ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on performance of agriculture and rural economy in 2023

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Jan. 23 in Beijing to brief the media on the performance of agriculture and rural economy in 2023.  February 2, 2024


China has completed pilot projects for the commercialization of genetically modified (GM) corn and soybeans, as you mentioned previously. Does this suggest that China is opening up to commercial cultivation of GM soybeans and corn? Are there any limitations that remain? Moreover, what is the plan for the next step in the commercialization of GMO varieties? Thank you.

Pan Wenbo:

Thank you for your questions. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to scientific research concerning biological breeding and its industrial application, making a series of important arrangements. Major progress has been achieved, and we also made a comprehensive introduction in this regard in August 2023. The Central Economic Work Conference in 2020 pointed out that efforts should be made to move forward with industrial applications of biological breeding in an orderly manner and on the basis of respecting science and providing strict supervision. The "No. 1 Central Document" for 2023 called for enhanced efforts to accelerate the industrial application of biological breeding, expand the pilot scheme in an orderly manner, and regulate planting management. In accordance with arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee, China launched projects focused on the industrialization of GM corn and soybeans in 2021, and these projects have been expanded to 20 counties in five provincial-level regions as of 2023, including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Sichuan, and Yunnan. A seed production program has also been launched in Gansu province. The results of the pilot program show that [the GM varieties] performed well in terms of increasing production, reducing costs, and improving efficiency compared to conventional varieties. The ministry has recently approved some GM corn and soybean varieties [for commercial production] in accordance with national bio-breeding industrialization arrangements, relevant laws, and regulations and issued licenses for 26 companies to breed and sell GM corn and soybean seeds. All the planting areas for these varieties must be in line with the national arrangements regarding bio-breeding industrialization.

Going forward, the MARA will earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We will thoroughly draw from the experience of pilot projects and improve supporting technologies and management measures so as to move forward with relevant work on the basis of strict supervision and guarding against risks in a stable, cautious, and orderly manner. We will improve technological reserves and institutional systems, strengthen supervision, and expand the scope of application in accordance with regulations in an orderly and regulated manner. Thank you. 

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