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SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on July 5 in Beijing to brief the media on the work by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to promote high-quality development.  July 24, 2024

Xinhua News Agency:

I am particularly interested in the deepening of reforms in the industrial sector. Could you please share what measures the MIIT has implemented in recent years to comprehensively deepen reforms? What are the plans for the next steps? Thank you.

Xin Guobin:

Reform and opening-up is the driving force for the development of China. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the MIIT has faithfully implemented the major decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening reforms across the board. We have developed and promoted a series of reform measures, providing strong support for advancing new industrialization. I will now introduce four key aspects of these efforts.

For example, we have accelerated the deep integration of digitalization and industrialization. We have completed a series of top-level design tasks, including the deep integration of next-generation information technology and manufacturing, artificial intelligence-empowered new industrialization, and the digital transformation of manufacturing. We have planned and implemented smart manufacturing projects and the innovative development strategy of industrial internet, promoting the widespread application of next-generation information technology across the entire industry and value chain of manufacturing. The overall effect has been very significant, with new models and formats such as flexible and custom-tailored production, smart factories, and service-oriented manufacturing continuously emerging. The modes of production and the forms of enterprises in the manufacturing industry are undergoing fundamental changes.

For example, we have vigorously promoted industrial technology innovation. By implementing major national science and technology projects and key programs such as rebuilding the industrial foundation and developing important technologies and equipment, we are fully leveraging the advantages of a new system for mobilizing nationwide resources to build a modern industrial system driven by sci-tech innovation. Mr. Jin just mentioned the achievements in the development of large aircraft. Through the development of the C919 large passenger aircraft, we have established a large aircraft industry system centered on the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, in collaboration with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, which spans the entire country and aims at the global market. We steadily advanced the innovative development of mobile communications, explored and formed a development model highlighting advanced research, standardization, system innovation, network development and application utilization, and achieved leapfrog development – in the 2G era, we were merely a follower; in the 3G era, we realized breakthroughs; in the 4G era, we caught up with the world; and now in the 5G era, we are the leader.

For example, we have adhered to promoting reform through opening-up. In the manufacturing sector, China has already announced the complete removal of market access restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing, welcoming foreign enterprises to invest and deepen their presence in China to enjoy China's development opportunities. In the telecommunications sector, we are steadily advancing opening-up. Recently, we have arranged to further expand the opening-up of value-added telecommunication services such as data centers in four regions, including Beijing. By the end of June this year, the number of foreign-invested enterprises operating in China's telecommunications sector had reached 2,037.

For example, we have resolutely implemented the principle of unswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector while encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the non-public sector. We encourage various types of enterprises to compete and complement each other with their own advantages. We are continuously advancing the transformation of government functions and innovating regulatory approaches, making strengthening services for enterprises an important responsibility in industry management. We have established and improved regular communication and exchange mechanisms with manufacturing enterprises and innovative, high-tech SMEs, fully listening to their opinions and suggestions to stimulate their motivation and vitality. We have supported the deepening of reforms to state-owned enterprises in the manufacturing sector to enhance their core competitiveness and core functions, creating important equipment for the development of the country. We have revised the "Law on Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and issued regulations on ensuring payments to SMEs, building a mechanism for nurturing high-quality enterprises in tiers, promoting specialized, refined and innovative enterprises, and enabling more high-quality enterprises to stand out.

Moving forward, we will thoroughly study and implement the principles of the upcoming third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. By taking solid steps and delivering tangible results, we will ensure the effective implementation of reforms, continuously adding new momentum for development and expanding new development spaces. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Due to the limited time, we will take two final questions.

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