ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on deepening reform and opening-up across the board, accelerating the development of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on April 11 in Beijing to brief the media on deepening reform and opening-up across the board, accelerating the development of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence.  April 16, 2024

Guangming Daily:

Recently, Hainan province unveiled a series of key talent policies, including the Measures for Comprehensively Attracting, Cultivating, and Utilizing Talent in Hainan FTP. These policies represent a comprehensive optimization and enhancement of existing frameworks. Could you please elaborate on the province's achievements in attracting, cultivating, and utilizing talent in recent years, and also share your plan for the future?

Liu Xiaoming:

Thank you for your question. Hainan province has steadfastly adhered to the principle that talent is the primary resource. We have coordinated the implementation of the One Million Talent Recruitment Action Plan of Hainan Province and the "South China Sea Series" talent training initiative, creating a conducive environment for both living and professional growth, thus cultivating a fertile ground for talent development. Over the past five years, Hainan has successfully attracted nearly 700,000 talents from diverse backgrounds.

Looking ahead, we aim to further enhance the integrated development of education, science, technology and talent. We will continuously refine our policies to support talent development, striving to create a vibrant environment where talent from all corners of the globe converges to jointly build the FTP . To this end, we will deploy "five strategic cards":

First, we will play the card for "talent attraction and cultivation." We aim to attract top talent more frequently and effectively. For instance, teams selected for the Hainan Provincial Excellent Talent Team may receive up to 30 million yuan in funding. Simultaneously, we are dedicated to vigorously developing local talents and accelerating the implementation of the South China Sea Talent Development Plan in conjunction with the "Hainan Merchant" training program.

Second, we will play the card for "platform construction." With the operation of Yazhou Bay National Laboratory , the Hainan Deep-Sea Technology Innovation Center , and the imminent commissioning of the commercial space launch site, Hainan province has attracted a string of world-class scientific and technological platforms. These provide the province with world-class research facilities and an entrepreneurial environment, offering a broad stage for talent development. Furthermore, these platforms facilitate the development of new quality productive forces and their important practice bases in light of Hainan's actual conditions.

Third, we will play the card for "reforms." We will enhance the talent evaluation system, placing greater emphasis on innovative value, ability, and contribution. We will explore reforms in the property rights system for scientific and technological achievements, alongside comprehensive intellectual property rights protection. Additionally, we will establish a system that balances the free exploration of scientific research talents with organized scientific research, enabling talents to freely showcase their abilities within the province.

Fourth, we will play the card for "opening-up." We will introduce more convenient and open policies regarding foreigners' entry, exit, and work permits to support international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation. Hainan province, for instance, boasts a visa-free entry policy for citizens of 59 countries and has attracted foreign talents from over 100 countries and regions to reside and work within the province.

Fifth, we will play the card for "services." We will continuously enhance public services, ensuring that talent of all kinds can work comfortably, happily, and with dedication in the province. For example, to address the housing needs of talents, we will vigorously develop affordable housing options. These options will allow them to purchase properties at prices that do not exceed 10 times their annual family income or 60% of the previous year's average commercial housing sales price. Additionally, talents in different categories are eligible for corresponding housing subsidies. We also issue Tianya Elite Cards , which grant high-level talents access to premium services in areas such as children's education, healthcare and transportation.

Today, I extend a heartfelt invitation to outstanding Chinese and foreign talents, as well as graduating students. We eagerly anticipate and welcome you to choose Hainan province, integrate with our community, and contribute to its development. Let us work together to build the Hainan FTP, inspire our youth, and realize our dreams. Thank you!

Xing Huina:

That concludes today's press conference. Thank you to the four speakers and all the members of the media for your participation. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Wang Qian, Xu Xiaoxuan, Liu Jianing, Liu Sitong, Zhang Rui, Zhou Jing, Li Huiru, Zhang Tingting, Zhang Junmian, Liu Caiyi, Wang Wei, Yan Bin, Huang Shan, Yan Xiaoqing, Liu Qiang, Guo Yiming, Yuan Fang, Wang Ziteng, Li Xiao, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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