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SCIO press conference on Shanxi's efforts in pursuing high-quality development and advancing all-round transformation

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The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing on May 15 about Shanxi's efforts in pursuing high-quality development and advancing all-round transformation.  July 3, 2024

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Mr. Jin Xiangjun, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shanxi Provincial Committee and governor of Shanxi province

Mr. Wu Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of Shanxi province

Mr. Tang Zhiping, vice governor of Shanxi province

Ms. Zhao Hongyan, vice governor of Shanxi province


Mr. Chen Wenjun, director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


May 15, 2024

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). This is the 17th press conference in the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today we are pleased to invite Mr. Jin Xiangjun, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shanxi Provincial Committee and governor of Shanxi province, to brief you on Shanxi's efforts in pursuing high-quality development and advancing all-round transformation, and to engage in dialogue and answer your questions. Also present at today's press conference are: Mr. Wu Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of Shanxi province; Mr. Tang Zhiping, vice governor of Shanxi province; and Ms. Zhao Hongyan, vice governor of Shanxi province.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Jin for his introduction.  

Jin Xiangjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, members of the media, good morning! I'm very pleased to meet you all. First of all, on behalf of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee and the provincial government, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your long-term attention to and support for the economic and social development of Shanxi.

On May 16, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping made his fourth inspection and research trip to Shanxi since the 18th CPC National Congress. On this first anniversary since his visit, it is very meaningful to have the opportunity to share new changes in Shanxi's pursuit of high-quality development and its comprehensive transformation through this press conference, an important platform provided by the SCIO.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has urged us to focus on transformation with extraordinary efforts and enduring achievements, and encouraged us to take the lead in forging a new path in transformational development. Bearing in mind his expectations, we have forged ahead with gratitude along the path of Chinese modernization.

We remain committed to moving toward a new future and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects the unique advantages of Shanxi. "New" refers to aiming for new quality productive forces as a fundamental task, with a focus on making efforts and seeking breakthroughs in areas such as scientific and technological innovation, new industrialization and new-type energy system. Scientific and technological innovation leads the way. We have been gathering all the innovative elements in the province to build the Jinchuang Valley , an innovation-driven platform, and have achieved new breakthroughs in a number of important core technologies, such as high-speed maglev trains that run in a low-vacuum pipeline and furnaces to grow 8-inch silicon carbide crystals. New industrialization is the main direction. We are focused on advanced manufacturing, laying out and developing 71 industrial development zones, expanding and strengthening 16 provincial key industrial chains, creating a tiered cultivation system for 18 provincial towns with distinctive features, and launching 79 Shanxi-made premium products and services. A batch of new products are popular nationwide and already enjoy a global reputation. For example, we have produced the world's thinnest stainless steel foil , which is only 0.015 millimeters thick. To give you an idea, that's about one sixth of the thickness of a piece of regular A4-sized paper. During his inspection trip at Taiyuan Iron and Steel Group, General Secretary Xi Jinping praised them for "making refined steel so soft that it can even be wrapped around fingers ." Another example is the world's largest ladle crane with a lifting capacity of 550 metric tons, which is manufactured by Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group, demonstrating the excellence of made-in-China products. The new-type energy system plays a supportive role. We shoulder our responsibilities to ensure national energy security and promote comprehensive pilot reform in energy revolution. The number of intelligent coal mines, the output of unconventional natural gas, and the installed capacity of wind and solar power all rank among the top in the country. We have taken solid steps in trying out policies for the country and finding the right paths, and in facilitating transformation and gathering momentum in Shanxi.

We remain committed to striving for efficiency and fully stimulating the internal driving force and innovation vitality of business entities. Our main approach is to promote the benefits of business entities by enhancing the efficiency of the government, making the effective market more effective and the proactive government more proactive. We have deepened the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and the main indicators of provincial enterprises are among the top in the country. We have worked to increase the proportion of private investment in fixed assets and the proportion of the added value of the private economy in GDP by more than 1 percentage point each year. We have accelerated the construction of a high-standard market system. For example, Shanxi is a pioneer in the national power market reform. Last year, Shanxi's electricity spot market officially started operation, becoming the first in the country. The China Taiyuan Coal Transaction Center is the largest coal spot trading market in the country. The China Price-Xinhua Coking Coal Price Index released in Shanxi is the only national-level coking coal index in the country and has become a barometer of the industry. We are striving to create a market-oriented, law-based and world-class business environment. We have taken the lead nationwide in many reforms, such as the "one seal for administrative review and approval" practice, and expanded the coverage of one-stop government services to improve efficiency.

We are committed to pursuing green development and accelerating the construction of a beautiful Shanxi. We have initiated greening programs in the Taihang Mountains and Lyuliang Mountains, promoted ecological improvement for seven rivers including the Fenhe River and Sanggan River, and enhanced ecological conservation for five lakes, including Yanhu Lake and Jinyang Lake. We have made substantial progress in the battle against pollution along the main branches of the Yellow River. According to evaluations by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Shanxi's pollution prevention and control efforts have ranked excellent for two consecutive years. Notably, in Shanxi, a heavy industrial hub in north China, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 has decreased to 37 micrograms per cubic meter. As the eco-environment continues to improve, Shanxi now boasts the highest population of North China leopards in the country. The number of brown-eared pheasants, a species under top-level state protection and selected as Shanxi's provincial bird, has grown significantly. Yuncheng Wetland Nature Reserve along the Yellow River has become a major winter habitat for wild white swans from Siberia. This year, black-headed gulls were spotted at the Taiyuan Fenhe Wetland Park for the first time. These changes have significantly enhanced people's sense of gain and earned praise from visitors to Shanxi.

The ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development and advancing all-round transformation is to fulfill the people's aspirations for a better life. We have strived to promote people's well-rounded development and achieve prosperity for all. Each year, over 80% of Shanxi's government expenditures have been dedicated to ensuring people's well-being. Income growth for both urban and rural residents in the province has surpassed GDP growth. Shanxi has been ranked Level A for six consecutive years in a national evaluation for ensuring the timely payment of wages to rural migrant workers. All county-level general hospitals meet Grade 2A standards. The average length of education for people over the age of 15 ranks among the top in the country. Every year, we have delivered tangible benefits to the public, enabling the residents of Shanxi to enjoy increasingly better lives.

That concludes my brief introduction. Now, my colleagues and I will answer your questions.

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