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SCIO press conference on striving for new breakthroughs to revitalize Jilin in the new era

Around China
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on April 22 in Beijing to brief the media on striving for new breakthroughs to revitalize northeastern China's Jilin province in the new era.  May 16, 2024

Shou Xiaoli:

The last question, please. 

Cover News:

In recent years, the number of wild Amur tigers and Amur leopards in Jilin has continued to increase, and they have been frequently seen "on camera," indicating significant improvement in the ecosystem. Could you share with us the good experiences and practices of Jilin province in protecting the ecological environment and building a beautiful Jilin? Thank you.

Hu Yuting:

Thank you for your interest in Jilin's efforts in ecological conservation. Now, with the growth and expansion of wild animal populations, animal diversity in Jilin has continued to increase, reflecting the ongoing enhancement of the province's ecological environment. Here is a set of data to share with you. The current numbers of wild Amur tigers and Amur leopards in Jilin are over 50 and 60, respectively. While the figures may seem modest, they represent a doubling compared to 2017. This 100% increase in population for these special species is remarkable. New Amur tiger and leopard cubs are born every year, forming a relatively stable breeding population. In Jilin's Hunchun city, the core area of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park , "roadblocks" caused by these special species frequently occur, as is evident from online videos. These encounters are not only seen in our surveillance cameras but are also often experienced by tourists on roads within certain scenic areas, signifying considerable populations for these special species. In addition, the Chinese merganser, dubbed "the giant panda of birds," has seen its population exceed 600, doubling over the past five years. Furthermore, tens of thousands of white cranes and red-crowned cranes migrate and settle in the wetlands of west Jilin each year. Currently, Jilin has established a system of protected areas, including the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, 36 nature reserves and 88 natural parks, with the protected area accounting for 17% of the province's total land. 

Green is a defining feature of Jilin. In the east, the land is adorned with rugged mountains where tigers and leopards dwell. In the west, expansive grasslands and wetlands see the graceful flying of cranes in the sky. In the central region, fertile plains stretch for miles, filling the air with the fragrance of abundant grains. We protect Jilin's ecology as we would our own eyes, striving to build it into a pilot zone for the Beautiful China Initiative.  

For one thing, we have accelerated efforts to build up Jilin's strengths in ecology. Jilin stands as the source of the Songhua River, Yalu River and Tumen River, with five major water systems weaving across the province. The Changbai Mountain in Jilin, one of China's six major forested areas, constitutes a crucial ecological shield in Northeast Asia, earning the acclaimed titles of "Changbai Forest Sea," "Northeast Water Tower," and "Gene Bank of Species." We have consistently implemented the ecological conservation and restoration project targeting the mountain, water, forest, farmland, grassland and desert ecosystems. In recent years, a diverse ecological pattern has emerged, with extensive forests, interconnected grasslands and interspersed wetlands. The Chagan Lake in west Jilin ranks as the seventh largest freshwater lake in the country, and winter fishing practices on the lake have been recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage. We have implemented the Chagan Lake conservation and development project, aiming to restore forests, grasslands and wetlands. As a result, the ecological environment around the lake has significantly improved, earning it a 5A rating scenic spot this year, and making it another signature attraction for Jilin's tourism.  

Additionally, we have continuously elevated the ecological "happiness index." Taking the improvement of ecological environment as a crucial aspect of people's well-being, we have made solid efforts in preventing and controlling pollution, consistently achieving new highs in the quality of the environment across the province. Jinlin now sees around 93% of days with good or excellent air quality, leading the nation in this regard. In the Changbai Mountain area, the air contains over 40,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter. Today, "Jilin Blue" has become a prevailing hue of happiness, with clean, beautiful and livable villages scattered across the province. 

We sincerely invite you to Jilin and experience its lush mountains, lucid waters, fertile black soil, clear blue sky and refreshing air. Thank you.  

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Hu. Thanks to all the speakers and our friends from the media. Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Goodbye. 

Translated and edited by Zhu Bochen, Wang Wei, Liu Sitong, Huang Shan, Lin Liyao, Ma Yujia, Wang Ziteng, Yuan Fang, Liu Jianing, Zhang Tingting, Wang Yanfang, Yan Bin, Zhang Junmian, Xu Xiaoxuan, Li Huiru, David Ball, Rochelle Beiersdorfer, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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