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SCIO press conference on leveraging Beijing's strategic role as the national capital, initiating a new chapter in high-quality development

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on March 19 in Beijing to brief the media on leveraging Beijing's strategic role as the national capital and initiating a new chapter in high-quality development.  March 29, 2024

China News Service:

As an international metropolis, how does Beijing continue to enhance its functions as a center for international exchange in the new era? How can it further provide more friendly and convenient government services for foreign-invested enterprises and foreign nationals? Also, we are aware that Beijing has proposed the development of a new pattern for a center for international exchange, known as "one core, two axes and multiple zones." What significant progress has been made so far in this regard, and what are the key priorities for future work?

Yin Yong:

Thank you for your questions. I would like to invite Mr. Xia to answer.

Xia Linmao:

Thank you for your questions. Beijing has always paid a lot of attention to the needs of foreign-invested enterprises and foreign nationals, striving to work on details to make foreign nationals’ work, study, life and travel in the city more convenient. We have created an international version of official portal website in nine languages, including English, French and Russian. Additionally, information services can be obtained by following the English-language "Beijing Service" official account on WeChat. Furthermore, we have built a foreign-related service system covering the entire city, consisting of 416 government service centers at the municipal, district and subdistrict (township) levels. We have 338 service windows dedicated to foreign languages, ensuring multi-linguistic support for various services. The 12345 government service center you are all aware of responses to public needs promptly and is able to handle calls in eight languages; foreign nationals in Beijing can receive many services with their passports; and many services can be provided online, such as hospital appointments, booking tickets for scenic spots and setting up businesses, all from the convenience of their own homes, saving time, effort and money.

Next, we will make greater efforts to address issues that foreign nationals are concerned about. For example, in terms of payment methods, we are focusing on making payments by cash, foreign bank cards and electronics means more convenient. In terms of transportation, we are also in the process of developing an English map of Beijing city, and are collaborating with railways, subways, buses and car rental services to provide better services.

In terms of education and healthcare, in places where significant numbers of foreign professionals live and work, such as the "three cities and one area,” namely, Zhongguancun Science City, the Huairou Science City, the Beijing Future Science City, and the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area, as well as the Chaoyang district and the Beijing Municipal Administrative Center, we are focusing on strengthening the development of international schools and international hospitals and are optimizing the service experience for foreign nationals, including improving services related to medical insurance settlements and commercial insurance.

In terms of communication, we are further improving the process for both online and in-person registration of phone cards. Regarding airport services, we have established overseas guest payment service centers at both Beijing Capital International Airport and Beijing Daxing International Airport. Additionally, we are expanding the construction of airport integrated service centers to provide services in areas such as consultations, payments, tourism, transportation and telecommunications, so that everyone arriving in Beijing can enjoy a comprehensive range of services.

Regarding the spatial pattern of "one core, two axes and multiple sections" for international exchanges, specifically: "One core" refers to the core functional area; "two axes" refers to the Central Axis and Chang'an Avenue and its extensions; and "multiple sections" include various areas such as the embassy districts and the two international airports, which provide robust support for state diplomacy affairs and people-to-people exchange activities within the city. The quality of traditional areas for hosting national events, such as Tiananmen Square and the surroundings along Chang'an Avenue, has been continuously enhanced in recent years. The international communication function along the Central Axis and its extensions continues to improve. The capacity of the venues around Yanqi Lake to host international conventions has been expanded and upgraded, with both the Yanbai Villa and the Qihu Hotel now operational. Next, we will focus on exploring the potential of historical buildings, themed museums, and characteristic hutongs in the core area, aiming to establish a batch of "national reception halls." We will coordinate efforts to improve the infrastructure construction of the Fourth Embassy District. Progress will steadily continue in upgrading the supporting facilities around Yanqi Lake and the major project of the Beijing base of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda. Simultaneously, we will focus on improving the service capabilities of the Beijing Olympic Park. By the end of this year, the main construction of the second phase of the National Convention Center will be completed, and the second phase of the New China International Exhibition Center will also finish construction. The ongoing optimization of the hardware and software environment that is internationalized will further burnish Beijing's global image as a historical and cultural hub.

Science and Technology Daily:

It is well known that the annual Zhongguancun Forum is an important platform for China's global cooperation and exchange in science and technology innovation. Could you please provide an update on the preparations for this year's forum? What are the new highlights compared to previous years? Thank you.

Yin Yong:

Thank you for your questions. Mr. Yu will answer them.

Yu Yingjie:

Thank you for your interest in the Zhongguancun Forum. As you mentioned, it is a state-level platform for global sci-tech innovation exchanges and cooperation, consistently emphasizing innovation and development as its core themes. Since 2007, we have successfully convened this event 14 times. Last year's forum was successfully conducted under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, with the participation of all parties involved. Over 5,000 guests from 86 countries and regions attended the event, with more than 1,160 domestic and foreign participants delivering speeches. During the main session of the forum, 129 projects were signed with a total value exceeding 81 billion yuan. Additionally, over 1,400 journalists from nearly 200 domestic and foreign media outlets provided comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our media friends for their long-term attention and support for this event.

Approved by the State Council, the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum will be held for the first time at the newly finished permanent venue from April 25-29. This year's theme is "Innovating for a Better World." We will continue to uphold a high-end profile, with a heightened focus on its state-level and internationalized features. The forum continues to be jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the Beijing Municipal Government. Nearly 10 ministries and organizations support the event, including UNESCO, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, and the Ministry of Education. Notably, UNESCO will participate as a supporting organization for the first time. We will adhere to a goal-oriented approach, placing greater emphasis on effectiveness and leadership, closely following international trends in science and technology development. We have planned five main sections, including the opening ceremony and plenary session, nearly 60 parallel forums, the Zhongguancun International Technology Trade Fair, and the Zhongguancun International Cutting-edge Technology Competition, among other key events. Furthermore, the forum will unveil a series of groundbreaking scientific and technological innovations to the rest of the world, effectively showcasing Beijing's achievements in pursuing sci-tech innovation. In addition to the main sessions, we will also host a series of activities throughout the year. Since the beginning of this year, we have organized 28 events focusing on cutting-edge topics such as large-scale model applications, cellular and genetic therapies, and quantum computing. Overall, preparations for the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum are progressing smoothly, and we are committed to ensuring that it becomes a vibrant and effective global platform for sci-tech innovation exchanges and cooperation.

We would like to extend a cordial invitation here to scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, business starters and media from home and abroad to attend the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum to discuss cutting-edge technologies, industrial development trends, innovation rules, and scientific and technological governance, and to share innovative ideas and development concepts, making innovative contributions to the construction of a better world.

Thank you.

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