ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on macroeconomic situation and policies

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on April 17 in Beijing to brief the media on China's macroeconomic situation and policies.  April 28, 2024

The Beijing News:

The central authorities have decided to issue ultra-long special treasury bonds, starting this year and over each of the next several years, with 1 trillion yuan of such bonds being issued this year. My question is: have you made a detailed plan for when and how to issue these bonds? Thank you.

Liu Sushe:

I will answer this question, to which all parties are now paying close attention. The central authorities have decided to issue ultra-long special treasury bonds, starting this year and consecutively over the next several years. These bonds will be used to implement major national strategies and build up security capacity in key areas. This is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council with a view to realizing the overall goal of building a great country and achieving national rejuvenation. Implementing the plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the NDRC has worked with relevant authorities to research and draft an action plan to support the implementation of major national strategies and enhance the country's capacities to ensure security in key areas. Once approved, the action plan will be implemented.

The action plan is goal-oriented and aims for targeted breakthroughs. It aims to pool all resources to help secure accomplishments and solve problems crucial to China's modernization and development, which have long gone unsolved for years and now require promotion by the central authorities. The action plan ensures that high-quality development and greater security reinforce each other, consolidating the foundation for national security and long-term development. The plan coordinates fixed-asset investments with soft power development and eliminates deep-seated obstacles through reform and an innovative approach. Adhering to an orderly step-by-step approach, it pledges to issue 1 trillion yuan of ultra-long special treasury bonds in 2024.

In terms of the areas involved, the focus will be on achieving greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology, promoting integrated urban and rural development, facilitating coordinated regional development, enhancing the capabilities of ensuring grain and energy security, spurring high-quality development of the population, and comprehensively advancing the Beautiful China Initiative. In terms of implementation, we will ensure that projects proceed according to the plan, that investment funds stay with the projects they are allocated to, and that supervision is focused on fund allocation. The NDRC has taken the lead and worked with relevant government departments to strengthen coordination, provide financial support, improve investment channels, and intensify supervision. The priority is to implement a batch of projects that are sufficiently well-prepared and ready for immediate launch. Meanwhile, we will accelerate the introduction of supporting policies for project implementation, eliminate deep-seated obstacles via structural and institutional reforms, and form synergy with major project construction. This will ensure the high-quality implementation of tasks, guided by clearly defined action plans. Thank you.

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