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SCIO press conference on forging ahead on a journey of high-quality development in the new era

Around China
​The State Council Information Office held a press conference on April 29 in Beijing to brief the media on forging ahead on a journey of high-quality development in the new era.  May 24, 2024

I'd like to ask about the Xiong'an New Area. This year marks the seventh year since the establishment of the new area. Can you give an introduction about its development over the past seven years? Going forward, what important plans will you focus on? Thank you.

Wang Zhengpu:

I will answer your questions, which are very important and meaningful to Hebei's development. The development of Xiong'an New Area is a major national strategy that was planned, deployed, and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. During each important period and at every critical moment, he has pointed the direction and guided the way for us. Over the past seven years, Xiong'an New Area has emerged from a blueprint into a lively area. With solid steps and steady progress, we are working hard to develop the area into a high-standard, modernized city. Next, I will briefly introduce four aspects of the area's development.

First, the top-level design of the area has basically been completed. We have adhered to a global vision and international standards to develop the area into a place with distinctive Chinese characteristics and future-oriented goals. We formulated a planning system that sets the Plan for Xiong'an New Area in Hebei as the overarching guide. It focuses on the general plan for Xiong'an New Area, the regulatory plan for the Initial Development Zone, the detailed regulatory plan for the Pilot Area, and the governance and conservation plan for Baiyangdian Lake. Special plans for fields such as comprehensive transportation, ecological conservation, and flood control also support the system. The province has implemented the central leadership's Guidelines on Supporting Xiong'an New Area in Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening up, and rolled out plans to back up the implementation of relevant financial, fiscal, tax, approval, and other policies, providing important support and guarantees for the construction of the new area.

Second, the new area is taking shape comprehensively as a city. The main road network of the Pilot Area is fully open to traffic. The construction of major municipal infrastructure and a group of landmark projects, such as the Xiong'an Sports Center, has been basically completed. The internet industrial park, science park, headquarters area, and four comprehensive residential areas are all taking shape. In the Initial Development Zone, we have begun the construction of the main road network and accelerated the construction of utility tunnels in the northern section of the fifth borough and other infrastructure. The construction of major projects, including the Xiong'an-Shangqiu High-Speed Railway and the Xiong'an-Xinzhou High-Speed Railway, has also accelerated. Overall, we have developed a total area of 184.5 square kilometers in the new area, involving a total floor area of more than 43 million square meters and over 4,000 buildings.

Third, innovation has enjoyed a more favorable environment. Supported by four relocated universities from Beijing, colleges within Hebei province, and some enterprises, the Xiong'an University Collaborative Innovation Alliance has been formed. We have also accelerated the building of the China Aerospace Information and Satellite Internet Innovation Alliance, and a batch of industrial chain enterprises have been launched in the new area, including China Xingwang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and PIESAT International Information Technology Limited. With a focus on talent, opening-up, and other institutional innovations, 16 policy measures have been introduced to attract top scientists, young talented people, master craftspeople and other talented people. These 16 items of Xiong'an's talent policies have gained wide attention across society. Moreover, we have launched a scenario collection and display project named "Collection of Future City in Xiong'an" and have also bolstered the rapid development of technological innovation platforms such as the pilot base of the Xiong'an Science and Technology Innovation Center. The new area has become a hub hosting an increasing number of innovations.

Fourth, people's wellbeing has evidently improved. The administrative division code, postal code, and vehicle license plates beginning with "冀X" have been officially put into use in the new area. Enterprises based in Beijing can relocate to Xiong'an through convenient online procedures instead of on-site applications. The social security card is applicable in both Beijing and Xiong'an. A total of 107 services can be accessed through integrated city services. A housing system has been formed in the new area, which ensures supply from multiple sources, provides housing support through multiple channels, and encourages both house purchases and rental. Under this system, more than 120,000 residents have moved into their new homes. We have also stepped up our efforts in forest conservation. The forest coverage rate was 11% before the new area was established and has since risen to 34.7%. We can again enjoy the beautiful scenery of blooming lotuses and lush reeds across Baiyangdian Lake, which has become a paradise for various bird species. The new area is becoming an amazing city that people look forward to visiting and living in

Next, we will firmly adhere to the original mission of the new area, focusing on creating a city of innovation, charm, and the future. First, we will promote relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital. We will accelerate the construction of the first batch of relocation projects, coordinate and enact the second batch of relocation plans, and ensure the implementation of landmark projects. In summary, in the construction of Xiong'an New Area, we will prioritize relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital. Second, we will focus on construction. We will promote the construction of major areas and key projects in an orderly way, improve supporting facilities, and build a modern urban landscape. Third, we will encourage innovation. We will expand the Scenario Pool of Xiong'an Future City innovative platform, promote the introduction of innovative resources through platforms such as the scientific and technological innovation center, and continue to host the "Xiong'an Trip" series of activities. Fourth, we will create a better environment. We will coordinate the ecological governance of Baiyangdian, focus on the construction and management of the "Thousand-Year Forests Project," and create a model city for green development.

Seeing is believing. I extend a warm welcome to all the journalists present. Please take some time to visit Xiong'an New Area in Hebei province and experience firsthand its development and innovative atmosphere. Thank you, everyone!

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