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​SCIO press conference on accelerating the construction of a modern and beautiful Ningxia by leveraging the pilot zone for ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin

Around China
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 20 in Beijing to brief the media on accelerating the construction of a modern and beautiful Ningxia by leveraging the pilot zone for ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.  June 25, 2024

Jinan Times APP:

Ningxia is an important node in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Can you elaborate on the key measures Ningxia has implemented in recent years to expand its openness to the world? Thank you.

Zhang Yupu:

I will invite Mr. Wang to take this question.

Wang Li:

Historically, Ningxia was an important commercial hub on the northern route of the eastern segment of China's ancient Silk Road, witnessing the once-thriving Silk Road since the Qin (221-206BC) and Han (206BC-AD220) dynasties. In recent years, based on national needs and Ningxia's capabilities, we have leveraged the BRI as a major opportunity to foster high-quality development through high-level openness.

Talking about building high-energy open platforms, we actively participate in and contribute to BRI cooperation. We have received approval to establish the nation's first inland opening-up pilot economic zone. We have also successfully hosted six China-Arab States Expos and three China (Ningxia) International Wine Culture and Tourism Expos. Our international trade network has expanded to cover over 170 countries and regions, and we've established sister city relationships with 62 cities worldwide. Ningxia's "circle of friends" continues to grow.

In terms of developing a high-quality open economy, we stick to the approach of combining "bringing in" and "going out" to create open platforms that integrate comprehensive bonded zones, foreign trade bases and specialized parks. Through implementing the "Three-Year Foreign Investment and Five-Year Foreign Trade Doubling Plan," we've attracted nearly 1,000 foreign-funded and foreign-trade enterprises to invest and establish factories in Ningxia. Over the past decade, the actual use of foreign capital grew at an average annual rate of 8.2%, and the total import and export volume increased by 6.3% annually.

In terms of facilitating corridors for high-level opening-up, we focus on smoothing land routes, expanding air routes and improving customs clearance efficiency at ports. We maintain regular rail-sea intermodal trains from Yinchuan to Tianjin Port and Qingdao Port and have stable direct flights to international destinations like Dubai and Hong Kong. The construction of the Yinchuan National Comprehensive Freight Hub and National Backbone Cold Chain Logistics Base has accelerated, continuously strengthening Ningxia's hub status and channel functions. Additionally, advancements in "East Data, West Computing," west-to-east gas transmission and west-to-east power transmission projects have reinforced Ningxia's position as a strategic channel and its role in promoting China's westward opening-up.

Moving forward, Ningxia will continue to seize the major strategic opportunities brought by the BRI and the large-scale development of China's western region. We will ensure the successful hosting of the China-Arab States Expo, focusing on building a comprehensive platform for economic and trade cooperation, commercial mediation, legal services and cultural exchanges between China and Arab states. Taking China's application to join the International Organization of Vine and Wine as an opportunity, we will accelerate the construction of the National Open Development Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Grape and Wine Industry, striving to enhance the international reputation of Chinese wine. Our goal is to make Ningxia wine a "purple bridge" for China to engage with the world and for the world to understand China.

That's all from me. Thank you.

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