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SCIO press conference on national economic performance in Q1-Q3 2023

China.org.cn | November 16, 2023

21st Century Business Herald:

We've noted the recent announcement from the NBS regarding their decision to conduct a nationwide sample survey on population changes in 2023. What are the primary reasons behind this survey? Additionally, how do you view the current population dynamics in China?

Sheng Laiyun:

Thank you for your questions. I've noted the media coverage on this topic, which indeed shows the public's attention to China's population trends. The 2023 sample survey on population changes is part of our standard procedural arrangements. According to our statistical survey system, we conduct a full census every decade, specifically in years ending in zero. For example, in 2020, we carried out the seventh national census. Mid-decade, typically in years ending in five, we conduct a 1% population sample survey, often termed a "mini-census." Therefore, by 2025, a 1% sample will be undertaken. In the intervening years, we execute a 1‰ (per mille) sample annually. Due to the associated costs, comprehensive censuses and larger sample surveys aren't feasible annually. Each year, we conduct a sample survey of population changes, collecting and reflecting the current total population, structural shifts, including birth and death rates, as well as fundamental demographic features. The primary objective is to scientifically and accurately capture population fluctuations, providing a solid statistical basis for the central government and relevant departments to formulate population policies.

Data collected from the seventh national census and the population sampling over the past two years reveal significant shifts in China's demographic structure, in line with socio-economic progress. These shifts include a declining birth rate, accelerated aging, and overall population changes. Last year, we observed a decline in the total population for the first time. However, it's crucial to note that our overall population remains substantial, especially with a working-age populace nearing 900 million. Furthermore, the educational attainment of our population is on the rise. The latest figures show that the average length of education for the working-age group is 10.93 years, which is nearly 11 years. Additionally, we have approximately 240 million individuals with higher education. Therefore, despite a numerical decrease, the quality of our population has seen a more rapid improvement, providing a valuable resource for the high-quality development of China's economy.

The 2023 sample survey will include about 500,000 households, roughly 1.4 million individuals. The household survey will commence on Nov. 1, our standard reference date, and will last about two weeks, ending on Nov. 15. I appeal to and earnestly request the households participating in our survey to actively cooperate with the population change sample survey and to provide the necessary information truthfully and accurately. In accordance with statistical laws, we will strictly maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by everyone. We also hope that all sectors of society, including the journalists present here, will actively support and oversee this process. Thank you.

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