ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on focusing on the 'five centers' initiative of Shanghai and accelerating the building of a modern socialist intl metropolis with global influence

Around China
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on March 28 in Beijing to brief the media on focusing on the "five centers" initiative of Shanghai and accelerating the building of a modern socialist international metropolis with global influence.  April 8, 2024

Southern Metropolis Daily:

As the leader in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, how will Shanghai continue to play a pivotal role? What are the plans for integrating resources? Thank you.

Gong Zheng:

Thank you for your question. This question goes to Mr. Gu.

Gu Jun:

Thank you for your question. As we all know, the Yangtze River Delta is one of the most vibrant, open, and innovative regions in China's economic development, with Shanghai acting as the core city within this world-class urban cluster. We are committed to fully implementing the guiding principles outlined in General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the symposium on advancing the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Our focus is on both integration and high-quality development, harnessing Shanghai's leadership to strengthen cooperation with the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui. By excelling in resource sharing and playing to our collective strengths, we are moving toward the cohesive development of the Yangtze River Delta. The key is to advance synergies in four areas:

First, sci-tech innovation. We will establish cross-regional bases for national laboratories, improve the planning of the national technology innovation center system, and facilitate joint research within the sci-tech innovation community. There will also be support for the cross-regional transfer and application of sci-tech innovation outcomes.

Second, industrial innovation. We will improve mechanisms for coordinated industrial development, focus on major strategic areas, and facilitate enterprises with trans-regional operations. We will also push forward innovative development among small and large enterprises throughout the upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chains. Our goal is to build world-class, high-end industry clusters in areas like new energy, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine.

Third, opening up. We will actively learn from and align with the best practices of pilot free trade zones, working toward the building of a Belt and Road comprehensive service platform in the Yangtze River Delta. Additionally, we will utilize the leading role of the Hongqiao International Airport as an opening hub, enhance the spillover effects of the China International Import Expo, and promote the Yangtze River Delta's competitive production capacity, quality equipment, applicable technology, and standards to go global.

Fourth, institutional mechanisms. We will formulate and implement a new three-year action plan and advance the formulation of a territorial space plan for the Shanghai metropolitan area. We aim to gradually align public service mechanisms, policies, and standards. Moreover, we will continue to innovate and replicate successful practices in creating the demonstration zone for integrated ecological and green development in the Yangtze River Delta and explore new cooperation models with neighboring regions. Thank you. 

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