ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on unswervingly being the guardian of 'China's Water Tower' and pursuing high-quality development in Qinghai province

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 24 in Beijing to brief the media on unswervingly being the guardian of "China's Water Tower" and pursuing high-quality development in Qinghai province.  July 12, 2024

Shou Xiaoli:

Two last questions, please.

Jinan Times APP:

We have noticed that Qinghai is currently advancing the development of building the province into a model of the nature reserve system centering on national parks, as Mr. Wu mentioned just now. My question is: what are the specific changes and impacts on the local ecology and residents' lives? Thank you.

Liu Tao:

Thank you for your question. The construction of national parks is a topic of concern for the whole of society. Qinghai started its national park construction relatively early nationwide, with a pilot project starting in 2015, as Mr. Wu just mentioned. Qinghai is the only province in China with three national parks simultaneously under construction. The overall work is progressing smoothly. The Three-River-Source National Park, which is a place that everyone longs for, covering a total area of 190,700 square km, is the largest national park in China. Globally speaking, it is also a national park with a relatively large land area. Qinghai has three national parks: the Three-River-Source National Park, which has been officially established and is now entering a new stage of high-quality construction, the Qilian Mountains National Park, which has made comprehensive preparations for its establishment and the pilot work has been basically completed, and the Qinghai Lake National Park, which is under comprehensive construction.

In general, the construction of a demonstration province for the nature reserve system centering on national parks is a major initiative of Qinghai, which demonstrates the awareness and responsibility of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to protect "the water tower of China" and build a solid national ecological security shield. National parks have the highest type of protection and conservation intensity within our country's system of natural protected areas.

After years of unremitting efforts, the ecological environment of magnificent Qinghai is more beautiful. The wild animals living here are more "comfortable," as we can see from the scene of four snow leopards in the same frame. During China's two sessions two years ago, a representative from the Qinghai delegation showed a photo to General Secretary Xi Jinping. This photo, which can be found online, features four snow leopards together. This is rare to see, which shows that our ecological environment is getting better and better. Take a trip to Qinghai and you'll see wild animals such as leopard cats, wild yaks, Tibetan antelopes and Przewalski's gazelles leisurely roaming around. Biodiversity is on full display in Qinghai. For example, the bharal is a very timid animal. Now, it no longer hides from people when eating grass in the mountains. You go your way, and I eat my grass. The bharal live there very leisurely and comfortably. These beautiful and harmonious scenes are the best reward for Qinghai's efforts to strengthen ecological protection, and are also evidence of the improving ecological environment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Looking ahead, through a series of ecological protection measures and restoration projects, we aim to make Qinghai's skies bluer, its land greener, and its waters clearer. This will ensure that the construction of Qinghai's nature reserves system progresses steadily along the path of high-quality development.

The reporter just asked about the impact on local residents. Generally speaking, it has been positive. The harmonious coexistence of humans and nature is gradually taking shape in Qinghai. For instance, in the Three-River-Source National Park, we have implemented a "one household, one position" policy, training 17,200 ecological stewards. This initiative not only protects the environment but also increases local herders' income. During a field survey, I met a herder who proudly showed me his steward's armband with a national identification number, saying, "I work for the country." I could sense his deep pride and honor at that moment. It became clear to me that the vast majority of Qinghai's herders have transformed from being "users" of the ecosystem to "protectors" and from "consumers" to "producers" of the ecosystem.

Of course, with the increase in wildlife populations, conflicts between humans and animals, such as competition for grazing land between wild and domestic animals, do exist. I have two things to say about this. First, in Qinghai, herders' awareness of ecological protection is growing. They feel genuine joy in seeing the increasing numbers of Tibetan antelopes, wild yaks, Przewalski's gazelles, and Tibetan wild asses. It must be said that Qinghai's herders have made significant concessions for biodiversity protection, and they deserve our respect and praise. Second, we will continue to control the carrying capacity of the grasslands through ecological restoration and scientific management, making grazing more sustainable. We will also maximize compensation for the herders through government subsidies and insurance payouts.

I believe that through our efforts, we can surely find the optimal balance between humans and nature, allowing for harmonious coexistence. Qinghai is vast enough to accommodate countless living beings. Thank you.

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