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Central gov't office for safeguarding national security in HKSAR congratulates successful District Council election

Xinhua | December 11, 2023

The Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Monday extended warm congratulations on the successful holding of the HKSAR's seventh District Council Ordinary Election.

In a statement, the office said the just-concluded election is the first since the HKSAR reformed the District Council (DC) system, fully implementing the "patriots administering Hong Kong" principle and demonstrating the advancement and superiority of democracy with Hong Kong characteristics.

The election has opened a new chapter for Hong Kong in improving governance system and enhancing governance efficiency, consolidating Hong Kong's favorable momentum in turning for the better since restoring order from chaos, the office said.

During the period of nearly half a year from the HKSAR government's announcement of reform proposals to the bill's adoption by the HKSAR Legislative Council (LegCo) and the final successful holding of the election, the overall political and social situation in Hong Kong has remained stable, said the office.

The HKSAR government organized an orderly election in accordance with the law, and patriotic and love-Hong Kong forces competed wholeheartedly in the election, with enthusiastic participation from all sectors of society and residents exercising their legal rights in an orderly voting process within a secure environment.

The office said the election, which thoroughly eliminated previous disorderly election practices, has bid farewell to the vicious divisive rivalry and cultivated a culture of reasoned and constructive elections.

Results of the election fully demonstrate that, with continued improvements to the "one country, two systems" institutional mechanism and safeguarding and guiding Hong Kong's democratic development back on track with the Hong Kong national security law, Hong Kong is emerging from the quagmire of politicization and the whole Hong Kong society has reached the broadest consensus for stability and unity, said the statement.

Noting that all attempts to interfere or sabotage DC elections and Hong Kong's democratic development are doomed to fail, the office said that neither anti-China disruptors nor external interfering forces can stop the HKSAR's determined stride toward further implementation of the executive-led system, improvement of the governance system, and seeking new development and new leaps through good governance.

The office said it will continuously support the HKSAR's governance according to the law and balancing of development and security, vowing to keep building a strong barrier to safeguard national security jointly with the HKSAR and to ensure comprehensive implementation of the "patriots administering Hong Kong" principle.