ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on improving rural revitalization by applying knowledge gained from the Green Rural Revival Program

Around China
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Feb. 4 in Beijing to brief the media on procedures that, through drawing on knowledge gained from the Green Rural Revival Program, will advance rural revitalization across the board.  June 4, 2024

Chen Wenjun:

The last two questions.

Southern Metropolis Daily:

To address the issues facing agricultural and rural development, we ultimately must rely on reform. Could you please tell us what arrangements this year's "No. 1 central document" has laid out for rural reform? What new reform measures have been introduced? Thank you.

Zhu Weidong:

To promote rural revitalization, we must effectively utilize the powerful tool of deepening reform. On the new journey of the new era, the tasks related to agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents are more challenging, and the issues are more complex. We must further deepen rural reform, break institutional obstacles, and liberate and develop productive forces. This year's "No. 1 central document" has outlined key tasks for deepening rural reform.

First, we need to consolidate and improve the basic rural operational system. The policy direction to extend rural land contracts by another 30 years upon the expiration of the second-round contracts has been clarified. This year, we will conduct province-wide trials, exploring specific implementation methods, thereby laying a solid foundation for nationwide expansion. The document also proposes building a modern agricultural operation system based on small agricultural households, with a focus on new types of agribusinesses, and supported by commercial agricultural services. We aim to rapidly develop a high-quality production and operation force suitable for modern agricultural development, with a specific focus on addressing the issue of "who will farm the land."

Second, we need to deepen the reform of the collective property rights system. The preliminary phase of this reform, which included asset inventory and share quantification, has been completed. As we focus on completing the second half of this reform, we will encourage various localities to explore diversified approaches, such as property rentals, intermediary services, and asset-based shareholding, based on local conditions and under strict risk control. This aims to promote the healthy development of new rural collective economies.

Third, we must uphold fundamental principles and break new ground. Rural reform has entered uncharted territory, affecting the vital interests of hundreds of millions of farmers. We must stick to the bottom line of rural reform, encourage local exploration and system innovation, enhance the integration and efficiency of reform measures, and stimulate the vitality and dynamism needed for rural revitalization. Thank you.

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