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SCIO press conference on accelerating the construction of a happy and beautiful Gansu and creating new development prospects for Gansu

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on June 13 in Beijing to brief the media on accelerating the construction of a happy and beautiful Gansu and creating new development prospects for Gansu.  July 16, 2024

Economic Daily:

As Governor Ren just mentioned, Gansu's economic growth rate has remained at the country's top echelon for seven consecutive quarters. What has Gansu done to promote high-quality economic development, and what is your next step forward? Thank you.

Ren Zhenhe:

Thank you for your interest in Gansu's development. As you just mentioned, Gansu's economic growth rate is among the top in the country. This progress has been hard-won. In recent years, under the guidance of the new development philosophy, we have pursued progress while maintaining stability, made full use of policy incentives, consolidated and expanded the momentum of economic upturn and have laid the foundation and increased momentum for high-quality development. Specifically, we launched four campaigns to strengthen science and technology, and industry, as well as development of our provincial capital and counties. We focus on tapping the full potential of existing resources, introducing incremental assets, improving quality, enhancing energy and expanding overall scales.

In terms of tapping the full potential of existing resources, we fully leverage the advantages of old industrial bases, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and promote the extension, supplementation and strengthening of advantageous and leading industries. A number of "time-honored brands" are growing into "industrial trees" with solid roots and lush branches. An obvious feature is that the industry has become more dynamic with supply chains becoming longer and the number of enterprises having increased. Since the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), there has been a net increase of 1,059 industrial enterprises above the designated size.

In terms of introducing incremental assets, we have actively integrated into the unified national market, vigorously improved the business environment and consciously undertaken industrial transfer from the central and eastern regions. We have signed contracts with central SOEs for three consecutive years, and a large number of cooperation projects have been put into operation. In 2023, the total contract value of investment coming into the province exceeded one trillion yuan. Juhua Group Corporation's 41 billion yuan new materials project has been established in Yumen, the "old oil city," setting a new investment record for industrial projects in Gansu. The increasing enthusiasm for investment in Gansu reflects growing optimism from all parties.

In terms of improving quality, Gansu has gathered high-quality scientific and technological resources such as Lanzhou University and three institutes under Lanzhou Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS): the Institute of Modern Physics, the Institute of Chemical Physics and the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute. We have further advanced a campaign to strengthen science and technology, and achieved a number of major scientific and technological achievements in the fields of heavy ion physics, biomedicine as well as glaciers and permafrost. For example, the Institute of Modern Physics under CAS developed China's first carbon ion therapy system with independent intellectual property rights, which has now been put into clinical use in Gansu. This heavy ion medical device, a major national project for eliminating cancer cells, marks China's achievement as the fourth country in the world to master clinical treatment using heavy ions.

In terms of enhancing our development capacity, Gansu has 86 counties, cities and districts, all of which can serve as "growth engines" once substantially developed. We have divided the county-level regions in the province into five categories: those providing urban services, those led by industrial enterprises, those prioritizing agricultural development, those empowered by culture and tourism, and those with significant ecological functions. Based on the distinctive local conditions of these regions, we have provided guidance for their differentiated development, nurturing counties with strong agricultural capacity, profitable industrial growth, renowned cultural and tourism attractions, and improved ecological environment. In the past three years, 16 additional counties have achieved a GDP of over 10 billion yuan, bringing the total to 36.

In terms of increasing the total economic output, only by achieving effective qualitative improvements and reasonable quantitative growth can Gansu accelerate its progress and catch up with other provinces. Taking development as the foundation and key to solving all problems, we have prioritized ecological preservation and adhere to green development. We have also leveraged our comparative advantages and strived to develop related industries and projects, achieving progress every year and making significant strides every three years. In 2023, Gansu's GDP reached 1.18 trillion yuan, which was 2.2 times that of 2012. This represents not only a quantitative increase and leapfrog achievement, but also a qualitative transformation and improvement. In addition, this progress also significantly lifts our spirits. We are confident that we will achieve another major breakthrough by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

Moving forward, we will redouble our efforts in three aspects. First, we will seize development opportunities. We will fully implement major national strategies, such as promoting the large-scale development of the western region in the new era. We will position ourselves well, further enhance our strength, and effectively translate national policies into tangible development results. Second, we will strengthen our development capacity. We will revitalize our old industrial bases, foster new quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions, and expedite the construction of a modern industrial system with distinctive local characteristics in Gansu, in a bid to ensure sound and steady high-quality development. Third, we will contribute our part to the nation's overall development. We will strengthen our capabilities to meet the needs of the country, and effectively demonstrate Gansu's responsibilities, achievements and strengths in resources, energy supply, food security and ecological development.

Thank you.

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