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SCIO press conference on strengthening the rule of law to support high-quality development

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Nov. 23 in Beijing to brief the media on strengthening the rule of law to support high-quality development.  November 30, 2023

Read in Chinese


Ms. He Rong, minister of justice

Ms. Liu Changchun, director general of the Secretariat of the Office of the Commission for Overall Law-Based Governance of the CPC Central Committee

Mr. Zhang Yaoming, director general of the First Bureau of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ)

Mr. Tian Xin, director general of the Bureau of Lawyers' Work of the MOJ

Ms. Du Yaling, director general of the Bureau of International Cooperation of the MOJ


Mr. Chen Wenjun, director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


Nov. 23, 2023

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). This is the 30th press conference in the series "Embarking on the New Journey — A Government Perspective." We have invited Ms. He Rong, minister of justice, to brief you on strengthening the rule of law to support high-quality development, and to take your questions. Also present at today's press conference are Ms. Liu Changchun, director general of the Secretariat of the Office of the Commission for Overall Law-based Governance of the CPC Central Committee; Mr. Zhang Yaoming, director general of the First Bureau of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ); Mr. Tian Xin, director general of the Bureau of Lawyers' Work of the MOJ; and Ms. Du Yaling, director general of the Bureau of International Cooperation of the MOJ. 

Now, I'll give the floor to Ms. He for her introduction. 

He Rong:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, greetings to you all. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your care and support for the work of justice and administration.  

In recent years, the MOJ has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implemented the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), thoroughly practiced Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and earnestly performed relevant duties of the Office of the Commission for Overall Law-Based Governance of the CPC Central Committee at the MOJ. We have coordinated our efforts to fulfill the tasks related to the overall law-based governance, and taken solid steps to advance such areas as legislation, law-based government administration, punishment execution, public legal services, and foreign-related rule of law. The report to the 20th CPC National Congress lays out specific deployments of promoting the rule of law, and underlines advancing the rule of law in domestic and foreign-related affairs in a coordinated manner. Today, I will focus on how in recent years, and especially this year, the MOJ has performed its functions of advancing foreign-related rule of law to promote high-quality development and high-standard opening up. This is mainly presented in the following aspects:

First, based on our duties, we have implemented the major deployments made by the CPC Central Committee for foreign-related rule of law in a coordinated manner. We aim to accelerate the development of a strategic layout of foreign-related rule of law and the establishment of a system of laws that is applicable beyond the national jurisdiction, improve the judicial capacity of foreign-related law enforcement, and enhance talent training regarding foreign-related rule of law. To this end, we have stepped up research and coordination, and formulated and issued related guidelines, thoroughly implementing the decisions and deployments made by the CPC Central Committee based on our functions. 

Second, we have expedited establishing a well-conceived system of foreign-related laws and regulations. Following the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have implemented the legislation work plans made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the State Council, and endeavored to improve the quality and efficiency of foreign-related legislation. We have worked with relevant departments in researching, drafting, reviewing and revising important and fundamental laws and regulations such as the Law on Foreign Relations, Law on Foreign State Immunity and Regulation on Consular Protection and Assistance. The MOJ is leading the revision of the Arbitration Law to further refine an arbitration system with Chinese characteristics and providing more open foreign-related arbitration services. It is fair to say that China's foreign-related legal system has been constantly improving. Currently, a group of foreign-related legislation projects including the Anti-Money Laundering Law are gaining significant momentum. 

Third, we have deepened exchange and cooperation on the rule of law. The MOJ takes responsibility for conducting international cooperation on the rule of law and serves as the international department (central government organ) of judicial assistance as per the treaties on international judicial assistance. This September, we held the 10th Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Ministers of Justice and General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a letter of congratulations to the meeting. The meeting witnessed the signing of a joint statement among participating parties and secured fruitful outcomes. We have intensified exchanges with other countries and international organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and deepened pragmatic cooperation in such fields as fighting cross-border crime, providing legal services and judicial assistance, and transferring sentenced persons. We have also bolstered our efforts to advance the signing of and compliance in judicial assistance treaties in international criminal, civil and commercial matters, playing an active role in guaranteeing economic growth as well as social safety and stability of different countries through the rule of law. Currently, China has signed bilateral judicial assistance treaties with 86 countries, and treaties on the transfer of sentenced persons with 17 nations. On average, more than 300 judicial assistance requests in international criminal matters and over 3,000 requests in civil and commercial matters have been handled annually.

Fourth, we have sped up to improve foreign-related legal services, which is an issue of common concern. Recently, at the 2023 Asia-Pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG) Conference, we pledged support for accelerating the building of international commercial arbitration centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Hainan. Meanwhile, we have enhanced foreign-related legal work such as work of lawyers, notarization, and commercial conciliation, jointly conducted overseas notarization via video link with overseas embassies and consulates, fostered commercial conciliation organizations, and coordinated all kinds of foreign-related legal resources. All these facilitate Chinese people and enterprises to go global. We have fully leveraged the role of the Belt and Road International Lawyers Association, established legal cooperation platforms for countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and provided higher-quality legal services on international trade, cross-border investment, and maritime affairs. At present, Chinese law firms have set up 180 branches in 35 countries and regions, with over 12,000 foreign-related lawyers. We will stay committed to fostering more foreign-related lawyers of high caliber. Since this year, more than 2.5 million cases of foreign-related notarization have been handled across China, with notarial documents sent to more than 180 countries and regions. In addition, more than 3,000 arbitration cases related to over 100 countries and regions have been handled in such areas as finance, construction, contracts, intellectual property rights, and digital economy. The total value handled amounted to over 100 billion yuan. 

Fifth, we have stepped up the cultivation of high-caliber talent for handling foreign-related matters as well as Hong Kong-and-Macao-related legal cases. We have formulated "Opinions on Strengthening Legal Education and Legal Theory Research in the New Era" with relevant departments, which was issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council. The "Opinions" document sets out a curriculum regarding the study of foreign-related law and the cultivation of foreign-related legal talent. At present, we are expediting the building of national-level foreign-related research bases on law-based governance and improving our abilities to conduct theoretical research on and the application of international laws. In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, we have hosted programs in some colleges to cultivate foreign-related lawyers and postgraduates who majored in international arbitration. We enhanced the cultivation of foreign-related lawyers, formed a national list of 1,000 talented foreign-related lawyers, and constructed a talent pool on foreign-related arbitration, thus providing legal talent support for Chinese modernization. We have prolonged a program for another three years to enable law practitioners from Hong Kong and Macao to practice law in nine cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Some of our friends from the media at present today come from Hong Kong and Macao. The measure has been welcomed by law practitioners in Hong Kong and Macao and other fields of society, promoting them to further engage in national development. 

That's all for my introduction. We will answer your questions. Thank you. 

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Ms. He. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before posing your questions.

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