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SCIO press conference on the development of industry and information technology in 2023

The State Council Information Office held a press conference Friday in Beijing on the development of industry and information technology in 2023.  February 1, 2024

China Daily:

New industrialization is characterized by green and low-carbon production. What achievements have been made in pursuing green and low-carbon production since last year? What are the key tasks and measures for the next stage? Thank you.

Tao Qing:

In 2023, the MIIT faithfully implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, made efforts to promote the transition to green and low-carbon industrial development in accordance with the arrangements of the national meeting on promoting new industrialization, and achieved positive results.

First, the industrial structure has constantly improved. The green and low-carbon transition and upgrading of industries are accelerating, leading to the further elimination of outdated production capacity in industries such as steel, electrolytic aluminum, petrochemicals, and building materials. A total of 78 steel enterprises have completed the full-process ultra-low emission transformation of their production capacity, totaling 390 million metric tons of crude steel. The intensity of key pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions in key industries continues to decline.

Second, green growth drivers have been further unlocked. We have continued to promote the building of a green manufacturing system, enhancing efforts to cultivate advanced models. By the end of 2023, a total of 5,095 green factories had been established at the national level, contributing to over 17% of the total output value of the manufacturing industry. A 16-megawatt offshore wind turbine with the world's largest single-unit generating capacity was successfully connected to the grid and commenced power generation. The production of key components in the photovoltaic industry has held the world's top position for several consecutive years. Coastal and inland river vessels are accelerating towards green and intelligent development. The country's first 10,000-ton-level green hydrogen demonstration project was completed and put into operation. The total output value of the environmental protection equipment manufacturing sector is expected to exceed 970 billion yuan.

Third, energy resource utilization is becoming more efficient. Energy efficiency in key energy-consuming industries continues to improve, with over 30% of production capacity reaching the energy efficiency benchmark level in industries such as ethylene. The annual reuse rate of industrial water in enterprises above the designated size is expected to exceed 93%. The energy efficiency of information infrastructure also continues to improve, with a total of 196 green data centers developed by the end of 2023.

Fourth, the comprehensive utilization system of industrial resources has further improved. Throughout the year, 239 enterprises specializing in recycling renewable resources, such as scrap steel, wastepaper, and used power batteries from new energy vehicles, were selected. The comprehensive utilization of used power batteries from new energy vehicles reached 225,000 metric tons, essentially achieving full recycling. The home appliance industry has attained a recycling rate of over 80% for products like refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners through easy-to-recycle and detachable designs.

In the next step, the MIIT will continue to promote the implementation of the plan for the green development of industrial sectors during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025). We will consistently strengthen the "green" aspects of new industrialization and steadfastly pursue eco-friendly development.

First, we will actively and prudently promote carbon emissions reduction in the industrial sector. We will coordinate efforts to reach the carbon peak in the industrial sector and other key industries. We will also initiate pilot projects for digital carbon management within the industrial sector. The plan for 2024 is to formulate carbon footprint accounting rules and standards for approximately 100 key products. We will vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries like hydrogen energy and energy storage. Additionally, we will elevate the requirements for energy consumption and environmental protection concerning outdated production capacities and accelerate coordinated efforts to reduce pollution and carbon emissions.

Second, we will strive to establish a green manufacturing and service system. We will implement the green manufacturing project and aim to nurture 1,000 national-level green factories by 2024. We will enhance the green manufacturing and service system and introduce the "enterprise green code" on a pilot basis. We will fully leverage the role of the national industry-finance cooperation platform to actively create green consumption scenarios in areas such as new energy vehicles and green home appliances.

Third, we will focus on improving industrial energy and water efficiency. We will promote energy efficiency improvements in key industries and key energy-consuming equipment, such as motors and transformers. Additionally, we will expedite the construction of industrial green microgrids in key industries and sectors. We will introduce a catalog of recommended energy and water-saving technologies and equipment for the industrial sector in 2024 and continue to foster leading enterprises in energy and water efficiency.

Fourth, we will comprehensively promote the efficient utilization of resources. We will accelerate the establishment of a waste recycling system and encourage regions with favorable conditions to create "zero-waste industrial parks" and "zero-waste enterprises." We will promote the well-regulated development of the comprehensive utilization industry of renewable resources and strive to achieve a steady increase in the comprehensive utilization of major types of renewable resources. We will improve the utilization system for the solid waste of emerging industries and aim to achieve an annual comprehensive utilization of over 260,000 metric tons of waste power batteries. Thank you.

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