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SCIO briefing on China's fiscal revenue and expenditure in Q1 2024

The State Council Information Office held a briefing on April 22 in Beijing to brief the media on China's fiscal revenue and expenditure in the first quarter of 2024.  May 14, 2024

Guangming Daily:

At present, spring plowing and sowing have entered a critical period. How has the central government's financial support for spring plowing been this year? Are there any new initiatives? Thank you. 

Wang Dongwei:

Thank you for your questions. I will answer your questions. Plans for the year begin in spring. Spring plowing is of great significance for stabilizing agricultural production throughout the year, and especially grain production. The central government has strengthened policy implementation, and funds related to agricultural production have been allocated this year to support a good start to agricultural production throughout the year. I would like to share several points with you. 

First, we will focus multidimensional efforts on the land to help consolidate the foundation of grain production. There are three main measures: First, we will increase capital investment. We are guiding all localities to make good use of an additional 224.9 billion yuan of treasury bonds issued at the end of 2023 to efficiently advance the cultivation of high-standard cropland, and the redevelopment and upgrading of irrigated areas. Continued support will be provided this year through transfer payment to cultivate modern and high-quality farmland with high and stable yields regardless of drought or floods. Second, subsidies for farming have been increased. The central government's subsidy per mu of high-standard cropland has been increased from 1,300 yuan to 2,400 yuan, and local requirements for supporting funds from major grain-producing counties have been canceled. Third, the scope of support has been expanded. An allocation of 5.2 billion yuan will be used for expanding the conservational tillage area of black soil to 100 million mu. A total of 4 billion yuan has been allocated for expanding pilot programs for comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land from two provinces to 12 provinces. We should either grow tolerant crops in such land or transform such land for specific crops, so as to expand the space for agricultural production. 

Second, we focus on strengthening efforts in technology to support cost reductions and efficiency improvements in agricultural production. There are three main aspects: Firstly, supporting the increase in per unit yields for grain and oil crops across large areas. An allocation of 4 billion yuan will support the implementation of actions to increase the per unit yields of large-scale planters of grain and oil crops and promote the application of technologies such as dense planting and precision seeding to increase production. An allocation of 3.4 billion yuan will support the implementation of actions to grow key crops such as grain and oil crops through an eco-friendly, high-yield, and efficient approach, accelerating the integrated utilization of fertile fields, good seeds, high-quality machines, and useful methods and management systems. Secondly, supporting the revitalization of the seed industry. An allocation of 11 billion yuan will continue to support the seed source related key core technology R&D of key varieties such as corn and soybeans, and be used to carry out integrated pilot projects for the research, development, promotion and application of major varieties, implementing policies such as incentives for counties with significant seed production. Thirdly, supporting the promotion and application of agricultural equipment. This year, an allocation of 24.6 billion yuan will support the subsidization for purchase and application of agricultural machinery and strengthen the implementation of the scrapping and replacement of old agricultural machinery, which is included in the new round of large-scale equipment upgrades that I just mentioned.   

Third, we focus on providing support to enhance services and improve the agricultural service system. The main aspects include: Firstly, increasing support for socialized services. An allocation of 8.8 billion yuan will support various regions in providing commercial agricultural services to help solve the problem of "who will farm." Secondly, strengthening the foundation of agricultural talent. An allocation of 5.8 billion yuan will support the implementation of the Shennong elite project, a national program for fostering strategic scientists in agriculture, and the Touyan project that prepares leaders for rural revitalization, as well as programs to develop competent farmers, accelerating the cultivation of agricultural talent adapted to agricultural development. Thirdly, strengthening agricultural credit guarantee services. An allocation of 4.2 billion yuan in fund for rewards and subsidies will offer support for the national agricultural credit guarantee system to innovate and improve products related to grain production, processing and circulation. As of the end of March, there were 1.13 million projects under guarantee, with a balance of 398 billion yuan under guarantee.

Fourth, we focus on creating synergy of policies to improve the grain production income guarantee mechanism. There are four points: Firstly, ensuring the income of grain farmers. An allocation of 185.2 billion yuan will be used to continue subsidies protecting cultivated land fertility, subsidies for corn and soybean producers, and rice-related subsidies, and to increase the minimum purchase price for wheat and early indica rice. We implement policies to reward and subsidize domestic soybean crushing and processing and stabilize soybean planting expectations. Secondly, strengthening support for major grain-producing areas. This year, 57.1 billion yuan has been allocated for incentive funds in major grain-producing counties, achieving 19 consecutive increases. An allocation of 56.2 billion yuan for agricultural insurance premium subsidies will ensure the comprehensive implementation of the policy to insure the full cost and planting income of three major grain crops. Thirdly, fully supporting agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief efforts. Carrying out the approach of spraying pesticides, germicides, plant growth regulators and foliar fertilizers to prevent plant diseases, insect pests, and dry-hot wind hazards is very important for wheat production during the spring plowing season. We have allocated 1.6 billion yuan in advance to carry out this work. In the first quarter, more than one billion yuan was allocated to support the efforts in response to the impact of rain, snow, freeze and drought. We strengthened the assessment of crop pest and disease situations and will allocate relevant funds for prevention and control in the near future. Fourthly, improving the diversified input mechanism. We give play to the leverage effect of fiscal funds, innovating investment methods, coordinating with financial policies, and leveraging policy effects.

That is all from me. Thank you.

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