous years. Through effective prediction and forecasting of water conditions and scientific coordination of flood prevention projects, we greatly alleviated the severe flood situation in the Beijiang River. This ensured flood safety for key protected areas in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Next, the ministry will stay prepared to deal with worst-case and extreme scenarios and accelerate the construction of a safe and reliable system to protect against floods and droughts, steadfastly safeguarding the bottom line of safety.

Thank you.

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