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SCIO briefing on harnessing taxation to promote high-quality development

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Jan. 18 in Beijing to brief the media on harnessing taxation to promote high-quality development.  January 30, 2024

Tide News under Zhejiang Daily:

The business environment concerning tax payments is a significant concern for taxpayers. In 2023, tax authorities launched the "Spring Breeze Action to Facilitate Citizens' Handling of Tax Affairs," rolling out a series of measures to simplify the tax payment process for taxpayers. How were these measures implemented and what are the next steps? Thank you.

Shen Xinguo:

Thank you for your questions. In 2023, the tax authorities conducted the "Spring Breeze Action to Facilitate Citizens' Handling of Tax Affairs" under the theme of "improving and modernizing services to benefit people." We introduced various service measures in a comprehensive effort to increase people's sense of gain and satisfaction. A taxpayer satisfaction survey conducted by a third party revealed that the score rose to 89.24 in 2023.

First, make sure policies deliver solid benefits. The tax authorities have utilized big data to match tax policies with appropriate recipients based on their industries, enterprise types, and individual information. This approach ensures that eligible enterprises receive timely policies tailored to their needs. The authorities have also provided specific information to legal representatives, financial officers, and taxpayers according to their roles and sent timely reminders before, during, and after the business process. Since July 2023, 1.49 billion pieces of information have been delivered to 670 million households and individuals. This strategy has helped achieve accurate policy delivery to the target groups and ensured that eligible enterprises quickly and directly benefit from preferential tax and fee policies.

Second, we have upgraded services and resolved problems. We have improved the system for meeting taxpayers' service expectations and effectively handled problems through coordination across different levels. In 2023, tax departments across the country resolved a total of 814 common demands from taxpayers or withholding agents. By addressing one problem, we achieved the effect of resolving one category of issue and upgraded related services. We have focused on the demands of enterprises facing unstable operations in their industrial and supply chains. On the premise of respecting these enterprises' wishes, we have utilized tax-related big data and provided platforms and opportunities, helping them to purchase and sell products worth 21.3 billion yuan last year. We have made great efforts to address the difficulties faced by small and micro enterprises in accessing financing, deepening and expanding the interaction between tax departments and the banking sector, and further lowering the thresholds for the participation of small- and medium-sized banks. We ensured small and micro enterprises received 8.928 million loans, totaling 2.84 trillion yuan, from banks in 2023.

Third, we have promoted smart tax services and improved the experience for all concerned. We have fully utilized IT-based approaches to upgrade tax services and ensure they are smarter. The e-taxation platform continues to innovate by advancing the "smart opening of new businesses" and promoting the electronic tax payment services on a cross-provincial basis. In 2023, 710,000 electronic interprovincial tax payments involving 84.4 billion yuan were completed, which greatly facilitates enterprises' production and operation. We have advanced non-resident cross-border online tax services. A total of 172 non-resident enterprises from more than 20 countries and regions accessed online tax services, such as convenient data collection, declaration, and payment. Taxpayers have experienced upgraded cross-border tax services.

Fourth, we have focused on clear priorities for bettering lives. Targeted measures have been rolled out to upgrade tax services in areas crucial to people's lives, such as the payment of social insurance premiums and the settlement of individual income tax. We encourage the online operation and payment of social insurance premiums. The online payment of social insurance premiums by enterprises and individuals exceeded 95% of the total. Over 3,800 tax service centers and government service centers nationwide offer one-stop services. The preferential tax rebate policy has been applied to the individual income tax settlement for comprehensive income. This ensures that taxpayers, especially those who have older adults or young dependents or are facing high medical expenses, can quickly receive the dividends of tax refunds. This policy has benefited 33.845 million people.

In 2024, taxation authorities will fully implement the guidelines issued by the State Council on further enhancing the quality and efficiency of government services, adapting to new situations, and meeting the new demands and expectations of the people. We will introduce more pragmatic, effective, and targeted services and measures based on the system for meeting public expectations related to tax services. We will intensify our efforts to improve convenience for the public. Thank you.

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