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SCIO press conference on advancing Hubei's efforts in Chinese modernization, building Hubei into a strategic stronghold for the rise of Central China

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​The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 7 in Beijing to brief the media on advancing Hubei's efforts in Chinese modernization and building Hubei into a strategic stronghold for the rise of Central China.  May 30, 2024

National Business Daily:

In recent years, Hubei has continued to make efforts in advanced science and technology, and made especially remarkable innovative achievements in high-end chips and biotechnology. Can you give a brief overview of Hubei's main practices in sci-tech innovation? Thank you.

Wang Zhonglin:

Thank you for your great interest in Hubei's science and technology innovation work. I would like to invite Mr. Shao Xinyu to answer this question.

Shao Xinyu:

As Mr. Wang Zhonglin mentioned, Hubei is a province known for its strong science and education sector, with significant sci-tech strength and fruitful innovation achievements. Over the past five years, Hubei has consistently ranked among the top five provinces in the number of national science and technology awards received. The local transformation rate of sci-tech achievements has also increased significantly, rising from 37% to 65%. This success is mainly due to our persistent efforts in technological innovation and the continuous improvement of our innovation capacities and strength. We have primarily undertaken the following work:

First, we have established a framework to build a matrix of sci-tech capabilities. Guided by the initiative to build Wuhan into a nationally influential sci-tech innovation center, we created a high-level matrix of sci-tech capabilities encompassing fundamental research, technological R&D, and industrial applications, forming the core pillars of sci-tech innovation. High-level innovation platforms, represented by a national laboratory, 35 key national laboratories, and eight large scientific facilities, effectively bring together technologies, talent, capital, and industrial needs, serving as important sources of innovation. For example, the pulsed high magnetic field large scientific facility has attracted nearly 100 excellent international and domestic scientists, technicians, and engineers, achieving several technological indicators at the world-class level. We have also attracted more than 130 top research institutions from around the world, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Harvard, and Cambridge, to undertake 1,894 scientific research projects in fields such as the material and life sciences. One notable outcome is the 20-megawatt offshore wind turbine, the world's largest in terms of capacity, which can achieve overall magnetization and significantly improve performance.

Second, we have concentrated on tackling issues to accelerate breakthroughs in critical technologies. Focusing on advantageous areas like optoelectronic information, high-end equipment, and the life sciences, we strive to achieve breakthroughs in fundamental research, key technologies, and major products. This effort has led to the development of a range of internationally leading technologies, such as electromagnetic energy, brain-like intelligence, and satellite navigation positioning, resulting in the production of high-end products like the world's first high-resolution radar satellite, the world's leading three-dimensional flash memory chip in terms of storage density, and the world's first fully digital PET-CT for clinical use. For example, Wuhan University led a series of research projects on integrating communication, navigation, and remote sensing for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. The integrated BeiDou space-ground system has significantly improved the positioning accuracy of over 30,000 satellite navigation reference stations nationwide to the centimeter level.

Third, we have introduced innovative mechanisms to promote the transformation of sci-tech achievements. We have taken the lead nationally in establishing a technology innovation supply chain platform focusing on practical applications. We have improved the transformation system that integrates government, industry, academia, research, finance, service, and transformation, akin to the "Big Dipper" constellation. Each year, we establish over 20 concept verification centers and pilot platforms, facilitating the transformation of over 500 major sci-tech achievements within the province. The device used for myocardial rotational excision surgery, mentioned earlier by Mr. Wang Zhonglin, is an excellent example. The device was developed based on clinical demands and conceptual prototypes from Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. By integrating cross-disciplinary medical and engineering collaboration and leveraging sci-tech financial resources, we rapidly transformed the prototype into a surgical instrument. This innovation successfully addresses the global challenge of performing "non-invasive, continuous beating heart" hypertrophic cardiomyopathy resection.

Moving forward, we will continue to leverage Hubei's advantages in sci-tech innovation, strengthen original innovation, promote the practical application of these achievements, and strive to build the core engine of new quality productive forces.

That's all I have to say. Thank you!

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