ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on accelerating the building of a leading country in culture, promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism industries

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Dec. 14 in Beijing to brief the media on accelerating the building of a leading country in culture and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism industries.  December 28, 2023

Economic Daily:

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to improving the business environment. We would like to ask what the MCT has done to improve the business environment and maintain market order? Thank you.

Du Jiang:

Thank you for your attention to the business environment and market order in the cultural and tourism sectors. This issue is of great concern to various parties as it directly affects the interests of businesses and consumers. In recent years, the MCT has fully implemented the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We have continuously broadened market access, developed new ways of regulation and supervision, and worked to create a market-oriented and law-based business environment in keeping with international standards. These efforts stimulate the vitality of the cultural and tourism market and promote the industry's high-quality development. Specifically, we have undertaken the following work:

First, we have broadened market access and continuously unleashed policy dividends. We fully implement the negative list system and the system of fair competition review, delegating the power of government review on a batch of items and reasonably reducing the length of time for government approval. We have promoted the reform of security deposits for tourism service quality, providing travel agencies with more working capital. We have implemented the notification commitment system to establish travel agencies in free trade zones. We have promoted electronic licenses in cultural and tourism markets and fully implemented online administrative approval. We have ensured that more high-demand government services are accessible on cellphone applications and further promoted the government service evaluation system, aiming to streamline administrative procedures and enhance the quality of services.

Second, we have explored the formulation of inclusive and prudent policies for new business forms to boost market confidence. You may have noticed that over a certain period, a host of new business forms have emerged in culture and tourism. Adhering to a problem-oriented approach defined by prudent inclusiveness, we have introduced regulatory policies for new business forms such as script entertainment and esports hotels. These policies are tailored to the characteristics of the industries, incorporating a transition period to create an inclusive, stable, and predictable policy environment. This allows ample room for these new business forms to grow and thrive. We have optimized relevant policies and supported the development of new business forms such as new performance spaces, immersive performances, online shows, and tourism homestays. In this way, we have stimulated fresh consumption scenarios, expanded new consumption spaces, and enriched a new consumption experience. 

Third, we have innovated targeted and effective regulations to continually enhance regulatory effectiveness. Sticking to law-based administration, we have formulated and revised a number of policies and regulations on commercial performances, cultural and entertainment activities, and online tourism management. We have also adopted regulations for credit management in the culture and tourism market, and constantly refined related policies and regulations. We have innovated the targeted and effective management systems such as content source management and the list of prohibited cultural products. We have promoted cross-departmental supervision, "internet plus supervision", and credit supervision in order to continuously enhance regulatory effectiveness.

At the same time, we have attached great importance to the order of the culture and tourism market, responded promptly to the public complaints, and identified and addressed a number of issues in the culture and tourism market. We have launched a series of special law enforcement campaigns to maintain the market order effectively.  

First, we have deployed a series of targeted rectification campaigns to enhance law enforcement and regulation. In response to the rapidly recovering market, we have planned in advance a series of special law enforcement initiatives to address key issues such as ticketing in the performance market and forced shopping in the tourism market. Since the beginning of this year, we have successively carried out targeted rectification campaigns against problems concerning script entertainment, ticketing of commercial performances, and a hundred-day campaign to rectify the order of the tourism market, among others. Statistics show that in the first 11 months of this year, national comprehensive law enforcement agencies for the culture market deployed law enforcement personnel 9.988 million times, conducted 3.348 million inspections, and processed 41,000 cases, effectively upholding the culture and tourism market order.

Second, we have ensured key cases are handled in accordance with the law to create an effective deterrence. Targeted actions have been taken against cases such as e-commerce platforms facilitating ticket scalping for performances, commercial performance activities and art exhibitions containing illegal content, and the organization of minors to participate in performances detrimental to their physical and mental health, among others. In response to illegal business activities in the tourism market, including the designation of specific shopping places and operating travel agencies without a license, key provinces have been deployed to make concentrated efforts to address such cases. This focused approach has guided relevant regions to lawfully handle a number of significant cases with timely public disclosures. 

Since the beginning of this year, the MCT has guided local culture and tourism departments to deal with some typical cases in accordance with the law, including content violations, failure to meet performance obligations, forced shopping in tourist areas, tour guides threatening tourists, and travel agencies breaking contracts. The results of these cases were made public in a timely manner. This has increased legal awareness and deterred various kinds of illegal activities.

Going forward, the MCT will continue to strengthen comprehensive law enforcement and regulation in the culture and tourism market. We will take solid steps to advance a series of law enforcement actions and crack down on illegal activities to ensure an orderly culture and tourism market. Thank you.

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